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Pipeline 1.

Jetpack Jones – Modelling the Head Pt1&2.

Part 1: Preparation..

Points to note for the modelling process:

• List of features listed on the side are the areas we need to think about when modelling. This
is because in cartoon drawing there are a lot of visual cheats and as modellers we need to
unravel these to get something we can work with in an animated space..
Setting up the Scene.

• Open new scene and import Image planes into each corresponding viewport camera.
• To do so go to required panel (in this case front and side) view menu > down to image Plane >
Import Image > select corresponding view orthograph. Repeat for other side.
• Reposition planes to sit on the grid and move back off the grid by -22 (side in the X translate,
front in the Z translate).
• From there place Images onto a layer in the channel box and label Ortho_lyr
To fit in the third image plane for
character reference you will need
to create a camera and place the
image plane in that.
• To do this go to create > camera
> panels > camera 1 > roate to
point in direction of gap> set
rotate to 45 in the rotate Y axis
> then Import Image plane as
done with the front and side
• Imported image will be extra
large in the viewport to correct
this select plane > go to
attributes and down to depth
and change to 25 > this just
show how far everything is
from the camera.

• Then select the camera and line up blue guides to sit on

the grid (use the front view to do so).
• Adjust position if needed, three images should line up
in a curve
Add new image plane to ortho layer in the channel bock, then add camera to layer and turn the
camera visibly off in the channel box.

Dulling the brightness on the img planes as over time they could hurt your eyes and make it hard
to see our mesh. To edit go to attributes > go to colour gain and set colour in black channel to
0.75. repeat for other 2
Creating a Custom Shelf.

Create a new shelf > click little cog on shelf panel > select new shelf > name shelf Custom_Ploy
> and input need tools listed above. To do so hold the control key (ctrl) then the shift key and
click on the tools you want from the drop down menus > should create shortcut icons for you
to use.
Approaching Modeling.

• Series of drawings which indicate how we are going to approach modelling this character.
• These line indicate to areas of detail and the flow of geometry in the face as well .
• Don't work in detail straight away, work quite loosely to map out areas and then once laid
out go back in a refine.
• Think of it as if you are actually sculpting a piece of clay, you rough it out first then go back
and refine.
Part 2: Rough Blocking.
• To start with, create a temporary eye. We need
something to work to actually sculpt our eye,
but also it helps us understand the volume of
our characters head. If we get the eye in the
right place then it helps understand where this
eye socket actually is in a 3D space, as at the
moment it’s not really clear as we only have the
drawing as reference to where the socket
position should be. With the socket in place it
should then be easier to get the volume of the
• Do this by going to create > nurbs sphere >
move up and rotate towards the camera (rotate
X 90) > need to do this so the pole is facing
forward the camera to then be able to create
the pupil of the eye.
• Position and scale circle to the eye size > make
sure to do this uniformly so the circle stays the
same size, as when rigged the eyeball will
rotate. If scaled incorrectly it will cause
problems when it come to rotating the eye
• Once in place freeze transformations and clear
history and label L_Temp_Eye.
• Place nurbs curve onto its own layer and label
• Assign shader to eye by going to assign new shader >
lambert > name L_Eye_Temp_Lamb > apply a ramp
shader through the colour channel > set ramp to a U
ramp > interpolation to none > and set ramp so that you
create a pupil.
• Add in second colour for iris in the eye > set to light
• Create the basic geometry to help define some of our areas and some of our loop areas in
the face.
• Create > polygon cube > make sure it has a mirror line > to do this go to subdivision width,
height and depth > set to 2 > delete half of the cube > move up and scale up > rough out face
shape by moving the vertices into place.
• Adding in more geometry
> add in an edge loop to
the front face panel down
the middle (have it run
through the eye) > do
minor adjustments to
round off new edge and
create curve as we go.

• Add in another edge loop • Create a 3rd edge loop, have • Then round off the back
along the top head it run through the center of of the head by placing
segment to start sculpting the ear the vertices close to the
the head further back of the head.
• Add another loop through the mouth • Add in another edge lop just below the eye to
and adjust verts to suit orthograph. help separate the top and lower portions of
the face.

• Delete section of the neck as we don’t need that at

• Add another edge loop down the this stage. Also want to get rid of the ear hole, so need
center of the mesh to from the to move verts to frame ear will need to add extra edge
edge of the ear. Shape as needed. loop to below the ear and delete ear faces.
• Add one last edge loop to the front of the face.
• Clean up geometry
• Then mirror mesh, to do this go to the
mirror options > under merge settings > set
merge threshold to custom 0.0010 > also
make sure its set to world >X and negative - .
• I had to change the mirror settings by
turning off the cut geometry. As when I
mirrored before the mesh would displace
and enlarge.
Set holes for the mouth.
• To do this select all the faces in the mouth region and extrude > to shrink go to offset on the
channel box > hold the middle mouse key and the control key > bring in as far as you can then
hit delete.

• Then select the mouth vertices and arrange around the mouth line. With have to imagine a
lip line to form the mouth outline.
• Then scale the mouth vertices in as in the front view they will be too wide. Add just verts as
needed. And new edge loop round the brow bone and clean up mesh.
• Add in ne edge
loop round
mouth (hold
shift as you do
so, Maya will
try to guess
the contours
on the shape).
• Adjust verts to
help form chin
and upper lip.
Rough Blocking Outcome.

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