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In The Name Of GOD

c t
i s h
rd Scientific Experiments
The process of photosynthesis
prove the presence of starch
in the green plants
*Alioua ibtissem
*Chelli afafe
Plants are considered one of the most
important factors to maintain the
environmental balance and we can be aware
of this fact through a simple comparison
Experiment requirements
*plant of giranyum(green color)
*a light source
*black cover
*three basins
-the first basin :boiling water
-the second: basin alcohol
-the third basin :water iodine
*the source of heat
*hour electronic
*plate glass
Prepare samples
we take the giranyum and put it in a pot
three leaves from the plant
the first leaf;completely exposed to light
the second leaf;completely covered with
black cloth
the third leaf;partially covered with black
• Experience step
• the three leaves are then put in the first basin of water
2-then the leaves are transported to the second basin of
alcohol and let them for 10 minutes
3-then we put them in the third basin of water iodine for
half an hour
4-get out of the basin the three leaves and clean them
with water
Note the results of the experiment
After cleaning the leaves with water we put them over
the glass and we observe them,we note:
1-the emergence of blue-purple spots on the surface of
the first leaf which was completely exposed to light
2-the emergence of non-blue-purple spots on the
surface of the second leaf which was completely
covered with black cloth
3-the emergence of blue-purple on half of the leaf
exposed to light and doed not appear in the other half
which was covered with black cover
Conclusion of the experiment:
Through the results we can say that the
plant at light can install its own organic
materials such as starch this process
called photosynthesis and requires the
presence of chlorophyll,light,carbon
dioxide(co2),water and mineral salts
Through this scientific experiment we know
that the process of photosynthesis is one of
the most important biological process on the
surface of the globe this process needs all the
necessary condition provided in the external
and internal environment of the plant so that
the process of photosynthesis occurs

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