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गर्भ शारीर

Garbha evam Garbha

Sambhava saamagri
गर्भ परिभाषा/व्याख्या
• शुक्रशोणितं गर्भाशयस्थमात्मप्रकृ तिविकारसम्मूर्च्छितं ‘गर्भ’ इत्युच्यते |
• Su sha 5/3
• शुक्र and शोणित unites and combines/conglomerates with आत्मा, अष्ट प्रकृ ति
(अव्यक्त , महत, अहङ्कार, पञ्चःतन्मत्रा), षोडश विकार (पञ्चमाहभूत, पञ्चकर्मेन्द्रिय, पञ्चज्ञानेन्द्रिय, मनस ),
in uterus is called as गर्भ.
• शुक्रशोणितजीवसंयोगे तु खलु कु क्षिगते गर्भसञ्ज्ञा भवति||५||
• Ch Sha 4/5
• The union of शुक्र, शोणित, जीव in the कु क्षि (womb) is designated as गर्भ.
• कु क्षिगते इति कु क्ष्येकदेशगतगर्भाशयगते| chakrapani
• The term कु क्षि stands for abdomen as a whole. But here it stands for
only that part of abdomen which is known as womb the site of
formation of embryo.

अवक्रान्ति going near to descending.

शुद्धे शुक्रार्तवे सत्व: स्वकर्मक्ले शचोदितः |
गर्भः संपन्ध्यते युक्तिवशादग्निरिवारणै || अ हृ शा 1/1
सत्व (आत्म) Impelled by the afflictions of his own past actions entering
into the (union of) शुद्ध pure ( unvitiated by दोषा) शुक्र, शुद्ध आर्तव (Ovum) gives
rise to formation of the गर्भ in an orderly manner just like the fire from
two pieces of wood rubbing
गर्भ संभव(उत्पत्ति) सामग्री/ essential elements for formation of embryo

ध्रुवं चतुर्णां सान्निध्याद्गर्भः स्याद्विधिपूर्वकम् |
ऋतुक्षेत्राम्बुबीजानां सामग्र्यादङ्कु रो यथा ||३३|| sus ha 2/33
The essential ingredients needed for the formation of गर्भ has been
explained with an example of plant sapling. As sprout comes out by the
aggregate of ऋतु (season) क्षेत्र (soil), अम्बु (water), बीजा (seed). Conception takes
place positively if these four factors ऋतु (women’s reproductive period/
Ovulation period) क्षेत्र (Uterus), अम्बु (pervading रस धातु formed by the digested
food), बीजा (ovum and sperm) are combined properly.
Thus born worthy sons are handsome having prominence of सत्व and long
life span, free from father debits and thus prove benefactors to their father
ऋतु means ideal season for sowing the seed and for plant to grow same rule applicable for गर्भ also.

ऋतुस्तु द्वादशरात्रं भवति दृष्टार्तवः; अदृष्टार्तवाऽप्यस्तीत्येके  भाषन्ते ||६|| सु शा 3/6

ऋतु has many meanings as per dictionary among them the most suitable meaning in this context should
1. period favourable for conception.
2. proper time to have conception.
Regarding the first meaning it can be related to female as the ऋतु काल which is period favourable for
ऋतुस्तु द्वादशरात्रं भवति दृष्टार्तवः; अदृष्टार्तवाऽप्यस्तीत्येके  भाषन्ते ||६||
ऋतु (season or period of conception) is of 12 days when आर्तव is manifested some आचार्या says that it is a
present even when the menses is not visible in women . द्वादशरात्रं 12 days living first three days and last
one day which are not fit for conception.
ऋतु word has been used to denote both menstrual period and period of ovulation. those who take 16
days as a ऋतु integrate both while सुश्रुत has a clearly taken as the period of ovulation. the world दृष्टार्तवा is a
significant which means the period of menstruation is already finished.
In सुश्रुत शारीर 2nd chapter it is the told that

