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The learners should be able to:

 Enumerate steps in solving problems involving
 Solve problems involving functions
 Develop perseverance in solving problems
involving functions.
Solving Real-Life
Problems Involving

Is a rule of correspondence between two non-empty sets, such that to each element of the
first set called domain, there corresponds one and only element of the second set called range

In functional notation: F(x)=y

Piecewise Functions

are functions that may be represented by a combination of equations


Miguel is a senior high school student who

commutes from home to school which is 15 km
apart. There are two modes of transportation the
first one is through jeep and the other one is
through tricycle. In riding a jeepney the fare
charge ₱9.00 for the first 4 km travel and ₱0.75
for each additional kilometer. Meanwhile in riding
a tricycle the fare would be ₱10.00 for the first 1
km travel and ₱1 for each additional kilometer.
Will you help Miguel analyze his situation?

1. If you are Miguel and decided to ride in a jeepney, how

much will be your fare?

2. If you decided to ride in a tricycle how much will be

your fare?

3. Is it advantageous to ride a jeepney instead of tricycle?

Or to ride a tricycle instead of jeepney? What would it be?

4. If you are Miguel, which between the two modes of

transportation will you choose? Why?
A proposed Light Rail Transit System Line 1
(LRT-1) fare would charge ₱18.00 for the first
four stations and ₱5.00 for each additional
station over the proposed fare.

a. Find the fare function f(x) where x

represents the number of stations traveled

b. Find the proposed fare for 15 stations

c. Find the proposed fare for 20 stations

George Polya’s 4 – Step Rule
1. Explore. This step involves careful reading, analyzing, identifying the
given and unknown facts in the problem and expressing the unknown in terms
of variables.

2. Plan. In this step, writing an equation that describes the relationships

between or among the variables is involve.
3. Solve. This step requires working out with the written equation and other
number relations to determine the required quantities that answer the
question in the problem.
4. Check. The final step that employ the use of other approaches to examine
the appropriateness of the answer.
1. Explore
Let x= no. of stations travelled

Some conditions set

x-4= no. of stations traveled over & above 4 stations

2. Plan
If we travelled up to 4 stations
f(x) = 18 for 0 < 𝑥≤ 4
If we travelled up to 4 stations
If we travelled more than 4 stations f(x) = 18 for 0 < 𝑥≤ 4
f(x) = 18 + 5(x – 4)

f(x) = 18 + 5x – 20
f(x) = 5x – 2
If we travelled more than 4 stations

f(x) = 18 + 5(x – 4)

f(x) = 18 + 5x – 20
f(x) = 5x – 2
3. Solve
For  problem b, substitute

For problem c, substitute
15 to the function 20 to the function

4. Check
To check for our answer, we can use tables or graphs.
Thus, the proposed fare for 15-station travel is ₱73.00
And the proposed fare for 20-station travel is ₱98.00
Lucena Network charges ₱450.00 monthly cable
connection fee plus ₱130.00 for each hour of pay-
per-view (PPV) event regardless of a full hour or a
fraction of an hour.

a. Find payment function f(x) where x represents

the number of PPV hours.

b. What is the monthly bill of a customer who

watched 25 hours of PPV events?

