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Revelation and

Compilation of the

By: Hana-e-Qalbi
The Decent of the Qur’ān
 According to Jalāl ud-Dīn Suyuti, the
Qur’ān descended in two stages:
 Laoh-ul-Mahfuz to bait-al-’Izza in lailat-ul-qadr
(surat-ul-Qadr, ad-dukhan, anzalna)
 From the heavens to the earth in stages through
out the twenty three years of prophethood of
Muhammad salla allahu ‘alaihi wasallam. First in
(mentioned in surat al-Isra:17, surat-ul-furqān:25)
Why Does Man
Search for God/The
Beginning of Revelation
 Muhammad (S.A.W) would retreat to the cave of Hira to
contemplate and in quest for the truth.
 At the age of 40 he (S.A.W) stayed there for the whole
month of Ramadan
 Incidence of the first revelation
 Angel Jibril came with first 5 verses of Surah-al-’Alaq
 Khadija (R.A) took him (S.A.W) to Waraqah ibn Naofal
who was a scholar and true follower of Christianity. He
informed Muhammad (S.A.W) this was the same
messenger coming to the Prophets before him (S.A.W).
Second Revelation
 Complete Sura al Muddassir was revealed after
a pause that is called Fatrat-ul-wahi. This time
Angel Jibril came in his real form.
 While Muhammad (S.A.W) entered a valley he (S.A.W)
saw angel jibril in front of him (S.A.W) behind him
(S.A.W) his (S.A.W) east west then he (S.A.W) looked
towards the sky and there was Jibril….
Last revelation
ٍ ‫ ثُ َّم تُ َوفَّ ٰى ُكلُّ نَ ْف‬ ۖ ِ ‫ُون ِفي ِه إِلَى هَّللا‬
ْ َ‫س َّما َك َسب‬
‫ت َوهُ ْم اَل‬ َ ‫َواتَّقُوا يَ ْو ًما تُرْ َجع‬
ْ ‫ي‬
َ ‫ُظلَ ُم‬
And fear the day when all of you will be
returned to Allah. Then every soul would be
returned what it earned and they will not be
wronged. (2: 281)
How revelation came
 Ringing bell
 Angel coming in the form of man
Effect of Revelation on Muhammad
sallaAllahu ‘alaihi wasallam
 Perspiration in cold weather
 Muhammad’s (S.A.W) body would become
so heavy that the animal he was sitting on
could not stand.
Why was the Qur’an
revealed Gradually?
Reasons of Gradual Revelation of the
 To strengthen the heart of Muhammad sallaAllahu
‘alaihi wasallam by addressing him whenever the
need for guidance arose.
 Out of the consideration for the Prophet since
revelation was a very difficult experience for him
 To gradually implement the laws of God.
 To make understanding, application and
memorization of the revelation easier for the
Compilation and Preservation of the
 Period of Muhammad sallaAllahu ‘alaihi wasallam
 Memorization
 Writing
 During the caliphate of Abu Bakr (R.A)
 Reasons: over 70 Huffaz were martyred in the battle of
hunain. Due to which Umer (R,A) was afraid if the
condition of loosing Huffaz remain so it won’t reach to the
coming genrations. So he suggested for the compilation of
the Qur’an in the form of a book.
 Zaid ibn Thabit (R.A) was appointed to compile the Qur’an
 During the caliphate of ‘Uthmān (R.A)
 The Qur’an was revealed in Seven dialects
 Hudaifa (R.A) saw people of different areas arguing over
the difference of dialect they were reciting the Qur’an in.
each one of them was saying that his recitation was
correct and the other one is wrong because he has learnt
from so and so sahabi. Hence, when he presented the
situation in front of Uthman (R.A) who was the caliph at
that time.
 Compilation on the dialect of Quraish
Allah takes Responsibility for
Qur’ān’s Preservation
 ’Innā naHnu nazzalna al-dhikra wa’innā
lahō laHāfiḍhōn
 This is the book, there is no doubt in it. (Al-

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