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CLASS:- 10 SEC:-C Roll No:- 32
 One of the main literary genres is poetry. All poems share
specific characteristics. For example, poetry is written in lines
and stanzas instead of sentences and paragraphs. Some
poems follow strict rules as to the number and length of lines
and stanzas, whereas many poems are much more free-
flowing. Some examples of poetry include Ozymandias, The
Raven etc.

 Most poetry is abundant in figurative language. Using

devices like a simile, metaphor, hyperbole, onomatopoeia,
alliteration, rhyme, and much more, poetry can claim an
emphasis on imagination, emotions, and heartfelt ideas.

 Poetry is usually shorter than the other genres, but some

poems are classified as epic poetry, which is long narrative
poetry chronicling heroic deeds and serious subject matter.
For example, John Milton's epic poem Paradise Lost focuses
on Satan's fall from grace and his following pursuit of
 Poetry, however, is not the only genre that can utilize
figurative language. Similarly, fiction, which is any work
written in prose that is not real, can also use elaborate
figurative language. However, fiction is much more
structured than poetry. It must be written in sentences
and paragraphs with all the proper punctuation and
grammar, which makes it prose. Usually, fiction is broken
up into chapters, as well.
 Since it is based on the imagination, the subject matter
in fiction works can be nearly anything. Fiction can take
place in the present day, the future, or the past. It can
incorporate the most fantastical ideas or follow an
everyday life. Some examples of works of fiction are
legends, folk tales, fairy tales, short stories, and any
novels. For example, the popular Hunger
Games and Divergent trilogies are fiction which occurs in
a post-apocalyptic future.
3. Non - Fiction
 A third broad literary genre is nonfiction. If fiction is fake,
then nonfiction is the opposite: it comes from real life. Works of
nonfiction are all based in real-world experiences. When you read
the newspaper, you are reading nonfiction. Other examples include
journals, diaries, biographies, autobiographies, and essays.
 Nonfiction can also use figurative language; however, it is not as
abundant as in poetry and even fiction. Figurative language in this
genre generally comes through common phrases which are well-
known and used on a daily basis by many. These pieces are written
in prose, like fiction, and sometimes even in chapters.
 For example, the popular book Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl is
broken up into her specific diary entries. This book is simply a
published diary written by a teenage Jewish girl who hid from the
Germans in World War II. The diary was found after the girl perished,
and her family published it without changing the written words.
What Anne wrote was real. It was her life, and a great example of
4. Drama
 Drama is a unique literary form because they
are designed to be acted out on a stage before
an audience.
 Unlike most works of fiction that rely heavily
on narration, the story of a play or drama is
told through dialogue and action and is
integrated with the setting that the audience
observes-largely from scenery and props.
 Drama again is divided into 4 major types:-
Comedy, Tragedy, Melodrama and Farce
 Folk tales are part of an oral tradition, which means they originated in
the era before literacy and are passed down verbally from generation to
generation. Common types of folk tales include fairy tales, fables,
trickster tales, and 'why' stories
 One of the main characteristics of folktales is that they are passed down
orally among generations. Folktales can change a little bit each time
they're told.
 Another very important characteristic of folktales is that they're typically
about the common person at the time of its origin. That's why they're
called folktales. The word ''folk'' is the Old English term for ''common
people’’. Folktales also sometimes have supernatural or otherworldly
 Perhaps most importantly, folktales typically try to teach a lesson about
right and wrong, which is called a moral.
“Man, Albert Einstein was right again” said Charlie. “Well it comes as no
surprise to me, he was one of the most intelligent beings on the planet
during the 20th century” said Will without even glancing at the
spectacular sight that was before him. It was the year 2300, the
beginning of a new century and also the beginning of a new chapter in
the advancement of humanity. Humanity has come a long way from
steam engines to Dyson sphere. Now is the time to write a new chapter
in that advancement because in front of Charlie and Will was a
traversable wormhole. After its discovery in 2285, Charlie and Will were
selected to be the first people to travel through a wormhole. Since 2285
they have been training for this moment. “Well, now is our moment. It’s
now or never” said Will. They both adjusted their costumes
Adjusted their pressure and got ready to enter the wormhole. As
they came closer to the event horizon they started doubting their
equipment and clothing but now it was too late to abort. As they
started falling through the event horizon and the wormhole, the
sphagettification begins but they survive because of their
costume. By now they are reduced to a singular point at the
singularity. Will and Charlie both started contemplating about
how they might never come out of the wormhole and such dark
thoughts started haunting them. However their thoughts were
cut short as they started to stretch to their original size indicating
that they were approaching the White Hole.
As they escaped the event horizion

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