• performing sexual intercourse on the first day with menstruating women is

unwholesome for life of the man, more over if the conception takes place the
foetus dies during delivery.
• on the second day also the same consequences or death of the child in
Labour room takes place.
• On the third day too the child would be with incomplete body parts are short
• if conceived on 4th day it is with fully complete body parts and Long Lived.
• The Seed (Semen) entered against the flowing menstrual blood is not effective
as in a river some floating substance thrown against the current comes back
The second meaning right time for conception
The second meaning right time for conception can be related to both sexes that is आचार्य has explain the proper time to
have conception as गर्भादान काल for both male and female as
ऊनषोडशवर्षायामप्राप्तः  पञ्चविंशतिम् |
यध्याधत्ते पुमान् गर्भं कु क्षिस्थः स विपध्यते ||५४||
जातो वा न चिरं जीवेज्जीवेद्वा दुर्बलेन्द्रियः |
तस्मादत्यन्तबालायां गर्भाधानं न कारयेत्  ||५५||
सु.शा 10/54-55
if a man less than 25 years makes a girl less than 16 years conceived the foetus is destroyed in the uterus itself
even if born it does not live long or if lives possesses debilitated organs hence should not make very young girl
अतिवृद्धायां दीर्घरोगिण्यामन्येन वा विकारेणोपसृष्टायां गर्भाधानं नैव कु र्वीत |
सु.शा 10/56 
Similarly, the woman too old, chronically ill or suffering from other disorder should not be made pregnant. In case of
such males the same demerits will be there.
पूर्ण षोडशवर्षा स्त्री पूर्णे विंशेन सङ्गता ||
श्द्धेगर्भाशये मार्गे रक्ते शुक्रे अनिले हृदि |
वीर्यवन्तं सुतं सुते अ.हृ.शा. 1/8
The female who has completed 16 years if has intercourse with one who has completed 20 years with शुद्धगर्भाशाय, शुद्ध
अपत्यमार्ग, शुद्धरक्त, शुद्धशुक्र then विर्यवन्तपुत्र will be

• Kshetra means fertile land, ideal for the plant to grow same rule applicable for गर्भ also.
• The क्षेत्रा means a field for the place of origin as well as place of implantation where गर्भ develops
regarding the first meaning it can be related to both sexes that is the field which can be
• In the female is vagina, uterus, fallopian tube ovaries.
• In male urethra, seminal vesicles, prostrate, Vas difference spermatic cord and testis.
• So if there are any problems related to the male or female क्षेत्रा there will be hindrance in the
formation of गर्भ some of the diseases can be considered both with male and female as follows
• In female’s obstruction in the fallopian tube, uterine displacement, ovarian tumour.
• In male’s obstruction in the seminal vesicles, Vas difference, chronic inflammation of urethra due
to gonococci infections, due to cryptorchidism etc
• All these complications can lead interruption in the formation of गर्भ. for the place of origin, the
ovaries and testis can be considered.

• Ambu means water for a plant to sprout from its seed and grow. अम्बु the
word meaning is water and water element of the blood as it has been told
that the function of the अम्बु is to nourish.
• So the fluid that which nourishes before fertilization and before implantation
Uterine fluid, cytoplasm within the ovum, can be considered as अम्बु.
• In male seminal vesicle fluid and prostatic fluid.
• in females the hormone secreted from the ovaries and hormones of the
pituitary like FSH and LH responsible for the growth of the follicle and also
• After implantation receives nutrition by fetal circulation.

