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LESSON OBJECTIVES: at the end of the lesson, the student should
be able to
1. Familiarize with the parts and systems of distribution substation
2. Calculate the voltage drop of distribution feeder
The distribution system is that part of electric utility system
between the bulk power source and the customer’s service
switches. The definition includes the following component
1. Subtransmission system
2. Distribution substation
3. Distribution or primary feeders
4. Distribution transformers
5. Secondary circuits
6. Service drops
However, some distribution system engineers prefer to define the
distributions system as that part of the electric utility system
between the distribution substation and the consumer’s service
The figure shows a one line diagram of a typical distribution
system. The subtransmission circuits deliver energy bulk power
sources to the distribution substations. The subtransmission
voltage is somewhere between 12.4 and 245kv. The distribution
substation, which is made of power transformers together with the
necessary voltage regulating apparatus, buses and switchgear,
reduces the subtransmission voltage to lower primary system
voltage for local distribution. The three phase primary feeder, which
is usually operating in the range 4.16 to 34.5kv, distributes energy
from the low voltage bus of the substation to its load center where
it branches into three phase subfeeders and single laterals.
Design consideration of distribution system
Good voltage regulation of a distribution network is probably the
most important factor responsible for delivering good service to the
consumers. For this purpose, design of feeders and distributors
requires careful consideration.
(i) Feeders: A feeder is designed from the point of view of its current
carrying capacity while the voltage drop consideration is relatively
unimportant. It is because voltage drop in a feeder can be
compensated by means of voltage regulating equipment at the
(ii) Distributors: A distributor is designed from the point of view of
the voltage drop in it. It is because a distributor supplies power to
the consumers and there is a statutory limit of voltage variations at
the consumer’s terminals (± 6% of rated value). The size and
length of the distributor should be such that voltage at the
consumer’s terminals is within the permissible limits
Requirements of a good distribution system
(i) Proper voltage: One important requirement of a distribution system is
that voltage variations at consumer’s terminals should be as low as
possible. The changes in voltage are generally caused due to the
variation of load on the system. Low voltage causes loss of revenue,
inefficient lighting and possible burning out of motors. High voltage
causes lamps to burn out permanently and may cause failure of other
appliances. Therefore, a good distribution system should ensure that the
voltage variations at consumer’s terminals are within permissible limits.
The statutory limit of voltage variations is ± 6% of the rated value at the
consumer’s terminals. Thus, if the declared voltage is 230 V, then the
highest voltage of the consumer should not exceed 244 V while the
lowest voltage of the consumer should not be less than 216 V.
(ii) Availability of power on demand: Power must be available to the
consumers in any amount that they may require from time to time.
For example, motors may be started or shut down, lights may be
turned on or off, without advance warning to the electric supply
company. As electrical energy cannot be stored, therefore, the
distribution system must be capable of supplying load demands of
the consumers. This necessitates that operating staff must
continuously study load patterns to predict in advance those major
load changes that follow the known schedules.
(iii) Reliability: Modern industry is almost dependent on electric
power for its operation. Homes and office buildings are lighted,
heated, cooled and ventilated by electric power. This calls for
reliable service. Unfortunately, electric power, like everything else
that is man- made, can never be absolutely reliable. However, the
reliability can be improved to a considerable extent by (a)
interconnected system (b) reliable automatic control system (c)
providing additional reserve facilities.
Connection schemes of distribution system
1. Radial- In this system, separate feeders radiate from a single
substation and feed the distributors at one end only.
The radial system gets its name from the fact that the primary
feeders radiate from the distribution substations and branch into
subfeeders and laterals which extend into all parts of the area
2. Ring main system - In this system, the primaries of distribution
transformers form a loop .The loop circuit starts from the substation
bus-bars, makes a loop through the area to be served, and returns
to the substation
3. Interconnected systems - When the feeder ring is energised by
two or more than two generating stations or substations, it is called
inter-connected system
Factors Effecting Distribution System Losses
Factors contributing to the increase in the line losses in the primary
and secondary distribution system are:
(a) Inadequate size of conductor: As stated, rural load are usually
scattered and generally fed by radial feeders. The conductor
size of the feeders must be adequate. The size of the conductor
should be selected on the basis of km-kVA capacity of the
stranded conductors.
(b) Feeder Length: In practice, 11kV and 415V lines in rural areas are
widely extended radially over long distances to feed loads
scattered over large areas. This results in high line resistance,
low voltage and high current and therefore leads to high I2R
losses in the line.
(c) Location of distribution transformers: Often the distribution
transformers are not located centrally with respect to the customer.
Consequently, the end customers obtain an extremely low voltage
even though a reasonably good voltage level is maintained at the
transformer secondary. This again leads to higher line losses.
Therefore in order to reduce the voltage drop in the line to the
further consumers, the distribution transformer should be located
at the load center to keep voltage drop within permissible limits.
(d) Use of over rated distributed transformers: Studies on 11kV
feeders have revealed that often the rating of distribution
transformers (DTs) is much higher than the maximum kVA demand
on the low tension (LT) feeder. Over rated transformer produces an
unnecessarily high iron loss
(e) Low Voltage: Whenever the voltage applied to an induction
motor deviates from rated voltage, its performance is adversely
affected. Reduced voltage in case of an induction motor results in
higher currents drawn for the same output, which leads to higher
losses. This can be overcome by adjusting the tap changer at
power transformer and at distribution transformer, if available
(f) Low power factor: In most of the LT distribution systems, it is
found that the power factor varies from as worse as 0.65 to 0.75. A
low power factor contributes towards high distribution losses. For a
given load, if the power factor is low, the current drawn is high,
consequently the losses proportional to square of the current, will
be more. Thus, line losses owing to the poor power factor can be
reduced by improving the power factor. This can be done by
application of shunt capacitor.
Voltage drop calculations
1. A single phase AC distribution AB 300 meters long is fed from
end A and is loaded as under
a. 100A at 0.707 pf lagging 200m from point A
b. 200A at 0.8 lagging 300 m from point A
The load resistance and reactance of the distributor is 0.2 and 0.1
ohm per KM. calculate the total voltage drop in the distributor. The
load power factor refer to the voltage at the far end
2. Calculate the total voltage drop at point F (end of cable )using
K factor

