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Sealant is a substance used to block the passage of fluids through the surface or joints or openings in
materials,[1] a type of mechanical seal. In building construction sealant is sometimes synonymous
with caulking and also serve the purposes of blocking dust, sound and heat transmission. Sealants
may be weak or strong, flexible or rigid, permanent or temporary. Sealants are not adhesives but
some have adhesive qualities and are called adhesive-sealants or structural sealants.
Joint sealants may be divided into three categories:
 • Preformed tapes
 • Caulks
 • Elastomeric sealants
Preformed tapes are available in rolls. They function as seals only if they are
under pressure; they are commonly used in window glazing, door jambs, and
gypsum drywall. Caulks are doughlike materials and are the first generation of
sealing compounds. Glazing putty is an example of the earliest caulks used in
buildings. It consists of nearly 12% linseed oil and 88% chalk (calcium carbonate)
that hardens as it cures (oil evaporation), leading to cracking, loss of elasticity,
and, hence, loss of its sealing ability. It is rarely used today.

 Elastomeric sealants are synthetic materials (polymers) and are the ones most commonly used in
contemporary construction. The five commonly used synthetic sealants are • Polyisobutylene •
Acrylics • Polyurethane • Polysulfide • Silicone Polyisobutylene and acrylic sealants have very low
movement ability and are used as caulking materials in joints that do not move or move very
little, such as the static joints between aluminum window frames. Polyisobutylene (referred to as
butyl caulk) has excellent resistance to water-vapor transmission. Therefore, it is commonly used
as the primary seal in an insulating glass unit. The secondary seal in an insulated glass unit is
provided by the silicone sealant because of its durability and good adhesion (Section 30.6).
Polyurethane sealant has high abrasion resistance. Therefore, it is the sealant of choice in
horizontal joints subjected to foot traffic. It has good compatibility with a wide variety of
substrates—another factor in its favor. Polysulfide sealant has excellent chemical and weathering
resistance. It is the sealant of choice for swimming pools, wastewater treatment plants, water-
treatment plants, and so on, where a durable watertight seal is required. Silicone sealant has high
strength and exceptional resistance to ultraviolet radiation. It is the only sealant that can be used
in structural glazing. Table 9.3 gives a comparative overview of three of the most commonly used
sealants— polyurethane, polysulfide, and silicone—and the following sections provide a description
of the criteria that must be considered in their selection

 The most important property of a sealant is its ability to withstand cyclic

joint movements (Section 9.7). Currently available sealants are classified into
three categories: low-range sealants, medium-range sealants, and high-range
sealants. A low-range sealant has limited movement ability, of the order of
{5% or less. These sealants include (a) oil-based caulks and (b) butyl or acrylic
caulks. Low-range sealants should be used only in a nonmoving joint. Their
principal advantage lies in their low cost. Medium-range sealants have a
movement range of up to {12.5% , and high-range sealants have a movement
range larger than {12.5% . Silicone sealants normally have the highest
movement capability, up to {50% .

 A sealant must be able to withstand movement stresses. Most joint failures

occur due to excessive tensile stress. Tensile failure may occur either at the
substrate-sealant interface (failure due to inadequate adhesion) or within the
sealant (failure due to inadequate cohesion). Modulus refers to the modulus
of elasticity of sealant, a measure of the stiffness of a material ( Chapter 4 ).
A high-modulus sealant is stiffer than a low-modulus sealant and is desirable
where joint movement is small. Thus, a high-modulus sealant is required in
structural glazing, where the stiffness of the joint between the glass and the
aluminum frame is important. A low-modulus sealant, on the other hand, is
desirable where joint movement is large and the sealant is required purely for
sealing purposes. A low-modulus sealant will be under lower stress due to
 Tooling time refers to the time (usually measured in minutes) that must be
allowed to elapse before the sealant changes from a liquid state to a
semisolid state so that it can be tooled. Cure time refers to the time it takes
for the sealant to be hardened to its final elastomeric state. Application
temperature range refers to the ambient air temperature range within which
the sealant can be applied. Performance temperature range is the range over
which the sealant will maintain its properties after it has cured.