• Seed is an essential part of sprouting into healthy plant same rule

applicable for गर्भ also . बीज- means seed and this seed is formed by the
union of both शुक्र , आर्तव male and female gametes, सूक्ष्म शरीर enters the
union is बीज.
• The female gamate is a secondary oocyte is ovulated which is
released in metaphase after fertilization meiosis II resumes and
oocyte splits into ovum and second polar body. Then nucleus of the
sperm and ovum unite to form a diploid zygote. so बीज is to be
considered as union of शुक्र of males and आर्तव of females सूक्ष्म शरीर enters
the union is बीज.
सूक्ष्म पुरुष

• भूतैश्चतुर्भिः सहितः सुसूक्ष्मैर्मनोजवो देहमुपैति देहात्| च.शा 2/31

• The आत्मा (soul) being guided by associated past actions travel with the speed of Mind
transmigrates from one body to another along with four subtle भूता.
• The आत्मा (soul) is beyond any sensory perception and if it is due to his association with the
intellect etc, that he gets involved with attachment etc. the Vth आकाश is being devoid of any
action does not transmigrate.
• The gross body is a product of a subtle body सूक्ष्म शारीर. the शुक्र (sperm) and शोणित (ovum) after
their combination manifests a gross body in the form of foetus only when the सूक्ष्म शरीर is
associated with them, this association of the सूक्ष्म शरीर with the sperm and ovum is conditioned
by the action in the past life.
• The सूक्ष्म शरीर (subtle body) composed the आत्मा the mind including intellect and the भूता’S cannot
be seen through the ordinary eyes it will be visible only to the योगी through his divine vision.
• The colour of the cloth is a dependent upon the colour of the threads composing the cloth
similarly characteristic features of the gross body resemble those of सूक्ष्म शरीर (subtle body)
(both physical and mental faculties).
• In the body of living beings there are 16 types of भूता’S. They are derived from रस 4 भूता’
(digestive product of mother’s food), 4 भूता’ from आत्मा and 4 भूता’ from the ovum of the mother,
4 भूता’s are derived from the sperm of the father, रस provides nourishment in the form of
• The Subtle भूता’S which transmigrate through the आत्मा (soul) identical
in all individuals. but the psychic of faculties are not the same. At
times they are dominated by राजस and तमस. Dominance of राजस and तमस
and actions in the past life are responsible for the variations in
characteristic features of individuals.
•   आत्मा (soul) which represents the element of चेतना is omnipresent so it
no does not migrate from place to Other place, when the mind gets
lodged in a place in accordance with the results of past action,
consciousness is a manifested there and because of that conscious
manifestation it's said that आत्मा (soul trans migrates along with mind.
शुक्र शारीर

शुक्र शारीर
शुक्र is VIIth धातु of our body, it measures about अर्ध अञ्जलि प्रमाण (half Anjali pramana). It is
one among the द्शप्राणायतन.
शुध्द शुक्र लक्षण
स्फटिकाभं द्रवं स्निग्धं मधुरं मधुगन्धि च ||११||
शुक्रमिच्छन्ति, के चित्तु तैलक्षौद्रनिभं तथा |१२| सु शा 2/11-12
The normal semen is like
स्फटिका : White transparent
द्रव : Liquid
स्निग्धं : Unctuous , . मधुरं : sweet
मधुगन्धि : smell of honey
while some mention it resembles as
तैल : oil
क्षौद्र : honey.
शुक्र शारीर

बहलं मधुरं स्निग्धमविस्रं गुरु पिच्छिलम्|

शुक्लं बहु च यच्छु क्रं फलवत्तदसंशयम्||५०|| च शा 2/50
Semen which is
बहलं : Thick
मधुर: Sweet
स्निग्ध : Unctuous,
अविस्र : Without any putrid smell
गुरु ; Heavy
पिच्छिल : slimy
शुक्लं : white and is the
बहु : large quantity
invariably helps in procreation of offspring.
भोतिक संघटना

• शुक्रं  तदस्य प्रवदन्ति धीरा यद्धीयते गर्भसमुद्भवाय|
वाय्वग्निभूम्यब्गुणपादवत्तत् षड्भ्यो रसेभ्यः प्रभवश्च तस्य||४|| चश2/4
• शुक्र   is composed of 4 महाभूत namely अग्नि, पृथ्वी,जल,वायु in the  state of their
excellence in equal quantity. it is composed of all  6 रसs,
• सौम्यं शुक्रमार्तवमाग्नेयमितरेषामप्यत्र सु शा 3/3
• Semen is predominant of आप महाभूत whereas आर्तव is of अग्नि महाभूत
along with other mahabhutas
शुक्र उत्पत्ति काल

रस stays in each धातु for 3015   काल  thus  in a month रस becomes शुक्र in males आर्तव in females.

