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Asst. Professor, Hajvery University (HU)
Learning Outcomes for this Lecture:

Principles of Coordination

Techniques of Coordination
Four principles for effective coordination:

1. Direct personal contact

2. Early beginning

3. Reciprocity

4. Continuity

Introduction to management by anwark kakar

1. Direct personal contact: According to this principle co-
ordination is best achieved through direct personal contact
with people concerned.

Introduction to management by anwark kakar

2. Early beginning: Coordination can be achieved more easily
in early stages of planning and policy-making.

Introduction to management by anwark kakar

3. Reciprocity:
When people appreciate the reciprocity of relations, they avoid
unilateral action and co-ordination becomes easier.

Introduction to management by anwark kakar

4. Continuity:
Coordination is an on-going or never-ending process rather
than a once-for-all activity.

Introduction to management by anwark kakar

Techniques of Coordination
For effective coordination following techniques can be

1. Sound planning 6. Indoctrination and incentives

2. Simplified organization 7. Liaison departments

3. Effective communication 8. General staff

4.Effective leadership and supervision 9. Voluntary coordination

5. Chain of command

Introduction to management by anwark kakar

1. Sound planning:
Planning is the ideal stage for coordination. Clear-cut
objectives, harmonized policies and unified procedures
and rules ensure uniformity of action.

Introduction to management by anwark kakar

2. Simplified organization:
Related activities should be grouped together in one
department or unit. Too much specialization should be
avoided as it tends to make every unit an end in itself.

Introduction to management by anwark kakar

3. Effective communication:
Committees help to promote unity of purpose and uniformity
of action among different departments.

Introduction to management by anwark kakar

4. Effective leadership and supervision:
Sound leadership can persuade subordinates to have
identity of interest and to adopt a common outlook. Personal
supervision is an important method of resolving differences
of opinion.

Introduction to management by anwark kakar

5. Chain of command:
Authority is the supreme coordinating power in an
organization. Exercise of authority through the chain of
command or hierarchy is the traditional means of co-

Introduction to management by anwark kakar

6. Indoctrination and incentives: Indoctrinating
organizational members with the goals and mission of the
organization can transform a neutral body into a committed
body. Similarly incentives may be used to create mutuality of
interest and to reduce conflicts.

Introduction to management by anwark kakar

7. Liaison departments:
A project coordinator is appointed to coordinate the
activities of various functionaries in a project which is to be
completed within a specified period of time.

Introduction to management by anwark kakar

8. General staff:
A common staff group serves as the clearing house of
information and specialized advice to all department of the
enterprise. Such general staff is very helpful in achieving
inter-departmental or horizontal co-ordination.

Introduction to management by anwark kakar

9. Voluntary coordination:
When every organizational unit appreciates the workings of
related units and modifies its own functioning to suit them,
there is self-coordination.

Introduction to management by anwark kakar

Problems of Coordination
Problems of co-ordination exist both horizontally and vertically
in the organization. The impact of horizontal co-ordination is
much higher than that of vertical co-ordination. Under
horizontal co-ordination, the dissimilar activities of many
hybrid units are to be harmonized and unified with overall
objectives and fixed patterns of behavior of the enterprise

Introduction to management by anwark kakar

Vertical co-ordination on the other hand demands the
symmetrical action of people at various levels for
accomplishing enterprise objectives through the linkage of
individual contributions to the total performance.

Introduction to management by anwark kakar

In today’s lecture students learned about:

• Principles of co-ordination

• Techniques of Co-ordination
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