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• Aartava

Presented By~ Guided By~

Sakshee Dewangan Dr. Y. S. Pandey

• आर्तव की निष्पति :
“ ऋतु शब्द “ से अण् प्रत्यय होकर आर्तव शब्द बनता है |
• आर्तव के पर्याय :
1. शोणित
2. रज
3. ऋतु
4. असक ृ
5. मासिक स्त्राव
• Aartav word can be also used as~
1. Menstrual Blood ( Rajasrava).
2. Ovum (Streebij/Shodit).
3. Excretion During Coitus (Madanambu/Kamambu).
4. Bleeding During Pregnancy (As in Abortion).
5. Female Sex Hormones (Estrogen/Progestrone).
6. Seventh Dhatu Of Female.
आर्तव काल की मर्यादा

‘रसादेव स्त्रिया रक्तम् रजः संज्ञम प्रवर्तते|

तव्दर्षाद् द्वादशदुर्धवं याति पंचाशत् क्षयम्’||
‘तव्दर्षाद् द्वादशात्कले वर्तमानमसृक पुनः|
जरापक्वशरीराणां याति पंचशात: क्षयम्’||
According to Acharya Sushruta,
Artava is the product of Ras Dhatu, which comes
out of the female genitlia every month starting from 12th year of age (called as
Menarche/Rajodarshan) and terminates upto 50 years of age (called as
Artava is a normal physiological process indicating
womanhood. It is a cyclical process and repeats every month.
Aartav Swaroop

“सौमयम् शुक्रमार्तावम आग्नेय”

अर्थात् शुक्र सौम्य तथा आर्तव आग्नेय होता है।
‘ गुंजाफलास्वर्णम् च पद्मालकसंनिभम।
इंद्रगोपसनकाशआर्तवम शुद्धमआदिशते’।।
आचार्य चरक ने बताया है की,
शुद्ध आर्तव गुंजाफल के समान, लाल कमल, लक्षारस एवं इंद्रगोप के समान वर्ण
वाला होता है।

Laal Kamal

Artava Chakra/Phases Of Menstruation

Menstruation is a cyclical process spread over a period of 28 days.

This period is divided into 3 phases (according to Ayurveda)
according to the physiological changes taking place in the body.
These phases are~
1. Ritukala (Proliferative phase after ovulation 12-16 days)
2. Ritavatitakala (Secretory phase 9-13days)
3. Rajahkala (Menstrual phase/Bleeding phase 1st to 4th day)
1. Ritukala

• Duration-
“ ऋतुस्तु व्दादश निशा”

1. It is of 12 days.
2. According to Acharya it can be of 16 days after menstruation.
3. If yoni, garbhashya and artav are healthy It may be of entire month also.

The last opinion are arrived from the observation that conception occurs in some
exceptional cases at any period of menstruation as well as in absence of menstruation.
First opinion excludes the first four days of bleeding phase while the second opinion
includes the first four days of menstruation. In short Ritukala starts from the 5 th day of
menstrual cycle and ends on 17th day of menstrual cycle.
• ऋतुकाल मे आये बदलाव

‘शुद्धस्नाताम् स्त्रियंव्यापंनयोनिशोणितगरभाशयाम ऋतुमतिम् आचक्ष्महे‘|

(च. शा. ४/७)
As previously collected Raja has been discharged, new collection of
raja starts. The female genital organs become good and healthy.
The uterus becomes ready for nidation and ovum is ready for
fertilization and vagina is ready to allow the passage of sperm
through it i.e. The period here is maximum fertile period.
Hence, in these phase the conception can occur.
• ऋतुमती लक्षण

`पिनप्रसन्नवदनाम् प्रक्लिन्नात्ममुखव्दिजाम्|
नरकामाम् प्रियकथाम् स्त्रस्तकु क्ष्यक्षिमूर्धजाम्`||
`स्फु रद्भुजकु चश्रोणिनाभ्यूरुजघनस्फिचाम्|
हर्षौत्सुक्यपरां चापि विद्यादृतुमतीं स्त्रियं`||
According to ‘Sushruta samhita’, peena vadana(flat/fleshy/round face), prasanna vadana
(bright/cheerful/attractive face), praklinna atma, mukha, dwijaam (humid/moist body, face,
gums/oral cavity), nara kaama (interested in men), priya katha (interested in listeningstories),
srasta akshi, kukshimoordhajaam  (flaccid/lax eyes, trunk and head) sphurati bhuja, kucha,
shroni, naabhi, uru, jaghana and sphichaam (shining/quivering/expansion of shoulders, breasts,
hips & loins, umbilicus/abdomen, thighs, vulva/mons veneris and buttocks), harsha
(pleasure/delighted) and autsukya (eagerness/desire/excitement) are considered as Rutumati
According to Modern Perspective:

According to modern science the woman in these phase is

emotionally different during progestrone phase from what she is in
the estrogen phase. Estrogen leads to beginning of menstrual cycle
ans she feels relief of tension till ovulation begins during or
immediately following menstruation. Sexual odour is at its highest
2. Rituvyatita Kaal
• Duration-
Ritukvyatitakaal is present for 14 days starting at the end
of ritukala and ends at the beginning of rajahkala.

