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Bagaimana agar kita terhindar dari hal

demikian ? Tentu kita perlu

memperhatikan Caution and Warning
yang terdapat di sekitar kita.

Jika kita sudah sadar mengenai itu, kita

dapat memberi peringatan kepada
teman kita. Bagaimana caranya untuk
mengekspresikan peringatan dalam
bahasa inggris ? Mari kita lihat
pembelajarannya di slide selanjutnya.

A warning is something that makes us aware of possible danger.

There are a number of ways of warning someone. Warnings can
be weak or strong.

Weak warnings
Weak warnings are similar to advice.
We can use a number of phrases:
I wouldn’t swim there if I were you.
I don’t think you should drink the water here.
I don’t think you ought to say no to the job offer. (more formal)
A word of warning, there are snakes on the trails. (Be careful)

Strong warnings
We usually use don’t in strong warnings:
Don’t cross the road when the pedestrian light is red.
Don’t try to open the door when the train is moving.
Whatever you do, don’t take a lift from an unofficial taxi driver.
Sometimes we say I warn you or I must warn you:
It’s a wonderful restaurant but, I warn you, it isn’t cheap.
I must warn you it gets very cold at night in the mountains. Make sure to bring some warm clothes.
Public warning notices
We often use beware of, caution, warning and danger in public warning notices:
Beware of the dog.
Caution: Wet floor.
Warning: this building site is private property.
[near a river where it is dangerous to swim]
Danger: Strong currents.

Warning of immediate danger

Spoken English:
When we want to say something to warn someone about an immediate danger, we can
use phrases like careful, be careful, watch out, look out, mind:
Be careful! That chair is broken!
Watch out! You’re about to hit the car behind you.
Look out! There’s a rock falling.
Mind your step! (pay attention to the step)
Kerjakan 1 - 5
1. This notice means....
A. Throw your rubbish here
B. Do not throw your rubbish
C. Bring your own rubbish
D. Do not pick up the rubbish
2. The notice means....
A. We are not allowed to let the
door open all the time
B. We are prohibited to enter the
C. We have to take another door
to enter the room
D. We are not permitted to open
the door
3. This notice means....
A. We are allowed to cut
B. We are allowed to pick up
C. We must not walk on
D. We must not clean
4. This notice means....
A. You must go surfing
B. You must sell surfing
C. You are not allowed to go
D. You are not allowed to sell
surfing equipment
5. This notice means....
A. We are allowed to mix food
and chemicals here
B. We have to add chemical
materials on food
C. We can put chemicals ain the
store room
D. We can only put food in the

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