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Social Linguistics.

Pros and Cons.

Sociolinguistics is the study that is concerned with the
interaction of language and setting. It is the study that is concerned
with investigating the relationship between language and society
with the goal of a better understanding of the structure of language
and of how languages function in communication.

Slang is unconventional words or phrases that
express either something new or something old in
a new way.

Slang appeared in the twentieth century and firstly

used by criminal classes and black communities in
London. Criminal classes used slang as a secret, whereas
the black communities used slang as a protest to the
white community who become the majority.
- Slang incorporates different backgrounds and makes the British
language multicultural, reflecting our diverse population. Slang in
London can be a hybrid of Cockney, West Indian, West African,
Bangladeshi and more depending on where you are!

Examples of Cockney Rhyming Slang:

• Adam and Eve = believe = as in «would you Adam and Eve it?"
• I suppose = nose
• Ones and twos = shoes
- Slang offers a different level of communication and emotion within it.

Teen slang words that show emotions:

• Dope - Cool or awesome
• GOAT - "Greatest of All Time«
• Gucci - Good, cool, or going well
• Emo - Someone who is emotional or a drama queen
• OMG - An abbreviation for «Oh my God»
• Salty - Bitter, angry, agitated
- It shows our individuality and flexibility within the language.
BAE – baby (someone u love), slay – upset, on fleek – stylish, extremely
good, savage – brutal
- Using slang makes you desirable. Thus, you demonstrate that you are
in tunes with the times and that you know what is culturally in
fashion. In addition, you prove how well you master the situation.

Speaking about People or Relationships we can use such words as:

Cap - Fake or a lie

Noob - who is bad at something
Fam - Group of friends
Tool - Someone who is stupid, rude
A Karen - a petty middle-aged woman, who is rude 
Bruh - Bro or dude
Squad - Group of friends hang out together
- It is very difficult for beginner learner would hardly understand the meaning of a
slang expression.
- Parents often complain they cannot understand their children’s slang, there is never
any real danger that members of groups who interact regularly will lose linguistic
- Learners claim to be a part of a particular group by using the slang associated with a
particular social group. If you use the group’s slang language, you will be included in
the group. If not, exclusion occurs.

- E.g. Hospital slang

- Learners claim to be a part of a particular group by using the slang associated with a
particular social group. If you use the group’s slang language, you will be included in
the group. If not, exclusion occurs.

- E.g. Hospital slang

- Some people struggle to get through a sentence without saying “innit” or “do
you know what I mean”.
- Not everyone uses slang at the right time (a job interview in NOT the right
- People can be prejudiced against those who speak a lot of slang.
- Slang can be offensive.
Thank you for
your attention!!!

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