 शुक्र प्रादुर्भाव काल

यथाहि पुष्पमुकु लस्थो गन्धो न शक्यमिहास्तीति वक्तुं , नैव नास्तीति; अथ चास्ति, सतां भावानामभिव्यक्तिरिति ज्ञात्वा , के वलं सौक्ष्म्यान्नाभिव्यज्यते; स एव विवृतपत्रके शरे पुष्पे कालान्तरे
णाभिव्यक्तिं  गच्छति; एवं  बालानामपि वयःपरिणामाच्छु क्रप्रादुर्भावो भवति, रोमराज्यादयश्च विशेषा नारीणाम् ||१८||

 Though in a flower bud there is presence of fragrance, it is not possible to say that it is there, nor is it not there, in fact
it is there but due to subtleness it is not perceived (and known) as it is understood that the manifestation is only of the
existenting thing. The way how the fragrance manifests after blossoming in the same way in children the semen  is seen
manifested on the maturity of age and so secondary sex characters(line of hairs etc), beards and moustaches in males and
in menstruation in females.
यथा मुकु लपुष्पस्य सु(ख) गन्धो नोपलभ्यते|
लभ्यते तद्विकाशात्तु तथा शुक्रं  हि देहिनाम्||३९|| च चि 2/4/39 A person
desirous of longevity should not enter into sexual intercourse with women before the age of 16 years and after the age
of 70 years. A young boy of very tender age does not possess all the धातु in matured form. If he enters into Sex act with
a woman his body gets dried up like a pond having very little water. pond indicates that he has the power to regain
water after sometime.

 A piece of wood which is dried and non-unctuous eaten away by insects and has become porous gets broken
immediately by a little pressure of touch similarly the body of the old man gets decayed by sexual intercourse with women.
शुक्र उत्पत्ति काल &  शुक्र प्रादुर्भाव काल
शुक्र उत्पत्ति काल
रस stays in each धातु for 3015   काल  thus  in a month रस becomes शुक्र in males आर्तव in females.
 शुक्र प्रादुर्भाव काल
यथाहि पुष्पमुकु लस्थो गन्धो न शक्यमिहास्तीति वक्तुं , नैव नास्तीति; अथ चास्ति, सतां भावानामभिव्यक्तिरिति ज्ञात्वा , के वलं सौक्ष्म्यान्नाभिव्यज्यते; स एव विवृतपत्रके शरे पुष्पे 
कालान्तरेणाभिव्यक्तिं  गच्छति; एवं  बालानामपि वयःपरिणामाच्छु क्रप्रादुर्भावो भवति, रोमराज्यादयश्च विशेषा नारीणाम् ||१८||
 Though in a flower bud there is presence of fragrance, it is not possible to say that it is there, nor is it not there,
in fact it is there but due to subtleness it is not perceived (and known) as it is understood that the manifestation is
only of the existenting thing. The way how the fragrance manifests after blossoming in the same way in children
the semen  is seen manifested on the maturity of age and so secondary sex characters(line of hairs etc), beards
and moustaches in males and in menstruation in females.
यथा मुकु लपुष्पस्य सु(ख) गन्धो नोपलभ्यते|
लभ्यते तद्विकाशात्तु तथा शुक्रं  हि देहिनाम्||३९|| च चि 2/4/39

