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Math Online session

Date: 25.8.2020
Name of the teacher: Abitha.R
Forward counting:
If the given numbers are double digit numbers and if they are close
together, you can find the difference by counting on(Forward counting).

Backward counting:
If one number is a double digit number and another number is a single
digit number and if the numbers are far apart, you can find the difference
by subtracting the smaller number from the bigger number by counting
back (Backward counting).
2. Choose the best method to solve each calculation given
below. Then write the calculation in the correct column.

68-63= 14-5= 38-32 = 39-6=

48-3= 88-83= 59-56= 78-7=

Counting on Counting back

68-63= 5 14-5=9
38-32= 6 39-6=33
88-83=5 48-3=45
59-56=3 78-7=71
Learning objective: To find 1 or 10 more/less than any
one or two digit number.

Number Number
Number One more Number One less
35 36 44 43
21 22 1 0
8 9 30 29
65 66 60 59
49 50 15 14
10 more and 10 less of a given number.

Number 10 more Number 10 less

50 35 25
31 41 74 64
65 10 0
20 30 57 47
56 66 11 1
1. I think of a number. I subtract 10. The answer is 23. What number
did I start with?
2. I think of a number. I add 10. The answer is 50. What number did I start

3.I think of a number. I add 1. The answer is 12. What number did I start with?

4. I think of a number. I subtract 1. The answer is 24. What number did I start
Learning Objective: Identify and fill in the missing numbers
in the given addition or subtraction sentences.
Missing numbers
3 = 7
a. 4 + ____
b. 8 - ____
3 = 5
c. 7 + ____
7 = 14
5 =5
d. 10 - ____
5 = 7
e. 12 - ____
Missing numbers
25 - 20 = 5
a. ____
15 10 = 5
b. ____-
Follow up Activity:
1. Complete page number 19, 29 and 30 in Math learner’s book.
Complete only question number 1 and 2 in practise.
Please upload the completed task in Google
classroom on or before 27.8.2020.

Happy learning

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