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an Pe m b ela jaran
Mahasiswa mamp (v o c abu la ry) terkait
s a k a ta
1. Memahami ko engobatan)
g a n m e d ica ti o n (p
den rh ana berkaitan
i b a c a a n s e d e
2. Memaham
dengan topik med
u n ik a si d e ng a n bahasa Inggris
3. Berkom
a ita n d en g an to pik medication
t s ” in
F i ve 1. Right Drug/Medicine (Tepat Obat)
The “ ation 2. Right Dose (Tepat Dosis)

edi c 3. Right Route (Tepat Cara)

m 4. Right Patient (Tepat Pasien)
5. Right Time (Tepat Waktu)
[Spanyol 101]
Types of
Capsules /ˈkæp.sjuːls/

Types of

She takes capsules once a day to reduce the pain.

DROP /drɒp/

Types of

You should put the drops into your right eye every two hours
INHALER /ɪnˈheɪ.lər/

Types of

You may put this inhaler by your mouth twice a day

INJECTION /ɪnˈdʒek.ʃən/

Types of

His next injection will be at 10.00 p.m

IV/INTRAVENOUS DRIP /ˌɪn.trəˈviː.nəs/ /drɪp/

Types of

The nurse administers the vitamin IV drip to boost energy of patient.

OINTMENT /ˈɔɪnt.mənt/

Types of

You have got a burn scar. it will get better if you apply some ointment on the skin regularly.
SPRAY /spreɪ/

Types of

Nasal spray is used to give emergency treatment into the nose


Types of

The doctor will insert suppository drug into the rectum every six
SYRUP /ˈsɪr.əp/

Types of

Please, give him a spoonful cough syrup three times a day

TABLETS/PILLS /ˈtæb.lət/ /pɪl/

Types of

The patient takes two tablets of painkiller once a day

The Route
By Mouth : Lewat mulut

Types of
Into a vein: melalui pembuluh darah

Types of
Into the eye: melalui mata

Types of
Into the muscle: Ke dalam otot

Types of
Into the ear: ke dalam telinga

Types of
Into the nose: ke dalam hidung

Types of
Into the rectum: ke dalam anus

Types of
On the skin: pada kulit

Types of
Under the tongue: di bawah lidah

Types of
once a d
ay : sekali s
twice a d ehari
ay : d
e nt three tim
es a day
ua kali se
p a ti every (fo
ur) hour
: tiga kal
i sehari
t he e ? every ot
her day
s : tiap
(4) jam
n n
[Spanyol 101]

h e di c i sekali : tiap du
a hari
W m e after me
ke s before m
a ls : s
eals : se ah makan
ta at bedtim
belum m
: menjela akan
ng tidur
dizziness : pusing
diarrhea : diare
headache : sakit kepala

Side Effects
nausea : mual
skin rash : ruam kulit

(Efek Samping)
stomachache : sakit perut
[Spanyol 101] swelling : bengkak
vomiting : muntah
tremors : menggigil
drowsiness : ngantuk
constipation : susah BAB
loss of appetite : hilang nafsu makan
p le s i n se nt en c e s dizzines : pusing
Exam diarrhoea : diare
headache : sakit kepala
nausea : mual
1. You may suffer a dizziness after taking this pill. skin rash : ruam kulit
2. It is also possible to have diarrhea after taking stomachache : sakit perut
this tablet. swelling : bengkak
3. You might feel nauseous after the treatment. vomiting : muntah
4. The side effect of the skin treatment is a skin tremors : menggigil
rash drowsiness : ngantuk
5. This injection can cause swelling constipation : susah BAB
6. The cough syrup may cause drowsiness. loss of appetite : hilang nafsu makan

You/She/He + May/Might + Verb 1 …

Reading Comprehension (Memahami Bacaan)

Today we’re talking about side effects. We’ll look at the

most common drugs first. As you know, some patients
Vocabulary of Text
suffer the same side effects either. Let’s consider
ibuprofen, for example, a very common pain medication.
Side effect : efek samping Some people may suffer dizziness and others might feel
Suffer : mengalami nauseous. It’s also possible to have diarrhea, vomiting,,
Pain : nyeri
even headache with this type of pain medication. Injecting
Dizziness: pusing
drugs intravenously may cause swelling at the injection
Experience: mengalami
site for some patients. Stomachaches are a side effect of
Drowsiness: mengantuk some anti-allergy drugs, as well as loss of appetite and
constipation. Patients who take Valium may experience
drowsiness; others may get a skin rash. Tremors are
another side effect of this drug.
Reading Comprehension (Memahami Bacaan)

Today we’re talking about side effects. We’ll look at the

most common drugs first. As you know, some patients
Questions suffer the same side effects either. Let’s consider
ibuprofen, for example, a very common pain medication.
Some people may suffer dizziness and others might feel
1. What the text talks about? (Teks tersebut membahas nauseous. It’s also possible to have diarrhea, vomiting,,
tentang apa?) even headache with this type of pain medication. Injecting
2. What are the side effects of taking ibuprofen? drugs intravenously may cause swelling at the injection
3. What are the side effects of taking Valium? site for some patients. Stomachaches are a side effect of
some anti-allergy drugs, as well as loss of appetite and
constipation. Patients who take Valium may experience
drowsiness; others may get a skin rash. Tremors are
another side effect of this drug.

N : Nurse
P : Patient

N : Good morning, Katy. How are you feeling?

P : A little tired.
N : Do you still have the nausea?
Examples of dialogue related to the Medication
P : Yes, I do
N : OK. I can give you something to control the nausea if
you want.
P : Oh yes, please.
N : Do you have enough water? Good. Please, take two
tablets now. You can swallow them with water.
P : Thank you, Nurse.

N : Nurse
B : Mrs. Benson

B : I think I’ll have to give my husband his drops. Ted

won’t be able to do it himself.
Examples of dialogue related to the Medication
N : Yes, I think you’re right.
B : What is the dosage?
N : That’s three drops into his right ear right now, Mrs.
Benson, and then again just before he goes to bed.
B : OK. That’s easy enough. Thanks for your help.
N : You’re welcome.

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