• In this period regressive changes takes place in yoni. Just as the

lotus closes at the end of the day so also the yoni(uterus, vaginal
tract) contracts after the period of conception is over. The yoni
doesn’t allow the entry of Shukra. The coitus is also prohibited in
this period, the idea behind this is; the coitus will be futile and
not fertile.
According to Modern Science

This phase can be compared with the phase of secretory, where

endometrium progressively increases in its thickness. Due to increase in
length and diameter it changes in the out line of the glands and they
distended with mucus and the lining is thrown in to folds, which project
in to the lumen giving the gland wall, saw edge, tufted appearence.
During first phase she is preparing for the
motherhood physically and mentally and shown certain amount of
tension, irritability, excitability, restlessness, and even in some cases
tendency to cry, false tears, depressive readings and even psychotic
3. Rajahkala

• Duration-
`मासान्निष्पिच्छदाहार्ति पंचरात्रानुबंधि च|
नैवातिबहु नात्यल्पमार्तवं शुद्धमादिशेत्`||
The menstruation, which is a product of rasa dhatu, appears every
month. Which is free from sliminess of discharge, burning sensation
and pain, which continues for three to seven days averagely five
days and is neither excessive nor scanty, is to be considered as
normal. Different types of colour varies because of the variation in
constitution of woman.
• Menstrual Discharge

1. Discharged artava comes out by the help of Apana Vata.

2. It is red in colour, similar to color of rabbit’s blood, liquid lak,
fruits named as gunja, a small creature indragopa.
3. It has unusual smell.

According to modern science the menstrual

discharge is a mixture of blood, mucus desquamated epithelial cells
and granular debris. It has a characteristic odourand it doesn’t clot
for many hours.
• Quantity of Discharge

‘आर्तव हि चतुरंजलिप्रमाणम्’|
‘नैवातिबहु नात्यल्पमार्तवं शुद्धमादिशेत्’|
According to Acharya Sushruta the amount is 4 Anjali.
Acharya Charak has mentioned that the amount of discharge
varies from person to person, hence the amount neither excessive nor scanty
is the normal one. Desha, kala, prakriti (region, season and constitution)
have their effects on amount of discharge, hence all these factors should
also be considered while deciding the amount.

1. When the menstrual blood gets vitiated with vata disha then it becomes
black and comes out with pain.
2. When vitiated with pitta dosha becomes yellow or blue associated with
burning sensation.
3. Kapha vitiated menstrual blood becomes white sticky, and obstructed.
4. Rakta vitiated menstrual blood bleeds profusely with fleshy smell.
5. Vata-pitta vitiated menstrual blood comes out with very less quantity.
6. Vata –kapha vitiated menstrual blood becomes granthi-bhuta(clotted).
7. Pitta-kapha vitiated menstrual blood gives putipuyanibha (purulent smell).
8. Sannipata dosha vitiated menstrual blood gives pureesha-mutra-gandhi
(foetid and amonical odour).
• Definition-
The uterine endometrium undergoes monthly cyclic
changes during reproductive life of a woman called endometrial
cycle, which is commonly referred to as the menstrual cycle
because of menstruation (flow of blood from the uterus).
• Menarche-
At the age of 12-13 menstruation triggers indicating
the onset of puberty and these first menstruation is called as
• Menopause-
At the age of 45-50 menstruation ceases and these
stage is termed as “Menopause”.
Phases Of Menstrual Cycle
The menstrual cycle is divided into 4 phases. These phases are-
1. Menstrual Phase.
2. Proliferative Phase.
3. Secretive Phase.
4. Premenstrual Phase.

If the ovum is not fertilized, the corpus luteum degenerates;

and level of progesterone drops down. The coiled endometrial
arteries undergo spasm. The blood supply to the spongy and
compact layers of the endometrium is reduced. The
functional layer undergoes necrosis and sloughed off, and
there is hemorrhage from the stumps of the endometrial
If the ovum is fertilized, first the corpus luteum and
then the placenta continue to secrete progesterone, and the
menstrual cycle remains suspended during pregnancy as
progestrone maintains the endometrium wall.

The proliferative phase coincides with the secretion of the

estrogen by the maturing follicles of the ovary. Estrogen
helps in proliferation of the endometrium. During this phase
endometrium attains 5mm thickness.
The proliferated endometrium is prepared for
reception of fertilized ovum. This phase ends when ovulation
occurs and estrogen production stops.
This phase can be compared with the Ritukala
mentioned by the different scholars of Ayurveda.

The secretory phase coincides with the secretion of progesterone by

the corpus luteum. Endometrium becomes highly Vascular with
coiled blood vessel, highly glandular and secretive.
This phase also causes thermogenic effect i.e.
Rise in the body temperature.
4. Premenstrual Phase (26th -28th day)

The females, usually the younger ones, often complain of severe

spasmodic pain and external spotting of blood during this phase due
to ischemia of the uterine wall following drop in the level of
progesterone hormone.
Thank You

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