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How to Identify
the Students
who may
“Counseling Help”

 Appearance
 Behavior
 Attention in Class
 Performance in Class
 Attitude Self and Others

Deviation in Any one or many

1. Appearance - Disheveled (Both
Boys and Girls)
 How to Identify it ?

a. Apparent indifference known by Wrinkled and Dirty Dress

b. Continuing in the same manner for Noticeable Time
c. Sudden Change in way of Dressing for the Worse
d. Body Odour
2. Nervousness and Jumpy
 How to Identify the Signs ?
a. Always Chattering with others
b. Disturbing others even by way of asking help and guidance

from others continuously

c. Non Attentive in the class and seems to be pre occupied
d. Drawing lines, Shapeless forms, Rounds and Garish, Obscene
pictures in his/her notebook
e. Aimless stare. The Stare may be fixed or
Straying around the classroom
2. Nervousness and Jumpy

f. Sleepy Face
g. Actually Sleeping
h. Quarrelsome
i. Always coming late or too often
j. Attracting others’ attention by Distraction (Incessant Talking,
Making Sounds, Dressing in a Garish way).
3. Complaints
 About Self

a. I cannot remember
b. Iam weak in this or that Subject
c. I can’t Sleep
d. I cannot Concentrate
Complaints About Others
a. ‘I don’t like anybody in the class or in my room’
b. ‘He/ She is getting on my nerves or making me feel restless’
c. ‘I wish they would leave me alone’
d. ‘Everybody is making fun of me or targetting me or teasing
e. ‘I hate him/her’
Complaints about Subjects

a. I hate Maths, Language etc,.

b. I just cannot understand this particular Subject or Lesson
c. I don’t like this course / subject teacher at all
4. General observation to be done by the
respective Class In-Charge/Subject Teachers

1. Those who come late on regular basis

2. Bunking particular class
3. Avoiding answering in any way in the class for any query
4. Absenting for Tests like Cycle Tests and Model Exams
without believable reasons.
5. Failing in more than two subjects in the tests
6. Failing continuously in any particular subject
Note for General Observation by all
 If a student is behaving in a strange or not in a usually
expected way or manner, that must be noted. The concerned
staff who come across such behaviour in any student, he/she
should be called aside and asked for the reason. Or asking to
go for counselling and ask him/her, report back to you. If any
student is found to be dull, not communicative to others,
keeping to themselves for a noticeable period of time, they
should be advised to meet the counselor.

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