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Students will stay in their seats.
Each group will choose one person that will help if needed.
Each group will select one of the five categories and the number of
Each person MUST listen to the questions and options.
Once they are told, they can raise their hand to give the answer.
If your group makes noise during the game, it will be disqualified.

Franco- Key characteristics
Types of war of the great BONUS
Prussian War
european powers

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4
5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6
7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8
9 10 9 10 9 10 9 10
1. Complete the sentence: At the end of the
_____century, many people were convinced
that was could no longer be used as a tool
of diplomacy.
a. 18th century
b. 19th century
c. 20th century
d. 21st century
2. Which of the following terms do not
describe the different types of war studied?
a. Interstate
b. Total
c. Limited
d. Cold
e. Guerrilla
f. Civil
3. Many of the wars that took place in the
20th century were?
a. Total wars
b. Interstate wars
c. Limited wars
d. Guerilla warfare
e. Civil wars
4. Which of the following does not
describe a total war?
a. Fought with a large fighting force using
b. Uses civilians for industry and home defense
c. Fighting takes place in an specific geographical
d.Government´s control is key
5. A war that uses all of its human,
economic and military resources is
known as?
a. Total war
b. Interstate war
c. Limited war
d. Guerilla warfare
e. Civil war
6. A war where there is constrained
weapons and the mobilization is not free is
know as?
a. Total wars
b. Interstate wars
c. Limited wars
d. Guerilla warfare
e. Civil wars
7. A conflict where fractions within the
same territory Clash over ethniciry,
religion, politics, territory or ideology is
known as?
a. Total wars
b. Interstate wars
c. Limited wars
d. Guerilla warfare
e. Civil wars
8. Key conflict in the 20th century, known as
unconventional due to its way of attacking?
a. Total wars
b. Interstate wars
c. Limited wars
d. Guerilla warfare
e. Civil wars
9. Which war aims to take control of the
political and legal institutions of the
a. Total wars
b. Interstate wars
c. Limited wars
d. Guerilla warfare
e. Civil wars
10. Which was is a conflict between two or
more states?
a. Total wars
b. Interstate wars
c. Limited wars
d. Guerilla warfare
e. Civil wars
1. What is known as the most brutal
destructive war in human history?
a. The Franco-Prussian war
b. The Balkan wars
c. WW1
d. WW2
e. The Cold war
2. When analyzing the causes of a key
event in history, the historians must
a. When the consequences took place
b. When the causes began
c. Who are the people involved
3. Which of the following is known as
the trigger moment for WW1 to begin?
a. The end of the Franco-Prussian War
b. The assassination of Archduke Franz
c. The creation of the German Empire
4. Which of the following conflicts
destabilized the balance of power in
Europe before the start of the 20th
a. The Napoleonic Wars
b. The Franco-Prussian war
c. WW1
d. WW2
5. Which of the following was not a reason
for Otto von Bismarck to participate in wars?
a. To consolidate smaller Germanic states into a new German
b.To consolidate Austria as the Germanic state above Prussia
c. To be the dominant Germanic state instead of Austria
6. What was a clear sign of effectiveness
of Prussia against France?
a. the use of railway
b. the use of weapons
c. the use of war techniques
7. Who in a war against Prussia lost
territory, had to pay indemnity and
suffered an occupation until the money was
a. Denmark
b. Austria
c. France
8. What kind of problems did France face
after the humilitation of the defeat
against Prussia?
a. political

b. socio-economic
c. socio-political
d. ideological
9. What was the international
consequence of the creation of
a. France was humilliated
b. Germany was a new power
c. Prussia was not a small state any
10. What did the Prussian wars of
unification offer to the rest of the
a. An emphasis in modern warfare
b. The way to become a new power
c. That
1. Which of the following was not a Great
European Power?
a. Great Britain
b. France
c. Germany
d. China
e. Austria-Hungary
f. Russia
g. Turkey
2. Who had an authoritarian system where the
power was held by the Kaiser and the Chancellor,
rapid industrialization produced a large working
a. Germany
b. Russia
c. France
d. Turkey
e. Great Britain
f. Austria-Hungary
3. Who had a large overseas investment
and an Alliance with Russia, it governments
were short-lived, creating an instability in
the nation?
a. Germany
b. Russia
c. France
d. Turkey
e. Great Britain
f. Austria-Hungary
4. Who was the first power to experience
industrialization with a vast overseas empire and
most international trader in the 19th century?
a. Germany
b. Russia
c. France
d. Turkey
e. Great Britain
f. Austria-Hungary
5. Which power was in decline, had revolts
by nationals and Islamic groups that could
not be contained?
a. Germany
b. Russia
c. France
d. Turkey
e. Great Britain
f. Austria-Hungary
6. Who had a heavy bureaucratic and
innefective state, there was industrialization
but people remained peasants?
a. Germany
b. Russia
c. France
d. Turkey
e. Great Britain
f. Austria-Hungary
7. Who lacked military strength due to the war
with Prussia, their concern was at its borders?
a. Germany
b. Russia
c. France
d. Turkey
e. Great Britain
f. Austria-Hungary
8. Who had a foreign debt and political
discontent that took the nation to a near
a. Germany
b. Russia
c. France
d. Turkey
e. Great Britain
f. Austria-Hungary
9. What was the Eastern question about?
a.What to do about the decaying Ottoman
b.What to do with the creation of a new
German State
c.What to do with France´s defeat against
the new German State
10. Which european power had people
resources as a strength and also a
a. Germany
b. Russia
c. France
d. Turkey
e. Great Britain
f. Austria-Hungary
1. Justify the following statements: The key problem of
USA was that they wanted colonies, but the world
had already been divided up by the other European

The key problem of GERMANY was that they wanted colonies, but the
world had already been divided up by the other European Powers.
2. The terms for peace were severe as the Germany
lost the territories of Alsace-Lorraine and had to
pay an indemnity and suffered a Prussian

The terms for peace were severe as the FRENCH lost the territories of
Alsace-Lorraine and had to pay an indemnity and suffered a Prussian
3. Before the Napoleonic Wars, there were 49
separate French states in Europe, the two
largest were Austria and Prussia.

AFTER the Napoleonic Wars, there were 39 separate French states in

Europe, the two largest were Austria and Prussia.
4. There was a conflict that stabilized the balance
of power in Europe before the start of the 21st

There was a conflict that DESTABILIZED the

balance of power in Europe before the start of the
20th century?
• 5. Who d
6. What do the following make reference to:
debating is prohibited, torture, enforced
disappearance and cruel, inhuman or
degrading treatment and punishment are
prohibited and bedience does not exempt
from responsibility in case of crimes.
a. Limits of the Armed forces
b. Limits of the Public force
c. Limits of the Powers of the States
7. Which is not an indicators of the State at
the service of people?
a. Percentage of students attending school, citizens
with identification documents
b. Percentage of animals in the street
c. Percentage of houses with basic services
d. Percentage of people with birth certificates,
Number of doctor per 10,000 inhabitants
8. What are the functions of the
National Police?
a. Maintain peace, order and security.
b. Defend national territory.
c. Prevent the commission of crimes,
participate in the investigation of offenses.
d. B and C
e. C and A
f. A and B
9. What are the functions of the Air force?
a. Guard the territorial sovereignty
b. Controls sea and river borders.
c. Collaborate in the economic and social
10. What is the definition of prosecute?
a. to conduct criminal proceedings in court
b. the good fortune, health, happiness,
c. a person or animal that inhabits a place

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