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What Are the Benefits of Effective
Communication in the Workplace?
Effective verbal and nonverbal communication
skills are valuable in the workplace. Some
companies spend a lot of money to train their
employees on how to effectively communicate.
Good communication skills go beyond
conversations, but employees must know how
to communicate well in written reports and
emails. Understanding the benefits of effective
communication helps companies place a focus
on developing a workforce that is able to
Helps with Diversity

Companies that provide communication training

to domestic and international employees reap
the benefits of effective workplace
communication. Companies can avoid cultural
confusion and miscommunication by training
international employers early in their careers
and on a regular basis. Effective communication
causes productivity to increase, errors to
decrease and operations to run smoother.
Global Business

With global business transactions continually

increasing, the need for effective communication
to meet global demands is also increasing.
Managers and employees must know how to
effectively communicate with the company's
international counterpart. Effective
communication is important for businesses
looking to expand beyond its domestic borders.
Team Building

Effective communication reduces unnecessary

competition within departments and helps
employees work together harmoniously. The
result of a team that works together is high
productivity, integrity and responsibility. A
manager who openly communicates with his
subordinates can foster positive relationships
that benefit the company as a whole.
Employee Morale

Employees appreciate good communication

coming from management. It produces a healthy
work environment. When employees are satisfied
with their jobs, they are able to efficiently
perform their duties with a positive attitude.
Failing to communicate effectively in a workplace
leads to frustration and confusion among
employees. However, managers can alleviate
such problems by keeping the lines of
communication open.
How Effective Communication Will Help an

Communication plays a role in product

development, customer relations, employees
management - virtually every facet of a business'
operations. Employees are a key audience
because they often serve as the conduit to other
audiences. If employees are informed and
engaged, communications with other
constituencies are likely to be strong as well.
Clear Expectation
For employees, clear expectations will convey
how their performance will impact the company
and give them an indication of what they need to
do to achieve positive feedback. For customers,
clear communication can help manage their
expectations about service issues or even about
how best to interact with the organization.
Strong Relationships

Trust and loyalty are key factors in any

relationship and both are boosted by
communication that is focused on meeting
individual needs, conveying important
information and providing feedback - positive
and constructive. Strong relationships with
external audiences also build strong solid
communication about products, services and
company culture and values.
Ideas and Innovation
Open channels of communication can lead to new
ideas and innovation in a number of areas.
Employees that understand what's important to
their companies can focus on making
improvements and spotting opportunities for
innovation that can help further success.
Customer Ambassadors

The more employees know about the company, its

culture, its products and services, and its response to
any negative issues, the better job they can do of serving
as ambassadors to the community, their friends,
relatives and other business connections. Employees
who feel they have a strong, positive relationship with
their employers and trust the information they receive
from their employers will be more likely to share that
information with others. Employees can be a highly
valued and trusted source of information about a
company and its products and services.
Strong Teamwork

Effective organizational communication will lead

to strong teamwork and the ability for employees
at all levels of the organization to work together
to achieve company goals. In addition, effective
organizational communication will provide
employees the knowledge, structure and positive
work environment they need to feel comfortable
dealing with conflict and resolving issues
Communication Effectiveness

The old phrase "you can't manage what you can't

measure" is especially true when it comes to
communication. Effective communication in
organizations involves first establishing a
baseline for performance, then identifying areas
for improvement, then implementing
improvement actions and then measuring again.
It's a cycle that should be repeated regularly and
the information attained should be shared widely
with managers and employees alike.

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