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What is a poem?

• a piece of writing that partakes of the nature of both speech
and song that is nearly always rhythmical, usually
metaphorical, and often exhibits such formal elements as
meter, rhyme, and stanza structure.
Example of poem to be used:
• Free verse poem is verse in lines of irregular length,
rhyming (if at all) very irregularly. Note: nowadays
some poets and critics reject the term 'free verse' and
prefer to speak of 'open form' poetry or 'mixed
form' poetry.
Example of poem to be used:
• The rhyme poem The pattern of rhymes in a poem is written
with the letters a, b, c, d, etc. The first set of lines that rhyme at the
end are marked with a. The second set are marked with b. So, in
a poem with the rhyme scheme abab, the first line rhymes with the
third line, and the second line rhymes with the fourth line
Research shows that friends are actually even more important to our
psychological welfare. Friends bring more happiness into our lives than
virtually anything else.
Friendships have a huge impact on your mental health and happiness.
Good friends relieve stress, provide comfort and joy, and prevent
loneliness and isolation. Developing close friendships can also have a
powerful impact on your physical health. Lack of social connection may
pose as much of a risk as smoking, drinking too much, or leading a
sedentary lifestyle. Friends are even tied to longevity. One Swedish study
found that, along with physical activity, maintaining a rich network of
friends can add significant years to your life.
But close friendships don’t just happen. Many of us struggle to meet
people and develop quality connections. Whatever your age or
circumstances, though, it’s never too late to make new friends,
reconnect with old ones, and greatly improve your social life, emotional
health, and overall well-being.

Friendships have a huge impact on your mental health and happiness
that is why as a good friend, as a good friend you are task to compose a
poem about friendship (any concept e.g. sad or happy). Your poem will
be evaluated by your best friend itself using the following rubrics below:
Components Score Criteria
1. Required Elements
a. 2 stanza is observed
b. Content is accurate for valuing friendship
c. Writings has no misspellings.  
d. Written in a short bond paper
e. Value added. (writings are neat and readable)

2. Relevance
a. The poem is related to the topic discussed and make it easier to 5–
understand. Demonstrate
b. Transition of words are smooth and interesting. Transition enhance all 5 criteria
the presentation and provides useful idea  
c. Comprehensive use of words is apparent. 4–
d. The poem includes concepts needed to gain a comfortable Demonstrate
understanding of the topic. all 4 criteria
e. Value added (good values was included) 3–
all 3 criteria
all 3 criteria
all 2 criteria
3. Attractiveness Demonstrate
a. The poem has a catchy and easy to understand title. all 1 criteria
b. Added interesting words, rhymes, etc. to create an exciting poem.
c. Includes elements in the poem to make it more lively and  
engaging like designs, drawings or boarders.
d. Presentation reflects extensive use creativity.
e. Value added. (the use of colors in an interesting way)
•G (goal)
•R (role)
•A (Audience)
•S (Situation)
•P (Product)
Additional announcement:
• Please answer your Long Test #1,
• Write your poem in a 1 whole sheet of paper
• Write your GRASPS in 1 whole sheet of paper,
separate from the poem.

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