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Dialectic Method
 In the previous example, your two classmates were able to conclude that it is
better to study in the morning after having analyzed the facts that they
presented to each other. To come up with that, they used a process
called dialectics or the dialectic method.
 The term 'dialectic' comes from the Greek word dialektike which means 'the art of
 It is the act of talking back and forth, disagreeing with one another, and arguing about
contentious issues.
 In philosophy, it is a method of coming up with a conclusion from an exchange of
contradicting logical arguments.
 The aim of dialectics, as a process of the dialogue, is the clarification of controversial notions
and arguments with other people. In this process, personal and shared conceptions should be
considered and corrected.
 Many philosophers, such as Hegel, Aristotle, and Socrates, had their own beliefs and
explanations about this approach; however, the basic concept remains to be the same.
 discussing the pros and cons of a variety of human resource strategies as forms
of managing employees in the workplace, then choosing the best option
 evaluating two physical activities regarding their ability to increase work
Dialectic or Socratic
 Both the Socratic method and the dialectic method are based on a dialogue between two
or more people who may hold differing views but wish to pursue the truth by seeking
agreement with one another. To avoid confusions between the two methods, study the
chart of comparison below.
Opinion and Truth
 The dialectic method may involve both opinions and facts as long as they are
logical and lead to the truth. It is therefore important to distinguish opinion
from truth.
 An opinion is a personal view formed about a particular matter, such as your
perception of using e-books rather than actual books.
 Truth is something that has real and proven existence regardless of one’s
opinion, such as the fact that the heart is a muscle.
The Dialectic Method Leads to Wisdom and Truth
 The dialectic method can easily be seen in the day-to-day interactions of
people. It is much like a debate that poses two clashing but valid arguments to
determine an endpoint that is correct and true. In this sense, the truth of both
arguments is always expected to rise from each conversation.
Prepared by: SIR MAX

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