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SUM This is used to add two or more numbers
together. Cell references are used in this
Separate numbers or cell references by
commas then it will automatically be
Example: =SUM(9 , 14) or SUM (A1,B3) or
For range of cells, separate them with a
Example: =SUM(A2:C9)

AVERAGE This is used to calculate average of a series

of numbers.
Example: =AVERAGE(A1:A10)
COUNT This is used to count the number of
cells in a range that have numbers in
them. For instance , if there are 5 cells
that contain numbers in A1 to A15,
then the result is 5.
Example: =COUNT(A1:A15)
COUNTA This is used to count the number of
cells that have numbers and/or any
other characters in them. It works with
all data types.
LEN This is used to return the length of a
string or an entry.
Example: =LEN(enterpreneurship) is 16
FORMULAS - are combinations
of functions, operands, and
operations. These are used like
when you are manually
For example, you could put your hanging
organizer budget into a formula like this:

Remaining cash = total cost of materials-labor

Input the formula in Excel:

=82-30, then press Enter. The answer is 52,

which is the remaining cash for your hanging
organizer project.
Using spreadsheet serves different
purposes in almost every profession.
These include the following:
1. Spreadsheets are used as
calculators to automatically calculate
the values entered.
2. Spreadsheets are used as
tables to track personal
investments, expenses,
inventory, address,
telephone numbers, among
3. Spreadsheets are used to
graph, analyze, and store
4. Spreadsheets are used for
What-if calculations. You may
change one number in a
spreadsheet and all the
calculations in a large
spreadsheet will recalculate,
will automatically change.
Write True on the line if the statement is
correct and False if it is not.
__1. The COUNT is used to calculate the
number of cells in a range that have
numbers in them.
__2. There are only four functions in MS
__3. The LEN formula counts the number
of characters in a cell.
__4. Functions are combinations of
functions, operands and operations.
__5. Average is used to add two or
more numbers together.
__6. Formulas always start with an
equal sign.
__7. Without an equal sign, Excel will
not calculate a result.
B. Write three purposes of using

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