A person desirous of longevity should not enter into sexual intercourse with women before the age of 16 years
and after the age of 70 years. A young boy of very tender age does not possess all the धातु in matured form. If he
enters into Sex act with a woman his body gets dried up like a pond having very little water. pond indicates that
he has the power to regain water after sometime.
 A piece of wood which is dried and non-unctuous eaten away by insects and has become porous gets broken
immediately by a little pressure of touch similarly the body of the old man gets decayed by sexual intercourse
with women.
Factors responsible for ejaculation
 The Semen is ejaculated from the body because of 8 factors namely

हर्षात्तर्षात् सरत्वाच्च पैच्छिल्याद्गौरवादपि|
अणुप्रवणभावाच्च द्रुतत्वान्मारुतस्य च||४८||
अष्टाभ्य एभ्यो हेतुभ्यः शुक्रं  देहात् प्रसिच्यते|
चरतो विश्वरूपस्य रूपद्रव्यं यदुच्यते||४९||
हर्षात-    Excitement  determination for sex  act.
तर्षात Passionate   Desire  for sex
गौरवाद Heaviness
सरत्वाच्च  Fluidity semen  is unstable
पैच्छिल्याद Sliminess 

 अणुभावात   Atomicity
प्रवणभावा  Tendency to flow out.
द्रुतत्वान्मारुतस्य    Force of Vayu 
 Water comes out of the wet cloth by squeezing though this process loth remains intact and it does not get to worn out.  Similarly, by the
ejaculation of semen, body of man does not get destroyed. Primary factor for ejaculation of semen is the sexual union between men and women.
 रस इक्षौ यथा दध्नि सर्पिस्तैलं तिले यथा|
सर्वत्रानुगतं देहे शुक्रं  संस्पर्शने तथा||४६||
The entire sugarcane plant is pervaded with its juice. Ghee is available in the whole of curd and oil is available in all parts of sesame seed. 
Similarly, semen pervades the entire body which has the sensation of touch.
 It is quite easy to take out juice from sugarcane plant taking out ghee from the curd does involves some efforts.   To extract oil from
sesame seeds involves lot of efforts.  In the same way persons can be categorised into 3 groups one rope in which semen ejaculated without much
effort.  Second group in which Ejaculation of semen involves some efforts and the third group in which ejaculation   of semen   occurs after a great
deal of effort. Semen pervades the entire body which has the sensation of touch.  Touch sensation is absent in hairs. etc.  Therefore, semen is not
available in these Parts of the body.
शुक्र कर्म

• शुक्रं  धैर्यं च्यवनं  प्रीतिं देहबलं हर्षं बीजार्थं च; (१) |५| सु.सु 15

• शुक्र  provides
• धैर्यं  : Valour, 
• च्यवनं  : Discharge,, 
• प्रीतिं  : Pleasure,
• देहबलं  : Physical strength, 
• हर्षं  :  Exhilaration 
• बीजार्थं : Seed reproduction
शुक्र क्षय कारण

• जरया चिन्तया शुक्रं  व्याधिभिः कर्मकर्षणात्|
क्षयं गच्छत्यनशनात् स्त्रीणां चातिनिषेवणात्||४३||
• क्षयाद्भयादविश्रम्भाच्छोकात् स्त्रीदोषदर्शनात्|
नारीणामरसज्ञत्वादविचारादसेवनात्||४४| च चि 2.4/43
• जरया  Old age
• चिन्तया  Worry
• व्याधिभि: Diseases
•  क्षया Emaciation
• कर्म कर्षणात् Over exertion
• अन्शनात Fasting
• स्त्रीणां चातिनिषेवणात् Excessive indulgence with women consumption
• भय Fear
• संशय Suspicion
• शोकात Grief
• स्त्रीदोषदर्शनात् Witnessing of faults in women
• नारीणामरसज्ञत्वाद Non excitation of the female partner
• विचारादसेवनात् Absence of passionate sexual love determination
शुक्र धातु क्षय & वृद्धि लक्षण

