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• Do not interrupt the dining guest

while they are ordering something

• Feel free to suggest things at the
proper time
• Understand the guest’s needs
• Avoid using words describing
• Use descriptive words to describe
the dish
• Repeat your suggestion to the other
• Always be price- sensitive
Role play the correct ways of undertaking
suggestive selling
• Situation
• You are a very efficient receptionist of
AVJ Hotel. Your friend Rose who is
assigned as the waitress in the restaurant
asked you to replace her in doing her task
the next morning because she has to attend
to her mother who is sick. You know that
one of the tasks of a waitress is to make
suggestive selling of food to the customers.
How are you going to do it effectively?
• Suggestive selling can lead to the
growth of the business because the
ultimate aim behind suggestion is
“revenue earning’. The ultimate goal
of every restaurant is profit-making.
Moreover, suggestions contribute to
the guests’ satisfaction, particularly
when there are sincere desires to
really help the guests in the first
Basics to wine and food pairing
It is also imperative to know the
standard food and beverage pairings,
like burger and fries, steaks and
salads, steak and mashed potato,
dessert and coffee or seafood with
white wine.
• True or False
• 1. Suggest food or beverage when
the guest finishes eating the main
• 2. You can make suggestions from
each section on the menu.
• 3. Avoid using negative words such
as “do not” , “not” and “cannot”.
• 4. Use appropriate words to describe
the foods such as; freshly prepared,
delicately seasoned, soft and juicy,
mouthwatering, flavorful and/or
• 5. Be price-sensitive.
• Role play about the proper
suggestive selling with the group.

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