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Art of

Integral part in European history

• All the way to the modern times art has been use to
communicate ideologist and belief systems prevalent within
there context Greek and Romans Civilizations where also known
as Classical World because both cultures aimed to embody, the
highest possible standard of quality in all aspects of their
They Valued Art Involved Man
The center
•Painting of society
Poetry •Sculpture and how
they trained
•Architecture their minds
Drama *one is required to
could be the
have certain skill very
sets and body of foundation of
Philosophy knowledge how they
lived their
Political Ideals lives.
The framework for Nature
the democratic
Greeks were
form of government notably passionate
in modern times. about natural
phenomenon and
believed that

A NC I E NT GR E E C E nature should be in
perfect order.
Geometric Period Archaic Period
•Time when Greece starting to •The period placed
get back from the onslaught of importance on human figure.
what seemed to be their Dark •This was primarily a
Ages •A period when result of Greece’s
geometric shapes trading activities with
and patterns have other civilizations
taken spotlight in
most of the Kore,
artworks. by Aristion
(550-540 BC)

The peak of
Greek sculpture Time of Alexander
and architecture the Great
The time when the Art was primarily
Greeks found themselves focused on showcasing
rebuilding their temples emotions and depicting
and focusing creating
artworks reality

Classical Period Hellenistic Period

Laocoon, a Trojan
priest, and his sons
being strangled by “Laocoon and
serpents. Their position his sons”
was a result of locoon’s
because he felt that the
wooden horse offered by
the Greeks as a gift to
Athena was a trick.
Poseidon, the Greek God
of the sea was enlarged
by such action which
led him to send serpents
to strangle Laocoon and
his sons.
The origins of theater and drama can be
traced back during the Greek civilization

The followers of Dionysus―god of

fertility – started the Greek theater.
People who were devoted to
Dionysus would dance during
ceremonies while giving their
offerings to their god. eventually, the
Dionysians devised a more
structured form of drama involving
dances and choral songs, which
depicted Greek mythologies.
Eventually the Greeks organized
theatrical contests where the
performance were held in front of
large citizens.
Fusion Greek and
Roman cultures can be •Look Stem, harsh, BUILDERS
seen in most Roman and strong
artworks •Invoke the principles
of realism
•Highlighting the
HELLENISTIC features of
PERIOD human being
•Roman civilization Emperor Vespasian
came from this age •Amphitheater was planned
and constructed during his
500 BCE Platus and
•The Roman Terence
Republic was •Writers of comedy
have patterned
established their works to
•Western Europe’s
mightiest empire
ANCIENT ROME those of Greek
Fusion Greek and
Roman cultures can be •Look Stem, harsh, BUILDERS
seen in most Roman and strong
artworks •Invoke the principles
of realism
•Highlighting the
HELLENISTIC features of
PERIOD human being
•Roman civilization Emperor Vespasian
came from this age •Amphitheater was planned
and constructed during his
500 BCE Platus and
•The Roman Terence
Republic was •Writers of comedy
have patterned
established their works to
•Western Europe’s
mightiest empire
ANCIENT ROME those of Greek
Just like the
Greeks, the
romans valued
their gods and
this was evident
with their
sculptures and

Perseus and Medusa

Products are copied from Scriptures were done by hand
Christian scripture

Great cathedrals were also

CHURCH built.
was the central Inspired
figure and by the old
authority of the empire
Characterized ROMANESQUE
by ignorance 1050-1200
and darkness
Period between Roman
empire and the

Northern flavor from the
Goths—vulgar and
The End

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