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Erdl Inci

Name: Erdl Inci I will be influenced by Erdl Inci to

Country they are from: Turkey make objects move in a creative way
Name of GIF: Hiearapolis in my photos like he has done in this
Year GIF was made: 2013 GIF.
The project is called “Clones project”.

What does the GIF show?: The GIF shows

Where have they focused the camera?:
lights moving in a wave motion.
What is the main focus?: The main focus is the They haven’t focused the camera on one
lights moving. specific place.
What do you like about the GIF?: I like that the Aperture setting: They have used a long
lights look cool moving up and down.
depth of field.
How have they used lighting?: The only
lighting in the GIF is the lights that move. Shutter speed: I think they have used a
How was the GIF made?: I think the GIF was slow shutter speed.
made by use a time lapse.

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