शुक्रक्षये मेढ्र वृषणवेदनाऽशक्तिर्मैथुने चिराद्वा प्रसेकः प्रसेके  चाल्परक्तशुक्रदर्शनम् [५] ||९|| 15/9

• मेढ्र वृषणवेदना : Pain in penis and scrotum
• ऽशक्तिर्मैथुने  : Loss of sexual power
• चिराद्वा प्रसेकः  : Delayed discharge
• प्रसेके  चाल्परक्तशुक्रदर्शनम्  : Presence of little blood and semen
• शुक्र धातु वृद्धि लक्षण
• शुक्रं  शुक्राश्मरीमतिप्रादुर्भावं च ||१४|| सु सु 15/14
• Excessively increased semen causes seminal calculus and excessive
शुक्र दुष्टि karana

अतिव्यवायाद्व्यायामादसात्म्यानां च सेवनात्|
अकाले वाऽप्ययोनौ वा मैथुनं न च गच्छतः||१३५||
नारीणामरसज्ञानां गमनाज्जरया तथा||१३६||
भयात्क्रोधादभीचाराद्व्याधिभिः कर्शितस्य च||१३७||
वेगाघातात् क्षताच्चापि धातूनां सम्प्रदूषणात्|
दोषाः पृथक्  समस्ता वा प्राप्य रेतोवहाः सिराः||१३८||
शुक्रं  सन्दूषयन्त्याशु ...|१३९| च चि 30
•   अतिव्यवायाद् :  Excessive sexual indulgence
• अतिव्यायामाद : Excessive physical exercise 
• असात्म्यानां  : Intake of unwholesome food
•  अकाले मैथुनाद : Untimely sexual intercourse
• अयोनौ मैथुनाद : Sexual intercourse   through tracks other than the : female genital tract
• intake of food which are exceedingly
• रूक्ष : Un unctuous,.
• तिक्त : Bitter,
• कषाया : Astringent
• अतिलवण : Saline,
• आम्ल : Sour,
• उष्ण : Hot
• नारीणामरसज्ञानां :  Abstinence from sexual rapport relationship during appropriate time.
sexual intercourse with women who are not passionate sexual love.
• गमनाज्जरया : Old age,
• चिन्ता : Worry,
• शोक : Grief and
• विस्रम्भा : Lack of confidence in the sexual partner.
• शस्त्रक्षाराग्निविभ्रमात् : Injury by sharp instruments alkalise and
• cauterization Agni Karma. 
•   भयात् : Fear, 
• क्रोध : Anger,
• व्याधिभिः कर्शितस्य  : Emaciation by diseases.
• वेगाघातात् : Suppression of manifested natural urges. 
• क्षताच्चापि : Injury
• धातूनां सम्प्रदूषणात् : Vitiation of tissue elements.  because of the above mentioned factors, the
दोषा individually or jointly get aggravated and reach the seminal channels instantaneously to
vitiate the semen. 
• वात-पित्त-श्लेष्म-कु णप -ग्रन्थि-पूतिपूय-क्षीण-मूत्रपुरीषरेतसः प्रजोत्पादने न समर्था भवन्ति ||३||
• सु शा
• तेषु वातवर्णवेदनं वातेन, पित्तवर्णवेदनं पित्तेन, श्लेष्मवर्णवेदनं श्लेष्मणा, कु णपगन्ध्यनल्पं च रक्ते न, ग्रन्थिभूतं श्
लेष्मवाताभ्यां, पूतिपूयनिभं पित्तश्लेष्मभ्यां, क्षीणं प्रागुक्तं  पित्तमारुताभ्यां, मूत्रपुरीषगन्धि सन्निपातेनेति |
तेषु कु णपग्रन्थिपूतिपूयक्षीणरेतसः कृ च्छ्र साध्याः, मूत्रपुरीषरेतसस्त्वसाध्या इति ||४|| सु शा 2/4
• Of these semen having कु णप गन्धि, ग्रन्थि रूप, पूतिपूय, क्षीण are curable with the
difficulty. While those having a smell of urine and feces are incurable.
अष्ट दोष शुक्र
• फे निलं तनु रूक्षं च विवर्णं पूति पिच्छिलम्||१३९||
अन्यधातूपसंसृष्टमवसादि तथाऽष्टमम्| च चि 30
• फे निल : Frothy  semen 
•  तनु :  Thin semen
• रुक्ष   : Un-Unctous  semen 
• विवर्ण   : Discoloured    
• पुतिगन्धि : Semen  with putrid  smell
• पिच्छिल : Slimy  semen
•   अन्यधातु संसृष्टः   : Semen   mixed with other tissue elements
• अवसादि : semen  sinking to the bottom when placed on water
Seminal Morbidities caused by वायु
• फे निलं तनु रूक्षं च कृ च्छ्रेणाल्पं च मारुतात्||१४०||
भवत्युपहतं शुक्रं  न तद्गर्भाय कल्पते| च चि 30

