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Examine your rock...

Note down one or two things about your


401 Compare your rock
?! ?
Did you know?!
with the other types
o stu d ies
Ape rson w h of rocks... What is
rocks is called a
petrologist different? What is
Our Learning Outcomes
 To describe the features of
different types of rocks
 Produce a guide for use to identify
rock types
 Explain some ways that
weathering can change rocks
Your First Task
• Produce an index/guide for use
by a newbie in rock identification The
“Which R
ock Have
Got?” I
• You need to explain any key ideas O
fficial Ha
ndbook 2
0 11
• Make the information
presentable and interesting
• Include examples and diagrams
Two Possible Options...

• The rock wheel

• A mini booklet
Types of Weathering
Physical methods: Chemical methods:
• Changes in temperature • Acid rain (Sulphur
• Wind, rain, waves dioxide)
• Freeze-thaw • CO2 in rain

Biological methods:
• Plant growth
• Walking
Weathering is the wearing away
of rocks.

Erosion is the movement of

broken pieces away from the site
of weathering.
Weathering - Homework
• Create a pet rock and also a mini-guide to
explain to an owner how to protect their pet
rock from the effects of weathering.
You might include:
What will happen to
their pet if exposed to
certain conditions.

How could an owner

identify certain
weathering effects on
their pet rock?

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