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Tourism Poster/Presentation

Writer: Sean Chandavid

Presenter: Ou Jame / Sean Chandavid

Hello guys, today I’m doing to talking about a

country the name of the country is
Cambodia is in Asia and there
are 16.72 million population living in Cambodia.
there are 2 season in

Cambodia it is dry (October to late April) and

wet (May to late September).
This Phot o b y Unknown Author is licensed unde r CC B Y - S A - N C
This is the Cambodia flag.
This is Cambodia map
favorite food for every morning it’s call kuy
teav, This Cambodia popular street food
dish is how most Cambodians start the day.
Now I’m going to talk about 3 places to visit
when u are in Cambodia, going with the first

1. Angkor Wat Angkor Wat is the most

popular tourist destination which is located
in Siem Reap province. Angkor
Wat surrounded by water and forest. The
temple of Angkor Wat itself, the world’s
largest religious building. Angkor Wat
almost 900 years old. Cambodia -
welcoming 2 million visitors every year. The
most popular time to visit Angkor Wat is in
the early hours of the morning; to witness a
beautiful sunrise over.
The second one is Sihanoukville Beaches,

Brash Ochheuteal Beach and the

Serendipity Beach area are the most
popular sandy strips and in recent years
have emerged as one of Southeast Asia's
backpacker party areas. There is many
kind of beautiful and luxury resort to stay
in. the sea water is so clear we nearly can
see through it.
For number 3 is Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh is
a capital state of Cambodia that have lots of
tall and big building surrounding. Phnom
Penh have many places to visit like the royal
palace, Cambodia's most cosmopolitan
destination, with a café and restaurant. You
need Toul Sleng museum has lots of history
while Cambodia suffered under Khmer Rouge
The history of visual arts in Cambodia
stretches back centuries to ancient crafts;
Khmer art reached its peak during the Angkor
period. Traditional Cambodian arts and crafts
include textiles
, for young people they like to wear a normal
shirt and skirt for adult girls they like to wear
the skirt called sompot in Cambodia.
Cambodian farmer like cow and ox because
they are easy to do farming, most Cambodian
like to do farming because they could sell it to
other country in an affordable price.
The best way to travel is travelling by a
plane it is faster by travelling by car and
train is really not a good way in Cambodia
because it is really slow
took around 1 hour and 15 minutes to
travel from Thailand to Cambodia. The best
time to visit Cambodia is between
November and April, when it sees very little
rain. During this time you'll see clear blue
skies making it a great time to enjoy a
relaxing getaway.
Finally, I’d like to express our appreciation and
gratitude to everyone for your time and

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