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ME 206T
 Shape functions
 Natural Co-ordinate System

 Numerical

 Displacement, Stress and Strain Relationship

 Derivation of Element Stiffness Matrix

 Direct Equilibrium Method
 Work or Energy Methods
Shape Functions
 Global (left) and Natural (right) Co-
ordinate system

2x  x1 
 1
x2  x1
Shape Function in Natural
Coordinate system
 Shape functions are used to
interpolate the deflections or degrees
of freedom within the element
Shape Function in Natural
Coordinate system
 Let us assume shape functions N1 and

1 1 
N1  N2 
2 2
Shape Function in Natural
Coordinate system
 Linear Displacement Field

u  N1q1  N 2 q2
 Determine the temperature at x = 40
mm, if the temperature at nodes Øi =
120 C, Øj = 80 C and xi = 10 mm, xj = 60
Displacement, Strain and Stress
 Displacement u  Nq
 Strain
  Bq
 Stress
  EBq
Displacement, Strain and Stress
 We have
 Matrix for Shape Function N  N1 N2 

 q1 
 Displacement Vector
q 
q2 
B   1 1
 Constant Matrix le
Element Stiffness Matrix
 Element Stiffness Matrix relates the
local displacements with the local forces
 Local with respect to the element

 Three common approaches to derive

the element stiffness matrix:
 Direct Equilibrium Method
 Work or Energy Methods
 Methods of Weighted Residuals
Direct Equilibrium Method
 Relationship between nodal forces
and nodal displacements is obtained
using force equilibrium conditions and
force-deformation relations

 Easily adaptable to 1D elements

Direct Equilibrium Method
 We shall proceed with linear spring

 k is the spring constant or stiffness of

the spring
 Analogies to spring constant will arise in
various other Engineering problems
Direct Equilibrium Method
 Let the spring be subjected to nodal tensile

 Deformed Spring
Direct Equilibrium Method
 Using Equilibrium equations, we have

T  k d 2 x  d1x 

f1x  T f2 x  T

 f1 x   k  k   d1 x 
    
 f 2 x   k k  d 2 x 

 We thus have the element stiffness matrix

Work or Energy Methods
 Useful for 2D and 3D elements

 The principle of virtual work (using virtual

displacements), the principle of minimum
potential energy, and Castigliano’s theorem are
commonly used for deriving the element
stiffness matrix

 The principle of minimum potential energy is

considered to be the better option and will be
Potential Energy Method
 Applicable to materials having elastic

 Principle of minimum potential energy is

stated as follows:
 “Of all the geometrically possible shapes that
a body can assume, the true one,
corresponding to the satisfaction of stable
equilibrium of the body, is identified by a
minimum value of the total potential energy.”
Potential Energy Method
 Total potential energy is defined as the sum of the internal strain
energy U and the potential energy of the external forces W

  U W
 Strain energy is the capacity of internal forces (or stresses) to do
work through deformations (strains) in the structure

 W is the capacity of forces such as body forces, surface traction

forces, and applied nodal forces to do work through deformation
of the structure, often referred to as Work Potential

 Body forces and surface traction forces are usually neglected

Potential Energy Method
 Consider a linear spring

 We then have the relationship:

1 2
  kx  Fx
Potential Energy Method
 Considering in terms of nodal forces

 We then have the relationship:

  k d 2 x  d1x   f1x d1x  f 2 x d 2 x

Potential Energy Method
 Using mathematics for minimization,
we can get:

k  k   d1 x   f1 x 
 k    
 k  d 2 x   f 2 x 

 We thus have the element stiffness

“Women marry men
hoping they will change.

Men marry women hoping

they will not.

So each is inevitably

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