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Government College of Engineering Karad


F.Y.Mtech Mini-Project seminar

Under the supervision of

Prof. U.L.Deshpande

Department of Applied Mechanics

F.Y Structural Engg M.Tech
Presented By :
Ankita Pal (19221107)

Literature Review


Discussion And Conclusion

• In urban areas of India, due to lack of space a single frame structure serve
multipurpose functional area such as commercial, residential, parking etc.
• Due to architectural complexity ground floor sometimes even first floor is
used for parking area and some lower floors are used for commercial
complex whereas rest of top floors serves as residential building.
• Hence an attempt to study Seismic analysis of G+10 frame RCC structure
with or without floating column.
• Buildings are analysed in two Earth Quake zones according to IS 1893-2002
with medium soil. Static Load combinations and Response Spectrum
Analysis is done to compare the results.
• Results will be compared in the form of Storey displacements, Storey
Shear, Storey Over turning Moments with & with out floating columns at
base storey in both Static and Dynamic Analysis.
• ETABS 2016 should be utilized for analyzing the above Building Structure.
• A column is a vertical member
which transfers the loads from
beam to foundation whereas a
floating column is a vertical
member which transfers the load
from beam to another beam.
• The floating column acts as a
point load on the beam and this
beam transfers the load to the
columns below it.
• The column may start off on the
first or second or any other
intermediate floor while resting
on a beam to provide more space
on ground floor and other
commercial floors.
Concept of floating column primarily
includes disrupting flow of transfer of EQ
• Floating columns must be designed as a normal compression member.
• At the time of designing transfer beam, it is designed as beam bearing all
that load of column as a single point load.
• It should be remembered that EQ force developed should be reduced
along the shortest path. It means load is dispersed between two
intermediate columns which provide support to that beam.
• High shear capacity beams/deep beams are utilized to provide support to
the floating column. In some areas, the floating columns are inevitable.
So, it is essential to alter code provisions for deep beams.
1.The main objective of this paper to study the
comparison of G+10 multistorey building with and
without floating column building with Response
Spectrum Analysis and equivalent static analysis
method (ESA).
2. To compare the parameters, i.e. base shear,
storey displacement, store drift & building torsion
with Response Spectrum Analysis and equivalent
static analysis (ESA) method.
1)S.B. Waykule1, Dr. C.P. Pise2, C.M. Deshmukh3, Y.P. Pawar4, S.S. Kadam5,
D. D. Mohite6, S.V. Lale7 et al., (2016)
This paper is about analysis of G+5 Building with and without floating column in a
highly seismic zone V. Two models are created such as floating column and
without floating column building. It was concluded that building with floating
column has more time period as compared to building without floating columns &
building with floating column has less base shear as compared to building without
floating column and displacement for floating column building is more as
compared to without floating column building. Building with floating column has
more storey drift as compared to building without floating column. From dynamic
analysis it was observed that floating column at different location results in
variation in dynamic response.
2) Hardik Bhensdadia, Siddarth Shah, et al., (2015) :This paper is about the
effects of floating column & soft storey building in different earthquake zones by
seismic analysis. To achieve this objective, three RC bare frame structures with
G+4, G+9, G+15 stories respectively, will be analyzed and compared the base
force and displacement of the RC bare frame structure with G+4, G+9, G+15
stories, From this study it was concluded that the displacement and the base
shear of the building increases from lower zones to higher zones, because the
magnitude of intensity will be more for higher zones.
3) Mohasinkhan N. Bargir, Ajim G. Mujawar ,(ICETE)  pp 170-
178) Finite element-based software like Staad-Pro has been
used, Equivalent static method and response spectrum
method have been used for analysis. The results have been
obtained in terms of base shear, displacement, storey drift,
time period etc. Based on results it was concluded that
triangular plate in floating column building reduces
displacement and base shear of building.

4) Jinchun CHAI, Supasit PONGSIVASATHIT: (Front. Archit.

