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• The atmosphere, when scaled to the size of an

apple, is no thicker than the skin on an apple.

• The atmosphere is a gas.

• The atmosphere is a fluid.

• There is a surface but no “top” – the atmosphere

gradually thins out with increasing altitude
Nitrogen 78.08%
Oxygen 20.95%
Argon 0.93% (9300 ppm)
Carbon Dioxide 0.035% (350 ppm)
Neon 18 ppm
Helium 5.2 ppm
Methane 1.4 ppm
Ozone 0.07 ppm
Water Droplets
Ice Crystals
Sulfuric Acid Aerosols
Volcanic Ash
Windblown Dust
Sea Salt
Human Pollutants

3. Composition of the Atmosphere

There are 4 layers in
the atmosphere
They are the
thermosphere, and
Defined by Temperature Profiles
 Where Weather Happens
 Ozone Layer
 Ionosphere
This is the layer that is
closest to the surface of
the earth
It’s elevation ranges
from 0 to 10 km
This layer sits on top of
the troposphere
It’s elevation ranges
from 10 km to around
25 km
This layer contains the
ozone layer, which
protects us from
harmful sunlight
This layer is above the
It’s elevation ranges
from 25 to 100 km
 This is the highest layer of
the atmosphere
 It’s height ranges from 100
to 400 km
 This is where most small
meteorites burn up and is
also the location in the
atmosphere that the
northern lights occur
(aurora borealis)
The surrounding air of the Earth
Wind. This tool measures wind
speed. It is called an anemometer.

Precipitation. Rain, snow, sleet and

hail are all forms of precipitation.

Temperature. Temperature is how

warm or cold it is outside.

Cloud Cover. There are many types

of clouds that form in different
 air temperature
 air pressure
 humidity
 clouds
 precipitation
 visibility
 wind
 average weather
• time-average
• regional (spatial) average
 extremes
 trends
Weather =
clothes for
the day

Climate =
clothes in a
NEPHOLOGY- study of clouds

Cirrus Clouds
Cumulus Clouds
Cirrocumulus Clouds
Stratocumulus Clouds
Feathery clouds
Fair weather
Gray at the base and white on top.
Fair weather
Most likely to bring afternoon shower
Low to middle water clouds with gold, pink, amber,
lavander, or rosy background at sunset
No rain likely within 20-24 hours
Dark, heavy clouds
Expect rain
1.Anemometer- measures the speed of the wind
2.Wind vane- shows the direction of the wind
3.Thermometer- measures the temperature
4.Rain gauge or Precipitation gauge- measures volume
of rain collected over a period of time
5.Barometer- measures the air pressure
Temperature: Thermometer
Pressure: Barometer
Humidity: Hygrometer
Wind Velocity and Direction:
Anemometer and Wind Vane

6. Principal weather instruments

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