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Theory of Scientific Writing:


Anggun Guna Puspita

A. Definition of Paraphrasing
• Paraphrasing is presenting ideas and information in
your own words and acknowledging where they
come from.
• Etymologically, the word paraphrase or paraphrase
comes from Greek παράφρασις (Paraphrasein)
which in Latin is called "Paraphrasis", which
means "additional way of expression".
• According to the Oxford Advanced Learner's
Dictionary, paraphrasing is a way of expressing
what other people have written and said using
different words to make it easier to understand.
B. Purpose of Paraphrasing

The purpose of paraphrasing is to build

on someone else’s work in an original way.
By correctly paraphrasing you demonstrate
that you have understood an author’s ideas,
and that you can analyze and restate them
without altering the author’s meaning.
C. Characteristic of Paraphrasing
• Original.
Paraphrases should use your own fresh vocabulary,
phrasing, and sentence structure, not the sentence
structure, phrasing and words of your source. 
• Accurate
Paraphrases must precisely reflect  the ideas, tone,  and
emphasis of your source.
• Objective
Paraphrases should not incorporate your opinion.
• Complete
Paraphrases need to include all the important ideas in
your source
D. Types of Paraphrasing

Acknowledge and clarify paraphrase

Summarize and organize paraphrase

Shift level of abstraction paraphrase

E. Steps to Good Paraphrasing

• Reread the original passage you wish to paraphrase, looking up

any words you do not recognize, until you think you understand
the full meaning of and intention behind the author's words.
• Next, cover or hide the passage.
• Use quotation marks to identify any unique term or phraseology
you have borrowed exactly from the source.
• Record the source (including the page) on your note.
• After you have finished writing, check your account of the
author's idea against the original.
• Include a citation, which should contain the author's name, the
year, and the page or paragraph number (if available), directly
following your paraphrase.
F. Example of Paraphrasing

Original Text
Paraphrase in Paper
To the extent that a woman's self-
image is challenged or threatened If a woman interprets the media's
by an unattainable ideal of an representation of thinness as the ideal
impossibly thin female physique, she must achieve, her sense of self-
she may well become susceptible to esteem might be threatened and even
disruption of her self-regard, and damaged, making her more likely to
may be more likely to develop an exhibit disordered eating patterns
eating disorder.

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