 Life expectancy is the time (in years) after which the sealant may have to be
reapplied. Most high-grade sealants, such as the structural silicones, are
quoted by their manufacturers to have a life expectancy of 20-plus years.

 Sealants can either be one-part or two-part sealants. One-part sealants are

easier to use but generally take longer to cure and have long tack-free time.
Longer curing time means a greater delay in tooling and possible damage to
the sealant if the joint moves excessively before the sealant has fully cured.
Long tack-free time means that the sealant will tend to attract more dirt.
 1. GLUES
 a. Animal Glue -Available in either solid or liquid form. Solid glue is.melted and applied hot. It is slow setting and allows time for adjustment
to the glue joint. Animal glue has excellent bonding properties with wood, leather, paper or cloth developing up to 12,000 psi in. shear. h has
moderate resistance to heat and good resistance to cold but poor resistance to water. It cures by air drying at room temperature.
 b. Blood4Aiuminum Glue-a special animal glue made for use particularly with leather and paper. It has only very moderate bonding/power
with wood. It is usually sold as a dry powder which is mixed with water. It has fair resistance to both heat and cold but poor resistance to w
ater, will dry from 150 to 200°F.
 c. Casein Glue - made·from protein materials, is a dry powder to be mixed with water. It has good bonding powder for wood-to:wood or
paper4to-wo0d applications and will develop the full strength of the wood in most ~ituations . Casein glue has good dry heat resistance and
moderate resistance to cold. It has moderate resistance to 'J'' .. ter but does not perform well when subjected to high humidity or
wetting.and drying cycles. It is subject to attack from molds,, and other wood organisms, will dry to as low as 359f · with moderate
pressure. d. Starch and Dextrin glues-available in both dry and liquid state, the dry glue being mixed with water. They have good bond with
paper or leather and fair bond with wood, but strength does not compare with those of animal or casein glues. They have fair resistance to
heat and cold but poor resistance to water. They dry at room temperature. e. Asphalt Cements - are thermoplastic' materials made from
asphalt emulsions or asphalt cutbacks. They have a good bond to paper and concrete and are used mainly for roofing applications and for
laminating layers of wood fiberboard. They·have relatively poor resistance to heat but good resistance to cold and good water resistance. f.
CelluJose Cements-are thermoplastic in nature and have good bond to wood, paper, leather or glass, developing up to (400 psi in shear with
wood. They have moderate resistance to both heat and cold and good resistance to water. A common solvent is ethyl acetate. Cellulose
cement cures by air drying and setting. g. Chlorinated-rubber adhesive-is usually a liquid; it has good bond for paper and fair bond with wood,
metal or glass. Strength does not compare with animal or casein glues. It has moderate resistance to heat, cold, and ~ater but poor resistance
to creep. It cures by drying at room temperature. The usual solvent is ketone. h. Natural-rubber adhesives -are usually latex emulsions or
dissolved crepe rubber. They have a good bond with rubber or leather and fair bond with .wood; ceramics, or glas$, _devel<;lp_!nQ strengths
of _about ~ ~si ~n __ ~en~~~wi_!h ~ood. They haw fair resistance to heat and cold, good resistance to water, but poor resistanee to creep.
Room tempera-- ture is su!f_!cient fo~drying. i. Nitrile or Buna N rubber adhesive -available in both thermoplastic and thermosetting types. It
has good .bond with wood, paper, porcelain, enamel and polyester film or sheet. The thermosetting type will develop up to 4,00 psi shear
and the thermoplastic type up to En> psi. It has good _resistance to heat a!'ld cold and excellent water resistance, while its creep resistance
is fairty good. This adhesive cures under heat.
 j. Neoprene-rubber adhesives-are essentially thermoplastic in nature, though they may have some _thermosetting characteristics. They have
excellent bond with wood, asbestos board, metals, glass and some plastics with str~ths up to 1,200 psi in sh~ar, They have good resistance to heat
and cold and excellent resistance to water. Creep resistance is fairly good. Used to cement' plastic laminates to walls o.r flat surfaces. Aiso used in
cementing gypsum board to studs and ceiling joists and for laminating one layer of gypsum board to another .. ~. Urea formaldehyde resin glues -
available in powder-form to be mixed with water, ·and in liquid form, which requires the addition of a hardener. They are thermosetting in nature,
with excellent bond to wood, leather, or paper having a shear strength of up to 2,800 psi. They have good resistance to heat and cold and fair
resistance to water. Creep resistance is good. Wood welding can be done by applying a high-frequency electric current directly·to joint for rapid
curing. I. Phenolic Resin Glues-are made )n both dry and liquid form. They are thermosetting glues with excellent bond to wood and paper. Shear
strengths up to 2,800 psi are developed. They have excellent resistance to heat, cold, creep, and water. Some set at room temperature, while
others require a hot press. These hot-press glues are commonly used in the manufacture of plywoods. m. Melamine Resins -thermosetting glues
manufactured as a powder with a separate catalyst. They have excellent bond with wood or paper resistance to heat, cold, creep, and water are all
excellent. Melam_ine resins are cured under hot press at 300°F. Melamine-formaldehyde resin glues are manufactured as a powder mixed with-
water and may be either hot setting or intermediate-temperature·setting types. n. Resorcinol resins-are usually made as a liquid with a separate
catalyst. They have . good bond with wood or paper, developing shear strengths up to 1,950 psi with wood. They have very good resistance to heat,
cold and creep and are generally used where a · water proof joint is required. Some cure at room temperatures, while others require_ mo; derate
heat, up to 200°f. · o. Epoxy resins -are thermosetting in nature, manufactured in liquid form with a separate catalyst. The amount of catalyst
added determines the type of curing required. They have excellent bond with wood, metal, glass and masonry and are widely used in tbe
manufacture of laminated curtain-wall panels of various kinds. They are also used in making repairs to broken concrete. They have excellent
resistance to both heat and cold, while creep resistance and water resistance vary widely, depending upon how the glue is compounded. Adding a
regular catalyst, curing is by hot press, up to 3900f while adding a strong catalyst results in glue which will cure at room temperature. p. Polyvinyl-
resin adhesives-in the form of an emulsion. They have good bond with wood or paper or vinyl plastics and reasonably good bond with metal. Shear
strengths up to 1,000 psi are developed with wood. Resistance to cold is good, but heat, s;reep, and water resistance are only fair. These glues
cure at room·temperature. q. Sodium silicate adhesives-are liquids which have excellent bond with paper or-glass and reasonably good bond with
wood or metal. Resistance to heat, cold ·and creep are .. good, but water resistance is poor. Some cure at room temperature. while other require
moderate heat, in the 200°F range.

