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Tata Dimas Al Haq

Dr. Adi Nolodewo, Sp. THT

Adenoid hypertrophy in children with allergic disease and influential factors

Author, date
Adenoid hypertrophy in children with allergic disease and influential factors

Muhammed Fatih Evcimik, Mahmut Dogru,

Ahmet Adnan Cirik, Merve Iseri Nepesov


Pediatric Immunology and Allergy outpatient clinic of

Zeynep Kamil Woman’s and Children’s Diseases
Training and Research Hospital.

nternational Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology| Published: February 25, 2015
Adenoid tissue integrity varies among children but is usually maximal between 2 and 6
years of age, after which the size undergoes regression. As a part of the
nasopharyngeal lymphoid tissue, adenoids normally provide resistance against upper
respiratory tract infections (URTI) but they may per se become a source of recurring
and chronic infection . Adenoid hypertrophy (AH) may cause several comorbid
conditions including sleep apnea, chronic serous otitis and sinusitis . Such conditions
are more common among children with allergic diseases.

Allergic diseases in children mostly manifest as asthma, allergic rhinitis (AR) and atopic
dermatitis (AD). AH and allergic diseases are the most common cause of morbidity in
childhood. They are therefore simultaneously present in a large patient population.
There are many studies on AH occurrence with allergic diseases, although the
relationship between the etiology of allergy and AH has not been investigated sufficiently
[5]. In our study, we aimed to determine the patient profile associated with higher
incidence of adenoid hypertrophy and the related influential factors.

To determine the patient profile associated

with higher incidence of adenoid
hypertrophy and the related influential
Materials and Methods
Study Design & Populations
1322 children being treated and followed up for allergic
conditions (asthma, AR, AD) in the Pediatric Immunology and
Population Allergy outpatient clinic of Zeynep Kamil Woman’s and
Children’s Diseases Training and Research Hospital
One hundred children with no allergic diseases presenting
Control during the same period to the clinic were included as the control
Asthma diagnosis was based on the GINA guidelines , allergic rhinitis diagnosis
Diagnosis was based on the ARIA criteria and AD diagnosis was based on Hanifin Rajka

Statistical Analysis SPSS for Windows 15.0 Chicago, USA

In our study, the frequency of AH was
significantly higher in patients with allergic
disease. The difference was significant both in
the whole patient group and in individual
(asthma, AR, AD) disease comparisons versus
controls. AH frequency vs. controls in children
with allergic disease with asthma, AR and atopic
dermatitis has not been compared previously.

When we divided patients with allergic conditions

into two groups as those with and without AH,
cigarette smoke exposure and allergic rhinitis
presence were significantly more common in the
group with AH. These factors were also influential
in AH development in allergic children. Cigarette
smoke causes many diseases.
Allergic rhinitis is one of the most common allergic
conditions in childhood. Nasal pathologies also affect
the adenoid tissue due to both anatomic proximity
and the fact that lymphatic drains are in the adenoids.
In our study, AR presence was more common in
those with AH and was influential in AH development.
In our study, the most common sensitivity in
patients with AH was to house dust mite. On the
other hand, house dust sensitivity was
significantly less frequent compared to children
without AH.

In our study, atopy presence was more common

in children with AH compared to those without
AH, although the difference was not significant

AH frequency is higher in children with allergic

disease compared to controls. The most common
sensitivity to allergens among patients with AH was
to house dust. Presence of allergic rhinitis and
cigarette smoke exposure are risk factors for
developing AH. Children with these risk factors
should be questioned for AH during their routine
Critical Appraisal
Judul dan Pengarang

No. Kriteria Ya (+) atau Tidak (-)

1 Jumlah kata dalam judul < 12 kata
(10 kata)

Menggambarkan isi utama

2 Deskripsi judul penelitian, menarik
dan tanpa singkatan

3 Daftar penulis sesuai aturan jurnal +

4 Korespondensi penulis +

5 Tempat & waktu penelitian dalam judul -


No. Kriteria Ya (+) atau Tidak (-)

1 Abstrak satu paragraf +

2 Secara keseluruhan informatif +

3 Tanpa singkatan selain yang baku +

4 Kurang dari 250 kata
332 kata
Bahan dan Metode Penelitian

No Kriteria Ya (+) atau tidak (-)

1 Jenis dan rancangan penelitian +
2 Waktu dan tempat penelitian +
3 Identifikasi studi +
4 Kriteria inklusi +
5 Kriteria ekslusi +
6 Perincian cara penelitian +
7 Uji statistik +
8 Program komputer +
9 Persetujuan subjek +

No. Kriteria Ya (+) atau Tidak (-)

1 Jumlah subjek +

2 Tabel karakteristik subjek +

3 Tabel hasil penelitian +

4 Tabel analisis data +

Pembahasan, Hasil, dan Daftar Pustaka

No. Kriteria Ya (+) atau Tidak (-)

1 Pembahasan & kesimpulan dipaparkan terpisah +

2 Pembahasan & kesimpulan dipaparkan dengan jelas +

3 Pembahasan mengacu dari penelitian sebelumnya +

4 Pembahasan sesuai landasan teori +

5 Keterbatasan penelitian +
6 Simpulan utama +
7 Simpulan berdasarkan hasil penelitian -
8 Saran penelitian +
9 Penulisan daftar pustaka sesuai aturan +
Thank you

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