Civ. Eng. China 2010, 4(2): 241–251) A method of predicting
the consolidation settlement-time curve of floating soil-
cement column on improved soft clayey subsoil has been
proposed The consolidation settlement (s(t)) can be
calculated by the method of treating a part of the column
improved layer as an unimproved layer and using the
corresponding average U(t) value.
5)GONG Xiao-nan1, , TIAN Xiao-jun 2, HU Wen-tao 3 :(J. Cent. South Univ.
(2015) method is presented for predicting consolidation settlement of soft
ground improved by floating soil−cement column on the basis of double soil-
layer consolidation theory. The influence of column−soil constrained
modulus ratio and radius ratio of the influence zone to the column on
consolidation is also affected by depth replacement ratio. The column−soil
total stress ratio increases with time and approaches the final value
accompanied with the dissipation of excess pore water pressure.

6) R. J. Seymour,F. N. Spiess :As slightly larger stable platforms were

required, particularly for offshore petroleum exploration, the semi-
submersible concept was developed. By placing the major axis of the
flotation volume in the horizontal, rather than the vertical direction, the
need for rotation was eliminated at the cost of greater response to waves
and higher structural loads. As the size of the floating platform and its
anticipated time on station are increased, and the need for mobility
decreased, cost and reliability considerations suggest that the vertical
column supported floating platform may again become the design of choice
7)Shrikanth.M.K1, Yogendra.R.Holebau2, et al., (2014)
This paper is about the behavior of a building having only floating column
and having a floating column with complexities. High rise building is
analyzed for earthquake force. For that purpose created four models and
analyzed for lower and higher seismic zones for medium soil condition.
Analysis was carried out by using extended 3 dimensional analysis of
building a system ETABS. Both the cases show a gradual increase in drift
from base to top story.
Case i) floating column building top story drift = 35 mm
Case ii) Normal building top story drift=39 mm, In this the central
columns are stressed more than the outer columns

8)Maison and Neuss , (1984), Members of ASCE have preformed the

computer analysis of an existing forty four story steel frame high-rise
Building to study the influence of various caseing aspects on the
predicted dynamic properties and computed seismic response
behaviours. The predicted dynamic properties are compared to the
building's true properties as previously determined from experimental
testing. The seismic response behaviours are computed using the
response spectrum (Newmark and ATC spectra) and equivalent static
load methods.
9)A.P. Mundada and S.G. Sawdatkar[5],(2014) : This study is carried out on a
existing G+7 residential building with and without floating columns where the
models of the building include all the components that influence mass,
strength, stiffness and deformability of the structure. a proper design of the
building with floating columns and thus the results obtained are discussed as
the probability of failure of the building without floating columns is less than
the building with floating columns.

10) T. RajaSekar et al, Carib.J.Sci Tech[6],(2014) : analysis of building and

developing FEM codes for 2D multi-storey frames with and without floating
columns for the study of responses in the structure at different earthquake
conditions which is having different frequencies by keeping the PGA and time
duration factors as constant. It is concluded that with increase in ground floor
column the maximum displacement is reducing and base shear varies with
the column dimensions.
11)Pratyush Malaviya, Saurav[21],(2014),entitled as “COMPARITIVE
STRUCTURE DESIGNED ON STAAD PRO V8i, displacements are increased
and base shear are reduced due to the seismic loading in the structure
with irregularity due to columns discontinuity in the structure. It is also
recommended that the irregularity in column is a vulnerable condition in
a structure creating the soft storey effect which also effects on the overall
performance of the building under seismic loading.