c. What is the monthly bill of a customer who

watched 0.5 hour of PPV events?
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
In your own words, what
are the procedures in
solving problems involving
Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer. Show your
M ultipl e C hoic e. C ho os e the letter of th e best ans w e r an d w rite it o n your a nsw er
s heet . S ho w yo ur s olution if nec es sary s ince it s 1 poi nt as w ell.
For n um bers 1 - 5 us e the problem bel ow:
Em m a nu el d ecide d t o put up a c an dy sho p t hat s e lls a da iry choc olate th a t cos t
₱ 135.00 pe r p ack. T he c o st of m akin g t he c ho co late is ₱ 90.0 0 a nd th e op e rating
expens e is ₱ 4,50 0.00
1. W hich of the follow ing perta ins to th e profit fu nction?
a. P(x) = 45x – 4,500 c. P(x) = 45x + 4,500
b. P(x) = 225x – 4,500 d. P(x) = 225x + 4,500
2. How many p ac ks of dairy c hoc olate m us t be so ld to br eak even?
a. 50 b. 100 c. 150 d. 200
3. W hic h v alu e of x w ill ma ke Em m a nue l’s c andy s ho p s uff e r los s fo r s elli ng
pac ks o f c hoc olates ?
a. x > 100 c. x < 100 d. x ≥
b. x ≤ 100 100
4. How m any c hoc olat e bars m us t be s old if Emm anu el w ant ed to earn a pr ofit
of ₱ 6,750.00?
a. 100 b. 150 c. 250 d. 350
5. How mu ch is the ga in if Em m a nue l so ld 35 0 pac ks o f c hoc olates ?
a. ₱ 6,750.0 0 b. ₱ 9,750.0 0 c. ₱ 11.250. 00 d. ₱ 15,250. 00
For n um bers 6 - 10 us e the probl em below
M arie l w ante d to avai l a cel lpho ne p la n t hat offers a m o nthl y fe e o f ₱ 2,500 .00. It
inc lud es 2 40 mi nutes of c all a nd c harg es ₱ 7.50 for eac h add itiona l m in u te of
us age.
6. W hic h o f t he follow i ng pertai ns to the mo nt hly c os t func tio n?
a. C(x) = 2,50 0 -18 00x c. C(x) = 700 + 7.5 0x
b. C(x) = 2,50 0 + 180 0x d. C(x) = 700 – 7. 50x
7. W hat valu e of x w ill no t requi re any a ddit ional ch arg e in he r m o nth ly bill?
a. x > b. x < 240 d. x ≤
240 c. x ≥ 240 240
8. How m any add it io nal mi nutes o f c all d id s h e m ake, if s h e pa id ₱ 2,8 00.0 0 in
her m onthly bi ll?
a. 20 m inutes b. 40 m inu tes c. 60 m inut es d. 80 m inu tes
9. How m uch is h er m ont hly c o st inc urre d if s h e m a de an add itio nal us age of
20 m inutes of c all?
a. ₱ 2,500.0 0 b. ₱ 2,600.0 0 c. ₱ 2,650.0 0 d. ₱ 3,350.0 0
10. Ho w m uc h w ill sh e n ee d to pay from us ing a to tal o f 350 m inutes of
c all in o ne m o nth?
a. ₱ 950.0 0
b. ₱ 2,610.0 0
c. ₱ 3,325.0 0
M ultiple C hoice. C hoose the letter of th e best ans we r an d write it on your a ns w er
s heet. S ho w your so lutio n if nec es sary sinc e its 1 point as w ell.
For num b ers 1 - 5 use the problem b elow:
Em ma nue l d ecide d to put up a candy shop that s ells a da iry chocolate th a t cost
₱ 135.00 pe r pack. The cos t of makin g the choco late is ₱ 90.0 0 a nd th e op erating
expens e is ₱ 4,50 0.00
1. W hich of the follow ing perta ins to th e profit function?
a. P(x) = 45x – 4,500 c. P(x) = 45 x + 4,500
b. P(x) = 225x – 4,500 d. P(x) = 225x + 4,500
2. How many p acks of dairy cho colate must be sold to break even?
a. 50 b. 100 c. 150 d. 200
3. W hic h valu e of x w ill ma ke E mma nuel’s candy s hop suff er loss for selling
packs of choc olates?
a. x> 100 c. x< 100 d. x ≥
b. x≤ 100 100
4. How many cho colate bars must be so ld if Emmanu el want ed to earn a pr ofit
of ₱ 6,750.00?
a. 100 b. 150 c. 250 d. 350
5. How muc h is the ga in if Emma nue l so ld 35 0 packs of chocolates?
a. ₱ 6,750.0 0 b. ₱ 9,750.0 0 c. ₱ 11.250. 00 d. ₱ 15,250. 00
For num b ers 6 - 10 use the problem b elow
M arie l w anted to avail a cellpho ne p la n that offers a monthly fee of ₱ 2,500 .00. It
includ es 2 40 minutes of call a nd c harg es ₱ 7.50 for each add itiona l m in ute o f
u sage.
6. W hic h of the follow ing pertains to the monthly co st fu nction?
a. C(x) = 2,50 0 -18 00x c. C(x) = 700 + 7.5 0x
b. C(x) = 2,50 0 + 180 0x d. C(x) = 700 – 7. 50x
7. W hat valu e of x w ill not require any a ddit ional c h arg e in he r month ly bill?
a. x > b. x < 240 d. x ≤
240 c. x ≥ 240 240
8. How many add itional minutes of c all d id sh e m ake, if sh e pa id ₱ 2,8 00.0 0 in
her monthly bill?
a. 20 m inutes b. 40 m inutes c. 60 m inutes d. 80 m inutes
9. How much is h er mont hly cos t incurred if sh e ma de an add itional us age of
20 minutes of call?
a. ₱ 2,500.0 0 b. ₱ 2,600.0 0 c. ₱ 2,650.0 0 d. ₱ 3,350.0 0
10. How muc h w ill sh e n ee d to pay from using a total of 350 m inutes of
call in o ne mo nth?
a. ₱ 950.0 0
b. ₱2,610.0 0
c. ₱3,325.0 0
10 8 6

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