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Fadhillah Rahma Purba (4193342994)

C1 ( Knowledge )

1. The longest phase in mitosis is.........

a. Prophase
b. Metaphase
c. Interphase
d. Telophase
e. Anaphase

Answer : A. Prophase
C2 ( Understanding )

2. Metaphase in mitosis can be observed through the behavior of

chromosomes, namely ...

a. Chromatids move toward opposite poles away from the equatorial plane
b. Chromosomes line up in the equatorial plane, depending on the spindle fibers
c. The chromosomes return to their original shape, namely into chromatin threads
d. Chromosomes shorten, divide longitudinally to form chromatids
e. Half or half of the number of chromosomes are at their respective poles

Answer : B
C3 ( Application )

3 . The correct stages in this mitotic division are ....................

A. 3-4-1-2
B. 2-3-4-1
C. 2-3-1-4
D. 1-2-4-3
E. 1-2-3-4

Answer : B
C4 ( Analysis )

4. The following is an overview of mitotic division:

1. The nucleotides can no longer be seen

2. The chromatin threads are thickened
3. A pair of centrioles is visible
4. The chromatids arrange themselves in the cleavage plane
5. The chromatids separate towards the poles
6. Missing nucleoli

What happens to the prophase phase is a number ………

A. 1- 2- 3
B. 2- 3- 4
C. 3- 4- 5
D. 3- 4- 6
E. 2- 3- 6

Answer : E. 2-3-6
C5 (Evaluation)

5. A cell at the metaphase stage contains 92 chromatids, then at the end of the
division, two cell nuclei will be formed with the number of chromosomes

A. 12
B. 16
C. 23
D. 46
E. 92

Answer: D
C6 (Creation)

6. A student observes the root end cells of an onion that are actively dividing.
The student found a cell whose chromosome thickened core membrane did
not appear to have 2 centrioles that appeared to go to different poles. This
situation indicates that the cell is undergoing the process of cell division in
the phase ...

a. Prophase
b. Metaphase
c. Interphase
d. Telophase
e. Anaphase

Answer : A. Prophase

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