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Miksi, Ereksi
Fungsi Organ
• Kontraksi peristaltik ureter 1-5x/menit
• Oblique entering  menjepit ureter (no sphincter)
memproduksi sperma dan hormon testosteron
Sperm mature and stored
Duktus Deferens
Vesikula Seminalis
Secretion of thick fluid that contains the sugar fructose, proteins, citric acid,
inorganic phosphorus, potassium, and prostaglandins.
Prostate gland
produce the fluid that nourishes and transports sperm (seminal fluid).
Bulbourethral gland or Cowper's gland
- memproduksi pelumas saluran kemih
- membantu menetralisir keasaman di saluran
kemih, yang terbentuk akibat sisa urine
Proses Miksi VU dewasa dapat tampung
250 ml sebelum reseptor
regang teraktifkan


Refleks berkemih bayi (refleks spinal) 

segera setelah vu terisi cukup untuk
memicu refleks
Impulses from the brain and local nerves cause the corpora cavernosa to relax, allowing blood to flow in
and fill the open spaces. The blood creates pressure in the corpora cavernosa, making the penis expand
and creating an erection

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