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Lifelong Learning

By: Catina Villanueva

Education and Learning
● Ever since I was a little girl I loved to learned and I loved school.
● Things changed when I became older. I was more into who did I have in my class which
friends could I sit by and passing my classes so I could graduate.
● Learning made me happy when I was younger and it does now. It high school it was difficult
for me to learn because I was joining the Army so to me there was no interest in anything for
me to learn.
● Now that I am in college learning has become very important to me, because if I don’t learn
then I won’t be able to pass college.
● What I have learned about myself is that I have a growth mindset.
● I rather learn than to pass something at least that’s what the survey
said, and I believe that to be wrong.
● On strategies for success I found spacing effect to work really well for
● Now that I am looking through the list I may try metacognition.
Career Applications of Education
● I believe that education in society is 50/50. Some people believe school isn’t for everyone
which is right and the other half believe you can’t get a decent job without a college degree.
● My education will help me achieve my goals because it’s helping me learn things I will need
in my career one day.
● It is helping me become a better learner and organizer.
● This class will help me in my career by getting to know people on a better level.
● I want to become a nurse so it’s helping me learn things about us human beings and how the
world around us works.
Lifelong Learning
● I will always be engaged in lifelong learning because from now on till 2026 I will
be taking college classes.
● I am always going to have room for learning and having a growing mindset. I will
continue to learn everyday not just with schooling, but other things as well such
as cooking recipes, cleaning habitas, life habits and more.
● I can inspire others to become lifelong learners by explaining to them how it has
helped me become a better student.
● Show them how it can benefit them and their work environment.

Lifelong Lear
ning | 4 Simpl
e Steps to Be
come A Lifelo
ng Learner

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