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Using Social
Ms. Riza King, RPm
Guidance Coordinator
Ms. Rossana M. Naguit, RPm
Guidance Designate
What Teachers Should Not Do On Social Media

• Post anything during class

Students taking a test? This is not the time for a Twitter post. Put the
phone away and don’t log in to a desktop account, either. You’re being
paid to monitor the kids and teach them.
Mix school and personal

• Are you teaching photography and want to create a class Instagram

account? You already have an Instagram account.
• Don’t mix the two. Make a new, separate account for class purposes ,
and keep all personal posts off the class account.
Post anything kid-unfriendly

• Everything you post has to be family-friendly. You have to assume

parents and administrators can access to your accounts and are
monitoring you. A post could always be seen by accident as social
media companies occasionally change how their privacy settings
Befriend your students except in limited cases with the school’s permission

• You can make your personal accounts private or locked (and still be
cautious about what you post).
• Find a relatively impersonal way to stay in contact with students for
school business, such as a text list from a separate phone that you use
only for school purposes.
Engage in real rivalry
• Good-natured jokes during times that the school is aware that you and
your colleagues will be in a race to accomplish a school-related goal
may be fine in limited circumstances. But real rivalry that produces
insults, passive-aggressive comments, and snark is not appropriate. It
sets a bad example for the students and does nothing to further
education. If you have problems with another colleague’s behavior or
methods, take it to the principal- not Twitter/facebook.
• The online presence of teachers and
school administrators in participating on
Facebook, Instagram and other social
NOTRE DAME media sites; and other Blog or Vlog sites
serves various purposes aligned with the
GUIDELINES vision and mission of the school.

FOR USE OF • These Guidelines shall apply to all

SOCIAL MEDIA use of social media by academic
and non-academic employees,
whether for professional, academic
or business.
I. Speak with Confidence

• 1.If you are posting about the School, identify your designation and your role. You may be a
member of the faculty, an administrator, or an employee of the School.
2. You represent your office, profession, and the entire School community. Make sure that your
online posts and comments reflect your competency pertaining to your work, your
department, and your knowledge about the School.
3. Speak only about what you know. Consider linking or referring to official School website or the
School’s Facebook page (or other social media accounts ) for matters outside of your expertise
or competency.
4. If you are asked about the official position of the School on a particular issue, do not give your
personal opinion. Rather refer the inquiry to School’s official or designated spokesperson or
seek prior approval of the School if you wish to speak on the latter’s behalf.
II. Add Value
• Consider the value of your post and comment before you shared or send.
• If what you are posting assets others in the education community, provides fresh and
insightful comments; including your peers, parents, and students; or solves a problem, you
are adding value.
• Similarly, if your contribution promotes an atmosphere of mutual respect in the education
community; or improves the image of the school and it’s services, it is adding value.

III. Be careful in sharing your photos or videos.

• Always remember, a person who places a photograph on the internet is deemed to have
intended to forsake and renounce all privacy rights to such imagery.

IV. Be Appropriate

• Never post anything that might be offensive to others, such as sexual comments, insulting
posts, gender sensitive posts, arrogant behavior, or posts that make fun of others
especially members of the education community.
V. Be Broadminded
• Be respectful to all others online even when you disagree with other commentators or posts.
• Always advocate your views and points based on facts.
• Avoid speaking negatively about other people, including other schools in any way.
• Engaging in arguments and inflammatory debates can tarnish your credibility and reputation, and by
association, that of the school.

VI. Obey School Policies

• The standard for conduct and prohibition of certain acts as provided in the school policies (e.g. faculty
and administrative manuals) extend to your activities in cyberspace and social media at all times even
off-campus and beyond school hours.
• Do not bully, harass or discriminate against fellow faculty, administrators, or employees, defame or
disparage them.

VII. Protect Privacy

• Do not use social media to disclose confidential or proprietary information of the School to violate the
individual privacy of your students.
• Do not post photos of students on your Facebook or other social media accounts without their
parent’s consent;
• Do not post grades or academic exercises of student’s online;
• Do not post or share personal information of the Students online (e.g. name, section, student
number, address, contact details, and name of parents)
VIII. Respond to your Mistakes Immediately

• Be respectful to all others online even when you disagree with other commentators or
• Always advocate your views and points based on facts.
• Avoid speaking negatively about other people, including other schools in any way.
• Engaging in arguments and inflammatory debates can tarnish your credibility and
reputation, and by association, that of the school.

IX. Be aware that you can be subject to disciplinary action for violation of
this Guidelines.

• Any violation of this Guidelines will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action including
termination of employment as provided under the School’s Employees Manual and other
relevant laws and regulations.
• Work ethics is a set of moral
principles or values that an
employee abides by and uses in
their job performance. It covers an
employee's behavior and attitude
towards their job, career, and the
1. Focus and Persistence
2. Finish Tasks in a Timely and Efficient Manner

3. Be punctual

4. Be Professional
• Information Service​
• Individual Inventory Routine Interview​

• Consultation- students and parents​

• Referral System - the services of medical

specialists beyond the scope and expertise of the
Guidance Program.​

• Psychological Assessment- tests of mental ability,

aptitude, personality and interests.​
• Career Guidance/ Pathing-facilitate conduct of
career talk, orientation  for graduating students, to
help them equip knowledge about their career
preferences  or interest in different schools for
Junior High & Senior High​
Google forms
• Individual ANECDOTAL
• elementary

• Request for Home Visitation

• Exit Interview
• elementary
Like and Follow​


Ms. Riza M. King Ms. Rossana Marie Naguit



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