12) Onkar V. Sapate [20],(2012) : a G+15 storied high rise building with
different architectural complexities is analysed for various earthquake
zones using the software STAAD Pro. It is concluded that the moment
values considered in the cases modelled and analysed are found to be
increased significantly in higher earthquake zones when compared with
lower seismic zones.
• Further it should study for floating column at top floor and
other position in building.
• Complication caused by the provision floating column on the
internal columns that are more stressed (or) column which is
more stressed should be studies.
• Floating column in irregular geometry
• Research can also be done on steel floating column.
Discussion and Conclusion
Following are the conclusions which are drawn on the basis of the above study.
• It is observed that the displacements in both directions for Construction
Sequence Analysis (CSA) models for with floating and without floating are
decreased as we go to higher stories which in turn is a key factor when the
displacement based design is done, and CSA proves to be more economical for
displacement based design of high rise buildings.
• There is a large variation in the storey drift for Construction Sequence Analysis
(CSA) models for with floating and without floating in both directions as
compared to EQ models. The storey drift increases as the height increases,
which may affect the performance of the structure when subjected to
earthquake forces.
• Base shear for both Construction Sequence Analysis (CSA) models for with and
without floating columns are reduced as we go to above storey which in turn
reduces the design for economy as compared with Equivalent Static Analysis
• The CSA models for with floating and without floating in both directions have
reduced the effect of Torsion as the top stories are considered, the design.
[1]Gong, X., Tian, X. & Hu, W.: Simplified method for predicating consolidation settlement of soft ground
improved by floating soil-cement column. J. Cent. South Univ. 22, 2699–2706 (2015).
[2] S.B. Waykule1, Dr. C.P. Pise2, C.M. Deshmukh3, Y.P. Pawar4, S.S. Kadam5, D. D. Mohite6, S.V. Lale7 “
Study of behavior of floating column For seismic analysis of
multistory Building”, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) Volume 7, Issue 6,
November-December 2016, pages. 676–685.
[3] Hardik. Bhensdadia (2015) Pushover analysis of RC structure with floating column and soft storey in
different earthquake zones, frame International Journal
of Research in Engineering and Technology. Volume: 04 Issue: 04 | Apr-2015.
[4] Shrikanth. M.K (2014) –Seismic response of complex building with floating column and without floating
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2.,Issue.4, 2014 .ISSN: 2321-7758
[5] IS 1893 (Part-1) 2002. “Criteria for earthquake resistant Design of structures for seismic loads.”
[6] IS 875 (Part-1) 1987. “Code of practice for Design dead loads for buildings and structures.”
[7]T. RajaSekar et al, Carib.J.Sci Tech(2014),“Study Of Behaviour Of Seismic Analysis Of Multi-Storied
Building With And Without Floating Column”, Research Article, Caribbean Journal of Science and
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[8] Seymour R.J., Spiess F.N. (1985) Large Column-Supported Floating Platforms. In: Kato W. et al. (eds)
Ocean Space Utilization ’85. Springer, Tokyo
7) Garcia Reyes, Hajirasouliha Iman, Pilakoutas Kypros, (2010),”Seismic
behaviour of deficient RC frames strengthened with CFRP composites”.
Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 3075-3085.
8) Hartley Gilbert and Abdel-Akher Ahmed, “Analysis of building frames”
Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 119, No. 2, Page no:468-483, 1993.
9) Criteria for Earthquake Resistant design of structures, Part1: General
provisions and
buildings, IS1893:2002, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
10) IS 875 (Part-I) Bureau of Indian Standards (1987) Code of Practice for
Design Loads (Other than Earthquake) for Buildings and Structures: Dead
Loads-Unit Weights of Building Materials
and Stored Materials (Second Revision). UDC 624.042: 006.76.
11) IS 875 (Part-II) Bureau of Indian Standards (1987) Code of Practice for
Design Loads For Buildings and Structures: Imposed Loads (Second Revision).
12) Chai, J., Pongsivasathit, S. A method for predicting consolidation
settlements of floating column improved clayey subsoil. Front. Archit. Civ.
Eng. China 4, 241–251 (2010)
13) Bargir M.N., Mujawar A.G. (2020) Earthquake Analysis of High-Rise
Building with Floating Column. In: Satapathy S., Raju K., Molugaram K.,
Krishnaiah A., Tsihrintzis G. (eds) International Conference on Emerging
Trends in Engineering (ICETE)

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