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Research Title:

Effect of Different Levels of

Sargassum crassifolium and
Molasses on the Germination of
Inbred (NSIC Rc222) Variety of Rice
(Oryza sativa)

Rice is the world's most important food crop and a primary

source of food for more than half of the world's population.
More than 90% of the world's rice is grown and consumed in
Asia where 60% of the earth's people live. Rice accounts for
35 to 75% of the calories consumed by more than 3 billion
Asians. It is planted to about 154 million hectares annually or
on about 11% of the world's cultivated land.

Rice(Oryza sativa) is staple food mainly used in Asia. It is

also used by approximately ahalf of the world's population.
Nowadaysit iscultivated in almost allareas withalot of water
and warm climate. Acommonly accepted view for a long
time wasthat the earliest records of domesticated rice are
probably those from southern China, from the Yangtze river

Sargassum crassifolium is a species of brown algae in the family

Molasses or black treacle is a viscous substance resulting from refining
sugarcane or sugar beets into sugar. Molasses varies in the amount of
sugar, method of extraction and age of the plant. Sugarcane molasses is
primarily used to sweeten and flavor foods in the United States, Canada
and elsewhere.
Germination, the sprouting of a seed, spore, or other reproductive
body, usually after a period of dormancy. The absorption of water, the
passage of time, chilling, warming, oxygen availability, and light
exposure may all operate in initiating the process.
Materials and Method

There were five treatments done in three replications: Treatment A 100

mL Sargassum crassifolium extract in 900 mL distilled water; Treatment
B 100 mL Molasses in 900 mL distilled Treatment c- 100 ml Sargassum
crassifolium extract and 100 mL Molasses in 800 mL distilled water;
Treatment D - 50 mL. Sargassum crassifolium extract and 50 mL Molasses
in 900 mt distilled water; Treatment E- 25 mL Sargassum crassifolium
extract and 25 mL Molasses in 950 mL distilled water and Control - 1000
mL Distilled water. The height of the seedlings wasmeasured in
centimeter, number of roots and number of leaveswere counted
manually after 14 days of exposure to the differenttreatment.
Materials and Method

ANOVA results revealed that Treatment D got the highest mean in terms
of height of the seedling (8.5 cm) with a p-value of 1.33E-06 and number
of roots (11.7) with a p-value of 6.01E-06 while Treatment E got the
highest result in terms of number of leaves (3.7) having a p-value of
3.63E-06. Since all the p-values were less than 5 level of significance,
the Null hypotheses were rejected and that Sargassum crassifolium
extract and Molasses in different concentrations can be used as seed
germinating enchancer for Inhybrid (NSIC Rc222) variety of rice (oryza
Materials and Method
Implication and Conclusions

After the 14days past there was an effect of the sargassum

crassifolium and molasses on the height, number of roots and
number of lives on the growth of rice therefore I conclude that
using sargassum crassifolium and molasses to the Varity of rise can
be helpful to people and farmers to be used as germinating seed
enhancer for inbred varity of rice.
I conclude that treatment D is most effective in terms of Heigth
and Number of Roots, and treatment E in terms of Number of
Leaves after 14 days of exposure to the different treatments.

I’d like to thank my self because of the hard work and had to put
more on understanding the study even though I’m not sure if it is
right. Thank fully I finish it with my own understanding about this
topic in the activity.

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