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•Ishighly contagious respiratory


Also called
Whooping cough
Chin cough
•Only affects children below six
(6) years old
 Cocobacillus

 Both aerobic and anerobic

o Bordatella pertussis

o Haemophilus pertussis
o Droplet


1. Catarrhal stage
◦ Highly contagious
◦ Colds
◦ Noctural coughing
o Coughing is present at night
◦ Fever
◦ Tiredness
◦ Listlessness
2. Paroxysmal or spasmodic stage
 with 5 to 10 successive, forcefull
coughing, which ends on prolonged
inspiratory phase or a WHOOF
 to loosen mucous plug on airway
(this causes the patient to cough)
 To loosen thick and tenacious
 When patient is unsuccessful in
expectorating narrow passage
requires long inhalation
 If patient keeps on coughing
◦ He may choke on his mucous
◦ This results to vomiting
◦ Therefore, the patient is positive for vomiting
Due to pressure
◦ Congested face (bloated face)
◦ Congested tongue
 purple in color
 Due to pressure exterted on the tongue by the
teeth when coughing
◦ Teary-red eyes with protrusion due to pressure
exerted when coughing
◦ Distention of face and neck veins
◦ Involuntary micturition and defecation
◦ Abdominal hernia due to pressure exerted on
abdominal wall when coughing
 if patient is vomitting:
 Metabolic alkalosis occurs
 this will trigger convulsions due to
electrolyte imbalance

3. Convalescent stage
 patient is no longer communicable
Signs and symptoms will now start to
Patient is now on the road to recovery
1. Nasal swab
2. Bordet-Gongou Test
o Specimen is nasopharyngeal secretion
3. Agar plates
o Specimen is nasopharyngeal secretion
4. Cough plate
o Specimen is nasopharyngeal secretion
 Anti-biotic treatment
oDrug of choice

Pertussis immune Globulin

For nocturnal cough

oGive mild sedation

 Replace fluids and electrolytes lost

due to vomitting
Important concept!!!

oNo expectorant should be given tp

pertussis patient

o This stimulates coughing

oMucolytics are allowable


1. Complete bed rest

o To conserve the energy of the patient
o Decrease oxygen demand and consumption

2. Prevent aspiration
o During spasmodic attacts of cough
 Holds all feeding and keep patient on NPO
o for children below six (6) years old:
 If bottle fed
 Inform mother that nipples in bottle should only have a
SMALL BORE to lessen chances of anspiration
o Proper position of patient
 upright position in feeding
3. To manage vomitting:
 Monitor intake and output
 Assess for signs of dehydration
 Provide proper I.V regulation
 Provide adequate fluids with extra aspiration

4. Application of abdominal binder

 to prevent abdominal hernia
Important concept!!!

 no permanent immunity from an attack of

Pertussis is acquired. However, second
attack are rare. Age dicreases risks

Preventive measures

 Same as for Diptheria

 But you can kiss the patient because you

(adults) are above six years old (in
Diptheria, all ages are affected)
Group Members:

Gamulao, Learen
Gangan, Ma. Barbara
Gazzingan, Angelica
1.Pertussis is a respiratory infection caused by
Bordatella Pertussis and characterized by
paroxysmal coughing ending in a prolonged
crowing intake of breath.
A. True
B. False

2.Pertussis is also known as;

A. Hacking Cough
B. Phlegmy Cough
C. Whooping Cough
D. Barking Cough
3. A stage of Pertussis that can last about 1–2
weeks and includes a
runny nose, sneezing, nocturnal coughing,
fever, tiredness and listlessness.

A. Spasmodic Stage
B. Catarrhal Stage
C. Convalescent Stage
D. Growth Stage

4. In this stage of pertussis, patient is
no longer communicable. Signs and
symptoms will now start to subside.

A.Spasmodic Stage
B.Paroxysmal Stage
C.Catarrhal Stage
D. Convalescent Stage

5. What particular disease uses
erythromycin as a drug of choice
A. Tuberculosis
B. Diphteria
D. Malaria

6. The following nursing management is
beneficial in taking care of patient with
pertussis except:

A. Intake and output should be closely

B. During repeated coughing hold all the
feedings and keep the patient NPO
C. Inform the mother of an infant that
nipples in bottle should not have small bore
D. Both A&C
7.The following is a preventive measure
pertussis except:
A. Immunization of DPT vaccine
B. Direct contact like kissing the patient is
not prohibited
C. Proper disposal of nasopharyngeal
D. Cover the nose and mouth when
sneezing and coughing

8. What is the drug of choice for
Pertussis patient


9-10 Give atleast two Diagnostic tests

for Pertussis patient
- [ ] Nasal swab
- [ ] Bordet-gengou test
- [ ] Agar plates
- [ ] Cough plates

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