• when semen is vitiated by वायु it becomes

• फे निलं  : Frothy,
• तनु  :Thin,
• रूक्षं  : Un unctuous. 
• च कृ च्छ्रेणाल्पं च मारुतात्| : It gets ejaculated with pain and in small quantity.
• भवत्युपहतं शुक्रं  न तद्गर्भाय कल्पते : The type of vitiated semen does not help in conception.
Seminal Morbidities by पित्त 

• सनीलमथवा पीतमत्युष्णं पूतिगन्धि च||१४१||
दहल्लिङ्गं विनिर्याति शुक्रं  पित्तेन दूषितम्| च चि 30
• If semen is vitiated by पित्त then and it becomes
• सनीलमथवा पीतम :   Blue or yellow in colour
• अत्युष्णं : Excessively hot
•  पूतिगन्धि  : Putrid in smell.
• दहल्लिङ्गं विनिर्याति शुक्रं   : It causes burning sensation in penis during
Seminal Morbidities by कफ

• श्लेष्मणा बद्धमार्गं तु भवत्यत्यर्थपिच्छिलम्||१४२|| च चि 30

• If semen is vitiated by कफ then and it becomes

• श्लेष्मणा बद्धमार्गं  : Obstructed by the aggravated कफ
• भवत्यत्यर्थपिच्छिलम्: Then it becomes exceedingly slimy.
Semen associated with रक्त

• स्त्रीणामत्यर्थगमनादभिघातात् क्षतादपि|
शुक्रं  प्रवर्तते जन्तोः प्रायेण रुधिरान्वयम्||१४३|| च चि 30

• Because of
• स्त्रीणामत्यर्थगमनाद : Excessive sexual intercourse with woman,
• अभिघातात् : Injury or ulceration,
• शुक्रं  प्रवर्तते जन्तोः प्रायेण रुधिरान्वयम् : The semen gets ejaculated in Association
with रक्त.
अवसादि Type of semen

• वेगसन्धारणाच्छु क्रं  वायुना विहतं पथि|

कृ च्छ्रेण याति ग्रथितमवसादि तथाऽऽष्टमम्||१४४||
इति दोषाः समाख्याताः शुक्रस्याष्टौ सलक्षणाः| च चि 30

• Because of the
• वेगसन्धारणात : Suppression of manifested for sex,
• शुक्रं  वायुना विहतं पथि : The Semen gets obstructed in its course by the aggravated Vayu does making it
• ग्रथित : Knotty and
• अवसादि : Which sinks when placed over the water this type of .
• कृ च्छ्रेण याति  : Gets ejaculated with the difficulty.
• As a seed does not grow when impaired by un seasonal plantation and when afflicted by water, microbe’s,
insects and fire, similarly the vitiated are polluted the man in human beings does not help in procreation of an

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