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Ni Nyoman Diah Anisya Putri

Ni Made Nova Anggreni


Sri Lestariani Siallagan 038

Nanda Aisyah Putri Wardani


Anissya Chyndiana
Definition Of Protein
Protein is an important building block in the human life cycle.
Protein is used as a body building substance to replace and maintain
damaged body cells, reproduction, digesting food and the continuity of
normal processes in the body. Sources of protein are nuts and their
processed products, eggs, anchovies, fresh fish, meat, shrimp, milk and
so on need to be added to the diet as a blood additive to prevent and
treat anemia.
Protein Function
Forming tissue in the period of Provides the necessary amino
01 growth and development of the 03 acids to form enzymes digestion
body. and metabolism as well as the
necessary antibodies.

Maintain body tissue, repair and Regulates the balance of water

02 replace damaged tissue 04 contained in three compartments,
or die. namely:intracellular,extracellular/int
racellular and intravascular.
The Role Of
Protein has an important role for the body, however, consuming too
much animal protein will make it difficult for the digestive system to be
completely broken down and absorbed because food that cannot be
absorbed by the body will accumulate and eventually decompose in the
intestines. Toxins produced by food debris that accumulate will be
neutralized by the liver. This condition causes most of the enzymes in the
intestines and liver to drain their energy just to protect the body from
toxins in the digestive tract. The loss obtained by the body is that protein
will be wasted through urine.
Protein Source
Vegetable Protein

Nearly 70% of the world's supply of protein comes

from plant materials (plant products), mainly from
grains (cereals) and nuts. Vegetables and fruits do
not contribute protein in significant amounts, most
of the world's population uses cereals (especially
rice, wheat and corn) as the main source of calories,
which is also an important source of protein.
Vegetable protein
Protein Source
Animal Protein

Animal products that are commonly used

as a source of protein are meat, eggs,
milk and fish. Animal protein is referred
to as a complete and high-quality protein,
because it contains complete essential
amino acids whose composition is close
to what is needed by the body.
Animal Protein

CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including

icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik.

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