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Group 4

Class 20TA1
01 Did you hear or see a weather forecast this morning? If so, what did the forecast predict? Was it correct?


Yes, I did. The forecast predicted

this morning had main cloudy
with a little drizzle, light
northerly wind at 18 km/h,
maximum temperature 27℃,
humidity 74%
Do you usually watch or listen to
02 weather forecasts? Explain.
No, I don’t.
I don't follow forecasts on the TV but I do check a weather
app I have on my phone to see the temperatures every day
and to check the humidity. Besides, I often read online
newspapers to update the weather situation of where I live
and the surrounding areas.
How did you feel about storms
03 as a child?

As a child, I felt scared and worried when
it were strong winds outside but also very
happy the whole family gather together
because of lose power and no one is
allowed to go out during the storm.
In your opinion, what temperature is
04 too hot? Too cold?
- My opinion, if enviroment is from 33℃ or more, calulated
according to an even number, from 34℃ to over 40℃, then the
ability to eliminate heat by radiation route is inactivated,on the
contrary,the body will receive more heat from the environment.
This is oficially caaled a hot microclimate.
- Extreme cold is defined as temperatures close to freezing in
areas where winter weather is not too cold. Any time the
temperature drops below normal and the wind speed increases
the body can lose heat faster.
What do you remember about the
05 worst storm you've ever

I remember, last year’s hurricane #10 was by for the

worst storm I’ve ever seen. In the central provinces
heavy rainfall resulted in flooding. The provinces of
Ha Tinh, Quang Binh, Quang Tri were the worst
affected. It also caused landslides at the Rao Trang 3
hydropower facility, which resulted in the deaths of
scores of soldiers and labores.
In your opinion, what is
06 "perfect weather"?


In my opinion, “perfect weather”

is a pleasant and cool time in the
morning, the sky is clean and the
sun is not too hot, very suitable
for sightseeing, swimming.
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