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Introduction of philosophy History of Philosophy

2.Meaning of Philosophy • Love and pursuit of
wisdom • Investigation of the nature, causes, principles,
knowledge based on logical reasoning rather than
empirical methods • Systematic method of evaluating
life or getting higher knowledge of the self • The word
"philosophy" comes from the Greek word (philosophia),
which literally means "love of wisdom" • The
introduction of the terms "philosopher" and
"philosophy" has been ascribed to the Greek
thinker Pythagoras
3.Types of philosophy • Eastern philosophy & Western
4.Area of enquiry • Metaphysics: Metaphysics is the
study of the most general features of reality, such
as existence, time, mind, body, properties, etc. •
Epistemology: Epistemology is concerned with the
nature and scope of knowledge, such as the
relationships between truth, belief, justification •
Logic:Logic is the study of the principles of valid
inference and correct reasoning. :mathematical logic
and philosophical logic • Ethics and political: concerned
primarily with the question of the best way to live •
Aesthetics: Aesthetics deals with beauty and art
5.Three periods of philosophy • Ancient philosophy •
literature of the Hindus, consists of books of sacred
hymns, the Rig-Veda, the Sâma-Veda, the Yagur-Veda,
and the Atharva- Veda. consist of songs of praise and
prayer directed to Agni (fire),Soma, , IndraVaruna
7.Ancient : Indian philosophy contd.. • Six great
historical systems of Indian philosophy, The Vedânta,
or Uttara-Mîmâmsâ, is first in importance among the
systematic expositions of the philosophical teachings
of the Upanishads. The Pûrva-Mîmâsâ is a system of
practical philosophy and is contained in twelve books
of Sûtras. Here the central idea is that
of duty (Dharma), which includes sacrificial
observances and rests ultimately on the superhuman
authority of the Veda. The Sâmkhya philosophy ,
or Kapila-Sûtras.. This principle is of itself lifeless and
unconscious, and rises into life and consciousness only
when contemplated by the soul (purusha). The Yoga
philosophy is contained in the Sûtras ascribed
to Patañgali, who is supposed to have lived during the
second century B.C.  Nyâya philosophy is contained in
the Nyâya-Sûtras. The founder of the system
was Gotama, or Gautama. According to this system, the
supreme resignation, or freedom, in which man's
highest happiness consists, is to be attained by a
knowledge. Nyâya philosophy came to be regarded as
sorcerer-priest. Gradually certain of these spirits had
been elevated to the dignity of gods, as, for
instance, Anu (the sky), Mul-ge, or Enum (the earth),
and Hea (the deep). • Egypt, from which this
hierarchical system of gods was evolved? Monotheism,
Polytheism, Pantheism, Henotheism, Totemism, Sun-
Worship, Nature-Worship, -- the great gods, chief
whom were Ra (the sun), Nut (heaven), and Set,
or Typhon (the earth), With regard to the speculative
elements of thought contained in the mythological
conceptions of the Egyptians, mention must be made
of the doctrine that everything living, whether it was a
god, a man, or an animal, possessed a Ka, or "shadow,"
which was in each case more real and permanent than
the object itself.
9.Ancient: Chinese Philosophy • The majority of
Chinese philosophy originates in the Spring and
Autumn and Wrring States era, during a period known
as the “Hundred Schools of Thought", which was
characterized by significant intellectual and cultural
developments. It was during this era that the major
philosophies of China, Confucianism, Mohism, Legalism
and Taoism arose, along with philosophies that later
fell into obscurity, like Agriculturalism, Naturalism and
logicians. Of the many philosophical schools of China,
founded the  Academy of Athens and wrote a number
of dialogues, which applied the Socratic method of
inquiry to examine philosophical problems.  Plato
specifically, is credited as the founder of Western
philosophy. There is considerable discussion about
why Athenian culture encouraged philosophy, but a
popular theory] says that it occurred because Athens
had a direct democracy. It is known from Plato's
writings that many sophists maintained schools of
debate, were respected members of society, and were
well paid by their students. • Plato's most outstanding
student was Aristole, perhaps the first truly systematic
philosopher. Aristotlian logic was the first type of
logic to attempt to categorize every valid syllogism.
11.Medieval period: India • The period between 5th
and 9th century CE was the most brilliant epoch in the
development of Indian philosophy as Hindu and
Buddhist philosophies flourished side by side. Of these
various schools of thought the non-dualistic Advaita
Vedanta emerged as the most influential and most
dominant school of philosophy. This means that there
is only one supreme reality, a reality called Brahman,
the supreme being. Brahman is infinite and
omnipresent (present absolutely everywhere),
therefore nothing can be added to it and furthermore,

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