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Describing Things

Bonifasia Ekta Fima N., M.Pd.

How to describe something around us?
1. Size: big, small, long, tall, tiny, huge, etc
2. Colour: red, blue, purple, green, black, yellow, etc
3. Shape: rectangle, square, sphere, cone, etc
4. Material: silk, cotton, steel, wood, plastic, etc
5. Quantity: much, many, a lot, etc
6. Feels like...: snow, fire, sand, etc
7. Sounds like...: thunder, wind, etc
8. Tastes like...: sugar, salt, etc
9. Smells like...: flower, cake,smoke, etc
What are their shapes?

glass gold copper

metal aluminium wax
wood brass fur
plastic fibre leather
bronze clay paper
silver concrete sand
steel rubber diamond
stone marble porcelain
silk cotton wool
Look around you! What can you find?

• There is a/an ...

• There are .....
• There is a pen in the drawer.
• There are some books on the
• There are a pair of shoes under
my seat.
• Pour the milk into a glass.
Asking for the object’s appearance and information
• What does (the object) look like?  It looks like a big car
• What is (the object) made of?  It’s made of steel
• What is (the object) used for?  It’s used for plowing soil
• What is (the object’s) color?  It's grey
• How big is (the object)?  It is really huge
• Can (the object) be eaten?
 No, I don't think so
• Is (the object) smooth when you
 No, it's rough
touch it?
• Where did you see (the object)?  I saw it near the field
• What is the name of (the object)?  It's tractor
Please describe these things
Conversation 1
Farrel: Guys! Guys! Listen up! I have great news to tell you!
Chicky: Oh, really? I hope you are not coming with another lie anymore
Shania: Wow, you look so serious. What kind of news is that?
Farrel: Oh, please… I’m telling real news right now. Last night, I saw a mysterious
flying object on the night sky. You may be familiar by calling it UFO
Chicky: See… here you go with your lies again
Shania: UFO? Do you mean it’s like an alien’s spacecraft?
Farrel: Yes…! Yes…! Oh, come on! I am not joking around, Chicky. It’s real. I saw it
clearly with both of my eyes.
Shania: Well, what did it look like?
Farrel: Just like you’ve ever seen in movies, it looked like a spacecraft. It floated
around the sky. There were many colorful lights on it.
Shania: Did it move so fast? How could you see it with your bare eyes?
Farrel: No, it didn’t move so fast. Therefore, I could see it clearly with my both eyes.
Shania : Was it huge?
Farrel : I am not really sure. But, I think it was a little bigger than a helicopter.
Shania : Did it emit sound?
Farrel: No, I guess. It was so silent.
Chicky : You could have been mistaken. Maybe it was an airplane. Did you use any tool
to see it? Like telescope or binocular?
Farrel: I am extremely sure that it wasn’t an airplane. I know exactly how an airplane
looks like. It was really a different one. No, I didn’t use my binocular. It was clear
enough to see with bare eyes.
Chicky : Did you take a photo of that flying object?
Farrel : Unfortunately, when I was going to grab my digital camera, it disappeared.
Chicky : Well, with no strong proof I cannot fully believe in your story
Farrel: Oh, come on, Chicky.
Shania : I don’t know if it was a real UFO or not but you are lucky to see it, Farrel.
Farrel: Thank, Shania. I wish I could see it again someday.
Decribing Rooms I have my own room. In my
room there is a bed, table,
chair and wardrobe. The
wall is painted white. There
are book selves above the
table and a lamp on the
table. There are drawers
under the table. Beside my
bed, there is a window on
the right, so I can have fresh
air when I open it.
Describing Rooms
Can you describe your outfit?
• I'm wearing ....
• She's wearing...
• He's wearing..
• You're wearing...

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