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I. Identification. Direction: Identify the name of each icon. Type your answer in
WPS || Word Document.

5 9
1 13 17

2 6 10 14 18

3 7 11 15 19

8 20
4 12 16
II. Essay. Directions: Answer the following questions. Type your
answer in WPS || Word Document.
1. How does Empowerment Technology help you
as a student? (2 paragraphs)
2. What are the technology trends we need to
know about? (2 paragraphs)
3. As a student, what will be your contribution to
empower the ICT to your society?
(2 paragraphs)
4. How does online communication affect us?
(2 paragraphs)
5. Is it possible to live without the internet and
social media nowadays? (2 paragraphs)
Where and when to send your answers?

1. Save it using the ff: format:

LastName-FirstName- Strand-Section
Example: Ramos – Wendy – BAED-ICT2112-44

2. Send it to

3. The deadline of submission is on Nov. 11, 2021 @ 7PM.

Note: If you don’t have MS Word || WPS apps then

“Compose” an email in your Gmail address and send your
answers to the email address above.

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