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Communicative Task 1: My Last

Danna Vanessa Serrato
Id: 376351
My first destination was the city of Cali
 That trip was with the university, it was terrestrial in a
bus that the university contracted, we arrived in the
city around midnight and stayed at once, in a hotel
that was near the park in the center of Cali
My second destination was to the city
of Coveñas
 He traveled with work, I had to travel by land by bus,
it took me 2 days traveling and well, the cool thing
was that I did not know.
My third destination was Orito-
 He traveled with work, that day I had to travel by
plane, and it was the first time I had the experience of
traveling, it took about 3 hours for the flight, from
there I arrived at Puerto Asis and I had to take a car to

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