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2. RESKI AMALIA RAMADANI ( 4520032012 )

Papaya (Carica papaya L.) is a plant originating from southern Mexico and
northern parts of South America and is now widely distributed throughout the
world. Papaya is a fruit plant from the Caricaceae family and is a horticultural
commodity that has high economic value.
How to plant papaya is quite easy to do. The process of planting papaya
fruit is:

Understand the

Prepare Land and
Planting Terms and
Prepare The Seeds 02 Plant Seeds

03 Water the Papaya

Plant 04 Do Weeding and Give
Additional Fertilizer
Nutritional content and benefits
of papaya
- Papaya fruit contains a variety of nutrients that are good for
the body, such as: Vitamins, such as vitamin A, vitamin B,
vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin K, Fiber, Calcium, Potassium,
Folate, Magnesium

- the benefits of papaya fruit for the body, such as: Maintain eye
health, Maintain healthy hair and nails, Restore sunburned
skin, Smooth digestion
how to handle post-harvest papaya fruit
1. Harvesting
Harvesting is an important stage in post-harvest handling of horticulture. This
activity must be done carefully to avoid cuts and bruises on the skin of the fruit.
Because, the fruit will be easily infected by bacteria and fungi.

2. Preliminary sorting
Preliminary sorting or sorting of fruit in the field is carried out to separate fruit
that is not suitable for marketing.

3. Washing
Washing is needed to remove dirt, foreign objects and remove the sap on the
fruit skin.
4. Wax Coating
Wax coating or waxing is done to suppress the respiration rate so that the
chemical changes that occur during slowdown are relatively inhibited and
will prolong the shelf life of the fruit
5. Sorting
Fruit Sorting Papayas are selected based on color index, skin, weight, size and
shape. The fruit should be uniform in color and shape.
6. Packaging
Packaging of food products is part of activities to extend shelf life. This is done
by wrapping the papaya fruit with white polyurethane foam to keep the fruit
from bruising.
7. Transportation
The means of transportation for local markets are usually not equipped with
refrigeration equipment

Jam is a semi-solid or thick food, which is made of

45 parts weight of fruit pulp and 55 parts by weight
of sugar. Fruit pulp is the flesh of the fruit has
been smoothed. Jam is obtained by heating a
mixture of fruit pulp with sugar, then concentrated
by heating with fire moderate to sugar content to
1. Stripping
Peeling papaya fruit aims to separate the ingredients that suitable for
.processing with materials that are not suitable for processing

Washing papaya fruit .2

Washing will reduce or eliminate similar ingredients wax (wax)/sap
that coats the skin on some types of agricultural products like fruit,
to protect the dirt attached to the fruit which can indicate the
presence of a population of microorganisms, to remove any
.residual insecticide

Destruction .3
The addition of this water is intended to facilitate the crushing
process Papaya flesh, while cornstarch to make the porridge
thicker Resulting from
Cooking .4
The ripening stage is the most critical stage, seven stages of cooking to
remove the raw smell of papaya fruit. Cooking is done at a temperature
that is neither too low nor too high. Temperatures that are too low give
rise to a low odor, on the other hand, temperatures that are too high cause

Cooling .5
Cooling in making jam aims to make the texture of the jam good. The process
.of cooling the jam is approximately up to a temperature of 40oC

Packaging .6
Packaging is also called wrapping, container or packing. The presence of a
container or wrapper can help prevent or educe, protect food ingredients or
products contained therein, And protect against pollution hazards as well
.as physical hazards (friction collisions, and vibration)
Papaya Fruit Marketing

Marketing is a social and managerial process by

which individuals and groups obtain what they need
and want through the creation and exchange of
products and value with others. Marketing is
generally seen as the task of creating, promoting,
and delivering goods and services to consumers and
other companies.
1. Fermers 3. Retailer Merchant
2. Entrepreneur partner The retailers in question are
Farmers are producers who traders who buy papaya from
produce papaya. Sales are made The sales function is certainly the production site, and resell it
by farmers in the form of carried out by partner entrepreneurs in the form of papaya that is
ownership transfer from farmers in relation to the transfer of still intact (unprocessed).
to the next marketing chain. ownership to retailers or agents. Before making a purchase, the
Partner entrepreneurs market papaya brought by the
papaya from farmers to farmer/supplier is first taken to
4. Collecting Merchants supermarkets using one truck. the warehouse to be sorted and
checked for quality
Collectors buy papaya directly from Usually farmers sell papayas that
have not been cleaned and consist (standardization). Then, the
farmers by going directly to their
of various sizes and levels of papaya is put into
homes or to farmers' gardens.
maturity, therefore partner shops/markets to be sold to
Physical activities such as cleaning,
entrepreneurs need to carry out consumers.
sorting, transporting and loading
and unloading are carried out by cleaning and sorting functions.
collecting traders.
CREDITS: This presentation template
was created by Slidesgo, including
icons by Flaticon and infographics &
images by Freepik

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