 Adhesive, also known as glue, cement, mucilage, or paste,[1] is any non-metallic substance applied to one or
both surfaces of two separate items that binds them together and resists their separation.[2]
 The use of adhesives offers certain advantages over other binding techniques such as sewing, 
mechanical fastenings, or welding. These include the ability to bind different materials together, the more
efficient distribution of stress across a joint, the cost-effectiveness of an easily mechanized process, and
greater flexibility in design. Disadvantages of adhesive use include decreased stability at high temperatures,
relative weakness in bonding large objects with a small bonding surface area, and greater difficulty in
separating objects during testing.[3] Adhesives are typically organized by the method of adhesion followed
by reactive or non-reactive, a term which refers to whether the adhesive chemically reacts in order to harden.
Alternatively, they can be organized either by their starting physical phase or whether their raw stock is of
natural or synthetic origin.
 Adhesives may be found naturally or produced synthetically. The earliest human use of adhesive-like substances
was approximately 200,000 years ago,[4] when Neanderthals produced tar from the dry distillation of birch bark
for use in binding stone tools to wooden handles.[5] The first references to adhesives in literature appeared in
approximately 2000 BC. The Greeks and Romans made great contributions to the development of adhesives. In
Europe, glue was not widely used until the period AD 1500–1700. From then until the 1900s increases in
adhesive use and discovery were relatively gradual. Only since the last century has the development of
synthetic adhesives accelerated rapidly, and innovation in the field continues to the present.
 Adhesives are typically organized by the method of adhesion. These are then
organized into reactive and non-reactive adhesives, which refers to whether
the adhesive chemically reacts in order to harden. Alternatively they can be
organized by whether the raw stock is of natural, or synthetic origin, or by
their starting physical phase

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