For the cable r = 0.129Ω/Km

x = 0.0758Ω/Km
At 0.8 power factor
3. A three phase balanced express feeder has an impedance of 5 +
j15 ohms per phase. At the load the voltage line to line is 13.8KV
and the total three phase balanced power is 1200KW at lagging
power factor of 0.7. calculate
a. Line to line voltage at the sending end of the feeder(distribution
voltage bus)
b. Power factor at the sending end
c. Copper loss or distribution loss of the feeder
d. Power at the sending end in KW
Non three phase primary lines
A utility company strives to achieve a well balanced distribution
system in order to improve system voltage regulation by means of
equally loading each phase
Usually there are many laterals on the primary feeders that are not
necessarily on the three phase for instance, single phase which
causes voltage drop and power loss.
Comparing the voltage drop and power losses of a double phase 2
wire ungrounded system with those of three phase balance circuit
1. An AC distribution system uses single phase with conductor
parameter of 0.3+j0.8 ohms per kilometer. There are three
consumers connected in the lateral consumer A: 100A at 0.707
lagging 200m from the feeder, consumer B: 200A, 0.866 lagging
500m from the feeder and consumer C: 300A, 0.8 lagging 100m
from the consumer B. If two consumer are connected and located
100m from consumer C and they are 100m apart at 25A each,
Calculate the total voltage drop at consumer C and the voltage
drop in the distributor. The load power factor refer to the voltage at
the far end and the conductor used is all throughout.

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