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How does the snake venom affect the

human body?
 What is snake venom?How
many types of snake venom are
there?What is snake venom
made of?
 Snake venom is a modified saliva. It is made of enzymes and proteins.Snakes uses
their venom to kill their prey and to defend against predators.There are three types of
snake venom,haemotoxic,cytotoxic and neurotoxic venom.
Cytotoxic venom has a localized action
Hemotoxin targets the circulatory
on the site of the bite.The venom works
system and destroy red blood Neurotoxic venom targets the nervous
on a molecular level by destroying the
cells.Vipers such as system.It damages brain cells and
cell membrane of the cell.
rattlesnakes,copperheads,and nerves which carry signals around the
cottonmouths have primarily body.Elapid Snakes such as cobras
hemotoxic venom. carry neurotoxin in their venom.

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