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Vectors give you better resolution
Animación - Animation
I make animations of movies
Paleta - Palette
In the palette you can put various colors
Saturación - Saturation
saturation colors
Bitácora - binnacle

Here we capture our sketches

Simetría - symmetry
always keep symmetry in mind
Teoria del Color - Theory of Color

With color theory you can create great illustrations

Volumen - Volume
Figures must have volume
Resolución - Resolution

Try to increase the resolution of your image

RGB is for screens
Punto - Point

The point is the beginning of any stroke

Sensor - Sensor

The camera sensor captures the image

Análogo - Analogous

I do analog drawings very well

Boceto - Sketch

This is the sketch of my character

Cámara - Camera

I like to take photos with my camera

Diseño - Design

Graphic design seeks to innovate every day

Escala - Scale

Use a smaller scale for your plane

Isotipo - Isotype

the isotype is a drawing

Logotipo - Logo

the logo represents a brand

Mandala - mandala

mandalas have many colors

Mapa de bits - Bitmap

a bitmap is very pixelated

Marca - Brand

the brand is important for the products

Margen -Margin

are the measures to respect

Modulo - Module

the modules are beautiful images

Sombras - Shadows

shadows enhance a drawing

Sucesión de Fibonacci-
Fibonacci succession
We use this to make cimetric drawings
Textura - Texture

textures make a drawing look better

Tipografía - Typography

It is the font that we can use

Visor - Viewfinder

used to look at what we are going to capture

Obturación - obturation

helps us capture the image

Plano - Plane

the plane divides a space

Plano - Plane

the plane divides a space

Patrón - Pattern

In your animation I can see a pattern of events

Opacidad - Opacity

opacity obscures the drawings

Mosaicos - mosaics

mosaics generate very nice images

Línea - Line

the line helps us form many drawings

Colores Fríos - Cold colors

are these that derive from the blues

Ley de tercios - Thirds law

divide the image to see the most important

Jerarquía - Hierarchy

show the most important

Imaginación - Imagination

imagination helps us fly

Dispersión - Scatter
You must scatter your images a little, they are very close
Cuentagotas - Dropper

we use it to copy colors

Creatividad - Creativity

creativity helps us create wonderful things

Colores Cálidos - Warm colors

You should use more warm colors

Contraste - Contrast

is the balance between one color and another

Cuadricula - Grind

the grid serves as a guide in a drawing

Branding - Branding

helps us to make ourselves known in the industry

Programas - program

we use them to create

Computador - computer

it is our tool to work

Edición - Edition

we create the magic and the products

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