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1. Latifatus Saadah (63030210160)
2. Azman Najid Hudaya (63030210161)
3. Azzahra Nur Fahmi (63030210166)
4. Kurnia Ayu Puspita (63030210167)
5. Inka Agustira (63030210168)
Present Perfect Tense
Present perfect tense is a verb form that represents a situation or action that began in
the past but is still happening. It's possible that the situation or action has ended or is
still happening.

For example :
If we have finished our breakfast but are still full or not hungry, this is an example of a
situation in which the present perfect tense is appropriate.
The Function of Present Perfect Tense
1. For talking about a situation that started sometime in the past and continues in the
It is very possible that the situation can continue into the future too.

Example :
~ I have known Sue for five years.
~ My father has worked here for seven years.

2. For actions which happened at an unstated indefinite time in the past.

Example :
~ My parents have bought a new horse.
~ Jack has been to London twice.
The Function of Present Perfect Tense

3. For actions result of a past event is still noticeable at the present moment.

Example :
They have just painted the walls.
The Formula of Present Perfect Tense
Positive Form
S + have/has + verb 3 + rest of the sentence
Example :
• He has completed the mission.
• I have eaten an apple.

Negative Form
S + have/has + not + verb 3 + rest of the sentence
Example :
• He has not completed the mission.
• I have not eaten an apple.
The Formula of Present Perfect Tense
Question Form
Yes/ No Question :
Have/has + s + verb 3 + rest of the sentence?
Example :
• Has he completed the mission?
• Have I eaten an apple?

Wh - Question :
Wh - word + have/has + s + verb 3 + rest of the
Example :
• What have you made for a dinner?
• I can't find my books. Where have they gone?
Adverb in Since means "sejak", is used to indicate when the action started. While
for means "selama", revealing a certain period of time (a period of

the Present
a)We've lived here for thirthy seven years.

Perfect b) She hasn't met her parents since January.

c) She hasn't met her parents for more than six months.


Example Present Perfect Sentence Positive (+) :

- My sister has started a new job this week.
- She has already submitted her paper.

Example Present Perfect Sentence Negative (-) :

- My sister has not started a new business.
- Julia hasn’t finished her Science project.

Example Present Perfect Sentence Question (?) :

- Has your sister started a new business?
- Has Julia finished her Science project?

my sister just graduated from university, and now my sister has started a
new job this week, unlike her friend named julia, she will graduate if she
has submitted her paper
6 months have passed, my sister wants to start a new business for side
income, but to this day my sister has not started a new business. As for
Julia, she focuses on completing her science project, but until now Julia
hasn't finished her science project, maybe because of her busy class
One time when I was at the office I met my best friend who is also Julia's
sister, she asked about my sister "Has your sister started a new
business?" I answered "yes yesterday she just started" then I asked
about her sister julia "has julia finished her science project?" she replied
"no, I think she has a very busy schedule"
Miftachudin.dkk. 2019. English for Scholarships. Salatiga: UPTPB IAIN Salatiga

Tahang, Heriyanti. "Understanding the Function of Present Perfect Tense through EGRA
Implementation in EFL Classroom." Qalam: Jurnal Ilmu Kependidikan 9.1 (2020): 26-35.

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