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Hope and the Virtues of Faith

and Love
1. To understand and relation of the virtue of
hope with faith and love.
2. To deepen the application of the virtue of
hope in one’s life.
3. To strengthen the virtue of hope that one
Let us try then to compare and contrast these three
virtues so that we will have an idea on how they
complement each other.
FAITH - complete trust or confidence in someone or something.

HOPE - to cherish a desire with anticipation : to want something to happen

or be true, to expect with confidence : trust

LOVE - is truly the most powerful force of life, it ignites our emotions, guides
us in a positive light and brings meaning to our lives.
How we can apply Faith, Hope and Love in the following instances?

Dealing with a lazy sibling:

•Faith ___________________________________________________________
•Hope _____________________________________________________________
•Love _____________________________________________________________
How we can apply faith, hope and love in
the following instances?
Consoling a recently orphaned friend:
•Faith ___________________________________________________________
When do we believe someone?

1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________
When do we Hope for someone?

1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________
When do we love someone?

1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________
1 Corinthian 13
This is not a common order whenever
these three virtues are combined, but
this time this is to give emphasis on
the virtue of hope so as to show how
hope may lead to faith and love and
how hope compliments faith and love.
The basic Connection of Hope with Faith and Hope with love.

• Every Christian hopes for the greater things of

life. Although this self-motivation hope begins as
an ordinary hope, it is still a hope toward
happiness. This inborn hope has been rooted in
every soul through the goodness and grace of
God. God hears the call of His servant which he
has made to hope.(Ps.119:49)
As the Christian searches in
faith toward the better things
of life, he hopes to find the
answer that will bring him an
extremely happy existence.
Through the Holy Spirit, by
faith, the Christian eagerly
wait for the hope of
righteousness. (Gal.5.5)
Guided by the Holy Spirit, the
Christian’s faithful pursuit in
hope of finding joy and peace is
directed toward the truth of God.
LOVE the knowledge of truth result
from faith in God. from faith and
knowledge of truth, the Christian
can then have hope, directing his
intention toward the right goal
• The Theological virtues are the foundation of
Christian moral activity; they animate it give it its
special character. They inform ang give life to all the
moral virtues. They are infused by God into the souls
of the faithful to make them capable of acting as his
children and of meriting eternal life. They are the
pledge of the presence and action of the Holy Spirit
in the faculties of the human being. There are three
theological virtues: Faith, Hope and Charity(Love).
• By Faith, we believe in God and believe all that
he has revealed to us and that Holy Church
proposes for our belief. “By hope we desire, and
with steadfast trust await from God, Eternal life
and the graces to merit it. By charity, we love
God above all things and our neighbor as
ourselves for love of God. Charity, the form of all
the virtues, ”binds everything together in perfect
In all its essence, hope has a deep meaning that leads to
faith and love. When there is hope, the virtues of faith
and love may be assured. These three may be presented
in the Bible in different ways and weights but they
never outdo each other. Hope withstands everything
and with that, it is something that may strengthen faith
and lead someone to one.
A part of maturing in our faith means that we must
be living witnesses of these virtues, which we may carry
out through various actions. See in the Gospel of St.
Matthew 25:31-46.
• Hope connected with love, hope is an act of love for the self
and to God and to all persons, For to hope would mean that
we are not giving up and we have decided to continue on
• Hope connected with faith, acting upon hope is an act of
faith, to go on after being hopeless is a great sign of faith.
• The three virtues are equally important in a person’s
growth. As believer of God and His works, these three
virtues should not overpower each other for they are all
essential in the gaining of the rewards of God.
In our daily life, whether we are aware
or not, we are exercising the theological
virtues. They are basic to our everyday
living. We believe, hope, and love in
many ways. We believe on what others
say. We hope of change for something
better. We love the people close to us.
• As mature Christians, we must act holistically and
integrally. The virtues of faith, hope and love must be
evident in all our actions.
• Write a commitment letter expressing how you are going
to live a life exhibiting faith, hope, and love. And display
or hang it in your room.

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