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Robinson often has her students use a computer program to drill

and practice addition and subtraction of fractions. The purpose of this
activity for her students is to...
1 point

a. Acquire new math skills

b. Generalize skills to a new situation
c. Extend skills
d. Maintain existing skills

Clear selection

Meredith can only hear loud sounds such as helicopter, train,

fireworks, and drum beats. What type of hearing loss does she have?
1 point

A. Mild
B. Moderate
C. Severe
D. Profound

Suzy is a student with severe learning disabilities. Which of the

following placements is most likely to be the Least Restrictive
Environment (LRE) for her?
1 point

a. A separate classroom where she can concentrate on academic skills.

b. Part of the day in regular education classes and the rest of the day in special education
c. A setting that can best meet her educational needs.
d. Spending all day in the regular classroom with age appropriate friends.

Clear selection

Mr. Guest has a new paraprofessional in his classroom. How can the
paraprofessional best prepare to perform her duties?
1 point

a. Review the IEP goals and objectives of all the special education students in the class.
b. Mr. Guest should assign specific students to the paraprofessional who will be her
c. Mr. Guest should remind the paraprofessional that only teachers have the authority to
discipline students.
d. Mr. Guest should make sure that the paraprofessional does not have access to student
information for legal reasons.
Clear selection

A student who has difficulty with changes in daily activities

experiences repetitive or obsessive/compulsive behaviors, and is very
sensitive to noise in the environment may be identified as a student
1 point

a. An Emotional Disturbance
b. An Other Health Impairment
c. A Traumatic Brain Injury
d. Autism Spectrum Disorder

Clear selection

Joey has had a difficult year. He gets very angry every time he is
asked to complete an assignment. When he gets frustrated he
sometimes gets mad and throws things while other times he will start
to cry. Joey is most likely diagnosed with?
1 point

a. Pervasive developmental disorder.

b. An emotional disturbance.
c. Social maladjustment.
d. Oppositional defiant disorder.

Clear selection

Mrs. O'Day has several students in her classroom who have been
struggling in reading. She is using the district's Response to
Intervention approach to help the students by implementing individual
interventions for each student. To ensure that the interventions she is
using are effective which of the following should she do?
1 point

a. Have weekly meetings with the students' parents.

b. Review the students' standardized achievement tests each semester.
c. Use progress monitoring.
d. Gather reports from other teachers who work with the students.

Clear selection

Amanda has been in special education as a student with an emotional

disturbance for the last 4 years. Her parents now feel that she is not
benefiting from the special education program and have requested
that she be removed from all special education services. According to
IDEA 2004, what is the appropriate response from the district?
1 point

a. Agree to remove all special ed services if the parent provides a written request.
b. Remind the parents that they gave permission 4 years ago and that permission may not be
c. Inform the parents that to remove her from special education they would have to first file for
d. Tell the parents that they can discuss it at the next annual ARD meeting.

Clear selection

In normal fine motor development, which of the following should occur

1 point

a. Copying a cross
b. Drawing a square
c. Copying a circle
d. Copying a triangle

Susan is in the 5th grade and does not have any behavioral problems in
the classroom. However, she always has difficulty organizing tasks
that require sustained mental effort. Although she can remain seated
for long periods of time and she frequently does not focus on her work.
Sometimes Susan does not appear to be listening when the teacher is
speaking directly to her and is distracted by everything around her.
Susan is most likely diagnosed with which type of ADHD?.
1 point

a. Predominantly inattentive type

b. Combined type
c. Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type
d. Predominantly hyperactive inattentive type

Clear selection

Mr. Jones has a new student in his class who has been diagnosed with
a learning disability. The student is having difficulty retaining
information. With the help of the special education teacher, Mr. Jones
is now teaching the student mental techniques such as keywords,
rhymes, poems, and jingles to use as cues and to organize information.
These techniques used to help the student with memory are called...
1 point

a. Cognitive behavioral modifications

b. Problem based learning
c. Social stories
d. Mnemonics

Clear selection

Ms. Mc Dougald has a new 5th-grade student who has been diagnosed
with Dysgraphia. She knows that this means she will have to spend
extra time to help the student with her...
1 point

a. Spelling.
b. Understanding of graphs.
c. Handwriting.
d. Receptive language.

Clear selection

A student has 40db hearing loss range. He is encountering difficulty

differentiating letter sounds such as J and G. What level of
hearing loss does he have?
1 point

A. Mild
B. Moderate
C. Severe
D. Profound

When considering a continuum of placement options and the Least

Restrictive Environment (LRE) for students, a student with Autism may
have the most challenges in the following placement?
1 point

a. A physical education class with 80-90 students and free play for 20 minutes out of the 50-
minute class.
b. A classroom setting with only 9 - 10 students.
c. An inclusion classroom that is very structured and the routine for daily activities are very
d. An adaptive physical education class with small groups of students.
Clear selection

At what age should a child be referred to a pediatrician if they have

not begun to walk?*
1 point

a. 12 months
b. 18 months
c. 15 months
d. 9 months

According to Vygotsky, what is being referred as the process of

constructing an internal representation of external physical objects
or actions?
1 point

A. Accommodation
B. Internalization
C. Naïve psychology
D. Scaffolding

At what age should a child learn to hop on one leg?*

1 point

a. 6 years
b. 2 years
c. 4 years
d. 5 years

What do we call students who have higher abilities?

1 point

A. super student
B. extraordinary
C. higher student
D. gifted

A mother brings her daughter to a clinic for a standard check-up. As

the assessor you start assessing the infant's developmental milestone,
she is able to align her head to her body briefly. What age group is
1 point
a. 6 weeks.
b. 3 months
c. 6 months
d. 9 months

Psychosocial development theory has 8 stages. In each stage the

proponent is concerned with becoming competent in an area of life.
Also, he stated that if the stage is handled well, the person will feel a
sense of mastery, which is sometimes referred to as ego strength or
ego quality. If the stage is managed poorly, the person will emerge
with a sense of inadequacy in that aspect of
development. Who is the proponent of psychosocial development
1 point

A. Albert Bandura
B. Jean Piaget
C. Erik Erikson
D. Urie Bronfenbrenner

Which of the following is an example of "Double-syllable babble"

displayed by an infant around 9-12 months?*
1 point

a. Ma-da
b. Ba-ba
c. Ba-ma
d. Ba-da

Carol is a student who often has difficulty in class. Many times she
refuses to do her work, becomes the class clown during Language
Arts, and can be defiant when working with other students in a small
reading group. Based on this information, Carol may be a student
1 point

a. A Learning Disability
b. An Emotional Disturbance
c. An Other Health Impairment
d. Mental Retardation/Intellectual Disability

Clear selection
When designing lessons for gifted students, which thinking levels in
Bloom's Taxonomy should be focused more?
1 point

A. understanding and analyzing

B. creating and evaluating
C. applying and remembering
D. creating and understanding

The following are backgrounds that make up Erikson's psychosocial

theory EXCEPT:
1 point

A. Personality developed in a series of stages.

B. Described the impact of social experience across the whole lifespan.
C. People experience a conflict that serves as a turning point in development.
D. People interact with the world around them, they continually add new knowledge, build upon
existing knowledge, and adapt previously held ideas to accommodate new information.

According to IDEA-the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act,

providing a student with a disability a free, appropriate, public
education (FAPE) is the direct responsibility of...
1 point

a. The local education agency-school district

b. The parents
c. The federal government
d. The Education Agency

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