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Topic: All about the pandemic

My experience all about the

• My experience all about the pandemic that
all the people are suffering right now like
im sad because im a part of a grade 10 that
supposedly gonna experience moving
up.Having a moving up party but sadly all
of the plans are cancelled because of
corona.March the begginning of lockdown
in our province because of corona all of the
people can't go to work because of corona.
• My mother and father can't go to work because
of corona we are all stuck in quarantine for
almost 8 months we experience borrowing
money for food my mom start being a plantita
for almost a month we clean our house the best
we can do so we can't be bored so in other side
quarantine also good for me realizing that we
can do the things that we can't do before.But
right now that both of my parents can go to
work now.
• They cancelled the face to face class to avoid
speading the virus and the goverment
decided that we are continue our class but
its all in online and modular It is hard?Yes
because not all the students can't afford
internet wifi.Not all of the students in their
places has a signal.Base on my experience
im sad because of my parents need to go to
work find money just to survive in online
classes.Honestly we can't afford wifi the
time that we don't have a money and i don't
have a load i am going to my cousin's house
just to attend a online class for that day.
• Its really hard this 2020 we didn't expect that this year is
relly hard some people stop going to work because of this
pandemic all people is scared of going out because we
can't see our enemy (virus) all of this pandemic.All of the
businesses are needed to be close.People are going
through social media to have some income money selling
some foods and etc through social nowadays
spending their time on their phone playing video games
that may affect on their health they are not eating at the
right time not sleeping in the right time which is bad for
them because of this pandemic their are not given a
chance to go outside.All people are bored doing nothing
• All the people should follow the protocols
given by our President,Protocols in your
barangay or any places we should follow the
protocols that are given and we should
know how to wash your hands wear your
mask if you are going outside but if its not
really important dont go outside instead and
bring your alcohol with you because also
alcohol is needed this time wear your

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