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Map Your

Customer’s Journey

Map Your Customer’s Journey
Answer the questions below for each phase of the customer journey using the target audience
you developed for your selected business

Awareness When is my target most receptive?

Customers are more receptive in peak wedding season. Therefore, I would like to
focus on posting vivid, images relating to couples and wedding throughout this
period on both Facebook and Instagram.

Interest How can I relate my product to my target’s needs?

A minigame will be hold. The winning couple can experience the whole wedding
package all for free providing that they give some reviews about the service of Paola
Snaps on their own Facebook wall.

Desire How can I show my target my product really fits in their life?

We want to offer a trial service which potential customers can design their pictures,
and access to their own password-protected online album through our website, so
they can envision how convenient and unique the service is.

Conversion How can I get my target to take action?

We will offer a 15% discount for the first 20 couples registering for the service in
the wedding season. The late comers will also get 10% off.

Advocacy How can I make my target into an advocate?

The customers will be given a special code. They can introduce the service to other
potential customers and ask them to use the code to get 10% off. When the code is
applied, the recommending customer will also be allowed a 10% discount for the next

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